Safely Deleteing unused/unwanted files

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

In working in Daz recently, I notice that I am having to sift through and step over a lot of materials and items that I either don't want or don't use anymore. What is the best way to get rid of these items? I'm thinking I would just go into my Daz Content folder and delete them from my C drive. Will that remove them from my libraries in DS as well? I don't want to delete the files only to still have icons for them inside Daz. Won't really help my problem any. I know it sounds like a silly question but I try to never mess with my folders. Things are where I can find them and I don't want to mess that up. Any advice would be much appreciated.



  • Deleting the files will remove them from the file views - the Something Formats lists in the Content Library pane. It won't remove them from the view that use the CMS - the presets tabs in things like the Posing or Surfaces pane, the Products and Categories lists in the Content Library pane, or the Smart Content pane. Uninstalling, via DIM or Connect depending on how you installed, will remove them from the CMS too.

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    So if I uninstall from DIM will it remove them from my CMS/Daz lists AND my C drive?

  • Yes.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    The important thing tlo remember is that when you look at something in the Smart Content tab, or the Products or Categories views, you aren't looking at your content files. You're looking at entries in a database (generated when the item was installed) that drives the Smart Content etc. views. If you delete files outside of D|S, these database entries are still there but the content files will be gone. You should use the tools inside D|S or DIM to delete something properly, including these database entries.

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404
    edited August 2016

    What about 3rd Party stuff? If I installed something from renderoisty manually, can I just delete that from the C drive and it will be deleted in my content folders in My Content?

    Post edited by DDCreate on
  • It will be deleted from the drive, and therefore from the Content Library Formats folder. Did it get added to the CMS locations, via a scan for new content or caegorisation? If so you will need to manually delete the references from the database.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    Where are you having to sift through them?  This may not apply or help for your situation, but if you are using custom categories in content library, I just created a folder called something like "trash" and I categorize everything I don't want to deal with into it where I don't have to look at it.  However it's still there, so I can recover it again if years later I suddenly gain the abilty to auto-fit clothing I previously had no use for to an existing figure, or needed poser files because the ds ones didn't work in a newer version or the other way around, or I just plain old deleted it by accident, etc.

  • KNDKND Posts: 65

    I did right-click on icon>categorize>remove from all categories>accept, and the icon is gone.

    Dont know if the information is still there, but i dont have to look at empty icons anymore for stuff i deleted manually.


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