mcjHipBasedPin - Freeze the position of something using the parent hip/root
it's an animation trick i often used but i had not written a version of the script that everyone can use
here's what it does
ex: you're at frame 6 of the timeline, you select the dancer's chest node
you run the script, press the "Go" button
and bam, for the whole duration of the playrange, the hip gets animated/moved in a way that keeps the chest note exactly where it was at frame 6
manual and download here:
note that this script takes care of keeping the hand, for example, at a fixed location
but re-attaching the feet to the floor is done using mcjAutoLimb and mcjKeepOrient
thank you Jacques
just tried it
and very helpful
how about a framerange to chose from ?
Thanks for another gem!
Self-pinning in space...useful to straighten spine for tipsy walk cycle...
or dangling the actor on something by the wrist, like.... at the edge of a cliff haha evil laugh!
But yeah framerange (and unpin option) would be kinda necessary I think so too?
Speaking of Autolimb...
just experimented with it (after my first encounter with horrid DS feet pinning to floor when hand-keying a simple dance-on-spot loop)
and Autolimb (I use v2015 for G3F) definitely helped a great deal! So thanks for that!
(green = before autolimb fix)