Seeking Your Advice

Hey All!
I'm in the process of taking my Sword Play: Long Swords and Poses for M4 and re-tooling it so that Genesis will have some sword poses. (Don't worry Gen4/Poser users, I'm not forgetting you, as I'm making poses for you, too.)
But the question on my mind is this: what shapes do you all want to see get support for this new pose set? I have the basic Genesis shape covered and I'd like to include support for other shapes because the shape differences do skew many poses. But the buffet of choices is huge. So, I'm asking you, the customer, what you'd like to see get supported? M4? M5? M3? H4? F4? Abominable? Help me narrow it down by telling me what you want to see.
Thanks, in advance,
M5 Heroic !
Basic Male and Female.
The Millennium Cow!
OK, so it's not out yet.
But why let a little thing like reality get in the way?
I'm sure if FeralFey asked really nice DAZ would provide the top-secret Millennium Cow beta to provide fits.
Freak and Mr. Hyde are both giants so it would be cool to include them as well
I'm sure if FeralFey asked really nice DAZ would provide the top-secret Millennium Cow beta to provide fits.
Last I heard, they were having difficulties getting the Millennium Udder to geograft properly onto the Millennium Cow. And without that, the poses would just be pointless. Lol.
I was giving some thought to including the Freak, because you're right, it would be cool. He's significantly different "spacially". Unfortunately, I don't yet have Mr. Hyde in my arsenal. If there's enough interest from others, I might consider picking him up and add some support.
I'm definitely interested in this product. In order from most preferred to least preferred: M5, V5, M5 Heroic, Basic Male, Basic Female, M4, V4, V5 Supermodel. I think those are the main ones. Others I'd like to see are D3, A3, H3, Basic Child. I don't own the F4 shape, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to use that one too (I do own F3 for Genesis, but it's not a high priority for me).
If you do the Basic Male and Basic Female, I'd be happy as a peach. M5 and V5 would be great, but I think I'd have to adjust them for my figures anyway, so the basic figures I think would be fine.
HI Scott. I'm probably going to split the female shapes from the males shapes and do a re-tooling of In Her Defense as a separate product, much like I'm doing for the Long Sword Poses for Michael 4. It's my contention that men and women carry themselves differently, and this definitely includes wielding a heavy sword! Lol.
If it were up to me, I'd include poses for all the male shapes (for this set), but as I'm already up to 28 single stance poses and 5 dueling vignettes (10 poses total), and a bunch of partial poses and expressions and two sword props (and I'm adding more as time goes by) - just for the Genesis base/basic male shape. I don't want to price this set completely out of everyone's reach, which would happen if I included ALL the Genesis shapes possible - and that wouldn't be good for any of us. Lol. I figure two or three more shapes and that makes the product both useful and a bargain.
And, since you mentioned the Basic Child, I might even consider re-tooling A Page's Life just for you. (Insert a winking smiley here. I'm protesting the current forum smileys at the moment.) I'm surprised it didn't do as well as the other sets. I mean, it has a sword pell. A sword pell! (For those of you who are reading - a sword pell is a practice device for sword drills. I made a morph so that it would go from brand new to all chopped up. Oh well...guess I didn't market it very well. But, I digress. I'll just make a better, fancier one for the re-tooled set - and because SnowSultan has been asking me for one.)
I do appreciate the time everyone has taken to respond and give me input. It's very helpful for me to know what you all, the customers, are looking for, so that I can fine tune my products. Keep letting me know!
Sounds good. For the sake of realism, splitting the male and female ones does make some sense. I think the key male shapes are M5, Basic Male, M5 Heroic, M4, and maybe F4 or D3 if you wanted to add an additional one (or substitute for M4, in case you think including that shape is redundant). I don't know about the Genesis version of A Page's Life...I mean, in theory I'm definitely interested, but assuming I get the male and female versions--which I expect I probably would--I might not want to (or have the means to) buy another set just for kids. Maybe keep it on the backburner in case DAZ makes a K5...that would be a cool item to be released alongside.
Well, if it's any consolation, a Basic Kids' version would not be as expensive, as it's more niche than the male and female sword fighting poses - and it would be more of a back-burner item. I'm still behind on my product that I was trying to make for the Supersuit release. (Hint: if you like the idea of Long Sword poses for Genesis, then you'll love my Supersuit add-on. It's just taking me longer than I had planned to get it into the store.)
And then after that, I have three other products I'm working on. So you have plenty of time to save your pennies for a Genesis version of A Page's Life. Lol. I was going to say something about maybe by then there will be K5 shape brewing, but I've not heard anything. But in the meantime RawArt has Fantasy Shapes for Genesis which might be a useful base for me to support when the time is right. Hmmm....
How about Anubis?
I love Anubis!
Perhaps I'll need to consider a Beasts' Swordplay set as well?