The Complaint Thread - The Final Countdown



  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Skiriki said:
    Like I said, if you pick manual updates, autorestart shouldn't happen either. (Or maybe that's for Pro and Ultimate versions of it, but won't hurt to test.)

    I'm tialling out those settings now... But wont know until the next update. Thanks :)

    @Jader - Thanks for the tip! I will also keep my eye on that! Damn computer corporations! I swear Microsoft, Apple and Mac are all evil empires that plan to take over the world and control us!! ... Oh wait... They're already doing so!

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,078
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Skiriki said:
    Like I said, if you pick manual updates, autorestart shouldn't happen either. (Or maybe that's for Pro and Ultimate versions of it, but won't hurt to test.)
    I just wish to point this out, I do have mine set to Manual Updates and more than one Win7 Update has set my prefs back to Auto without ever asking. I lost a full days work to that once. I now check my Prefs after every Win7 Update just to be safe. After all MS thinks they know better and will ram it down your throat if your not careful.
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,981
    edited December 1969

    tjohn said:
    Jaderail said:
    Now that KK post is what this thread is all about (IMHO). Sure have fun but really isn't venting what it's really for?

    I could VENT daily. But I see OT posts so often why bother? I'm not sure Complaint Thread is the right title any longer.

    That WAS a Complaint by the way.

    Careful, Jade. Complaining about complaining could get you caught in a reality loop.
    Kinda like "Groundhog Day" without the romance. :)
    ...The Complaining about the Complaint Thread Complaint Thread.

    Jade I hear where you are coming from.

    My week was maddening and only became worse as it went on. Yesterday put in another long day and couldn't even take a bit of time for lunch. Every time I tried to get back to my account closing something else would interrupt me like meetings, job setup, or in one case, 20 min of research for something that ended up being a "non issue". Should have finished before noon, didn't complete it until around 16:30. Then had a backlog of other daily stuff to take care of. Came extremely close to inserting the keyboard in to the monitor (love that pic. would make a great wallpaper screen).

    Went to the corner pub for a couple pints to unwind after I got home. Was so exhausted that I fell asleep at my computer (while on the forums here) until around 04:00. dragged myself into bed and slept in late. Still congested and all but for the while, relatively stress free.

    Almost thinking of taking Monday off since I got everything done and caught up so I can get a bit more rest before having to pull twelve hour shifts later next week during the inventory audit.

    The only good thing that will come out of all this whole mess is I will get a nice fat paycheque mid month.

    (non complaint) Going to get together with several friends for a "spontaneous" Thai pot luck and general socialising this evening. Nothing better than spicy Thai food to tell the germs they are not welcome.

    Right now enjoying the best cold medicine in the world - homestyle chicken noodle soup and a grilled swiss cheezy.

    ----- to general socialisng here and on the Stupid thread, it really doesn't bother me. Temporary derails are a normal part of forum life. Interesting that the "free" threads (the ones that are abandoned and turn into free for alls) generally don't last very long while this and the Stupid thread have been chugging along nicely since the old forums.

    ...though I do miss Wooly's complaints/non-complaints for the day.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,981
    edited December 1969

    yep, frame from a video from another thread were I babified a few participants.
    (inc me)

    ...the kid?
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,981
    edited December 1969

    tjohn said:
    Say hello to my new avatar. That's really me in my 1st Grade school picture (taken a few years ago). I just found this pic on my HD again recently. Now I know why this smiley :) seemed so familiar.
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,981
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    hey.....I almost didn't come in here now that I see it's supposed to be 50% less goofy!!! lol :lol:

    Hi, Everybody!!! :) :) :) *waves*

    But you didn't have a complaint


    I wonder how many people have poked in here over the years and asked "Why is it called The Complaint Thread" when there arn't any complaints?" I'll bet Richard H. knows the answer as he's had to come in many times and quiet down a philosophical discussion that got as serious as a religious or political one. In fact on one occasion he wondered it such discussions shouldn't be banned under the TOS because of this thread.
    Goofieness and being off topic in any kind of direction is NORMAL here! LOL
    ...OMG. been a while. Welcome back.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,981
    edited December 1969

    ps1borg said:
    Spyro said:
    So mimic effectively creates phonemes? (I have never used mimic so u know LOL) I always though it was built the same was as morphs. That you'd have to hand carve and shape the face in a full head morph to make one.

    You make the phoneme from whatever morphs are available and tweak in mimic. Mimic creates and exports an animated pose file you apply to the model in studio or poser or carrara or whatever, the pose file animates the model to simulate lip-sync'd speech. Usually what is available in an object can be combined in Mimic to produce something reasonable that is then applied to the object as an animated pose. it is useful even for still shots as well?

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,981
    edited December 1969

    Spyro said:

    Who the hell at Microsoft came up with the "bright" idea of auto computer updates and auto restart at the conclusion of a update?!?! I just lost my work while I was at work cos my computer decided to restart itself!!!! If I WANT to restart my computer I WILL DO IT MY SELF, WHEN I WANT TO! and the same with UPDATES!

    ..that is just one reason why I disabled the AutoUpdate feature. It screams at me every time I start up that my "system is at risk" but I have much better virus/malware protection than the Window's Firewall offers.

    Incidentally it was one of those auto updates that allowed a redirect virus to hitch a ride onto my system several years ago.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,981
    edited December 1969

    Spyro said:
    I agree! Mine is the same. And usually starts at the worst time for it to start... When I'm rendering scenes! The computer is supposed to be controlled by it's user! PC's are NOT supposed to be terminators that control themselves, and tell the user when it will do something! I only render while offline to save memory and processor resources,I put my AV into sleep mode when I'm working on a scene.

    I do keep it on when doing installs though, just in case.

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Morning. Gleaming multicoloured tin and tile roofs hunkered down under a pearly blue sky that seems to go forever in the bright sun outside my window, and quiet. The city never sleeps, but on Sundays it kind of slows right down and blinks a bit perhaps embarrassed at moving so fast during the week :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited November 2012

    ps1borg said:
    chohole said:
    hey.....I almost didn't come in here now that I see it's supposed to be 50% less goofy!!! lol :lol:

    Hi, Everybody!!! :) :) :) *waves*

    But you didn't have a complaint


    I wonder how many people have poked in here over the years and asked "Why is it called The Complaint Thread" when there arn't any complaints?" I'll bet Richard H. knows the answer as he's had to come in many times and quiet down a philosophical discussion that got as serious as a religious or political one. In fact on one occasion he wondered it such discussions shouldn't be banned under the TOS because of this thread.
    Goofieness and being off topic in any kind of direction is NORMAL here! LOL

    Is true the mods are real patient with us ;)

    Heehee.... a complaint... Well, do you really want me to get started? It might be an Epic poem by the time I

    *HI TERRE!!! :) Say hi to that old man of yours for me, too, will ya?

    Hugs back for ps1

    :) :) :)

    Right back at ya sweetie :)

    Post edited by ps1borg on
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Spyro said:

    Who the hell at Microsoft came up with the "bright" idea of auto computer updates and auto restart at the conclusion of a update?!?! I just lost my work while I was at work cos my computer decided to restart itself!!!! If I WANT to restart my computer I WILL DO IT MY SELF, WHEN I WANT TO! and the same with UPDATES!

    Like Siriki says you need to take ownership of your windows puter, out of the box all your base belong Microsoft :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ps1borg said:
    Spyro said:
    So mimic effectively creates phonemes? (I have never used mimic so u know LOL) I always though it was built the same was as morphs. That you'd have to hand carve and shape the face in a full head morph to make one.

    You make the phoneme from whatever morphs are available and tweak in mimic. Mimic creates and exports an animated pose file you apply to the model in studio or poser or carrara or whatever, the pose file animates the model to simulate lip-sync'd speech. Usually what is available in an object can be combined in Mimic to produce something reasonable that is then applied to the object as an animated pose. it is useful even for still shots as well?

    Is an animation tool but of course you can freeze geometry in a single frame and export a morph sure. Mimic will also help you automagically make a figure dance to spoken words, you get extra tracks for gestures that become an animated pose when you export so you can tie any morph channel in a figure to part of a word :)

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,981
    edited November 2012

    tjohn said:
    A change in title for (hopefully) a change in tone.


    (someone had to do it I guess)

    413 x 505 - 45K
    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    tjohn said:
    Jaderail said:
    Now that KK post is what this thread is all about (IMHO). Sure have fun but really isn't venting what it's really for?

    I could VENT daily. But I see OT posts so often why bother? I'm not sure Complaint Thread is the right title any longer.

    That WAS a Complaint by the way.

    Careful, Jade. Complaining about complaining could get you caught in a reality loop.
    Kinda like "Groundhog Day" without the romance. :)

    ...The Complaining about the Complaint Thread Complaint Thread.

    Jade I hear where you are coming from.

    My week was maddening and only became worse as it went on. Yesterday put in another long day and couldn't even take a bit of time for lunch. Every time I tried to get back to my account closing something else would interrupt me like meetings, job setup, or in one case, 20 min of research for something that ended up being a "non issue". Should have finished before noon, didn't complete it until around 16:30. Then had a backlog of other daily stuff to take care of. Came extremely close to inserting the keyboard in to the monitor (love that pic. would make a great wallpaper screen).

    Went to the corner pub for a couple pints to unwind after I got home. Was so exhausted that I fell asleep at my computer (while on the forums here) until around 04:00. dragged myself into bed and slept in late. Still congested and all but for the while, relatively stress free.

    Almost thinking of taking Monday off since I got everything done and caught up so I can get a bit more rest before having to pull twelve hour shifts later next week during the inventory audit.

    The only good thing that will come out of all this whole mess is I will get a nice fat paycheque mid month.

    (non complaint) Going to get together with several friends for a "spontaneous" Thai pot luck and general socialising this evening. Nothing better than spicy Thai food to tell the germs they are not welcome.

    Right now enjoying the best cold medicine in the world - homestyle chicken noodle soup and a grilled swiss cheezy.

    ----- to general socialisng here and on the Stupid thread, it really doesn't bother me. Temporary derails are a normal part of forum life. Interesting that the "free" threads (the ones that are abandoned and turn into free for alls) generally don't last very long while this and the Stupid thread have been chugging along nicely since the old forums.

    ...though I do miss Wooly's complaints/non-complaints for the day.

    Yay for fat pay checks :) Been lucky enough this year to slow down a little and enjoy what I've been doing. But no OT pay, time off in leu of penalty rates which I know doesn't suit everyone but for the past months at least I've really appreciated the rat race slowing to take a sharp bend, to employ a clumsy metaphor :)

    I value socialising, for me iit is a great strength of modern times that so many disparate personalities are connected over space and time by common interests and uncommon quirks and good humours :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Skiriki said:
    Like I said, if you pick manual updates, autorestart shouldn't happen either. (Or maybe that's for Pro and Ultimate versions of it, but won't hurt to test.)

    Wisdom. We control the tech, it doesn't control us :)

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,078
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    tjohn said:
    A change in title for (hopefully) a change in tone.


    (someone had to do it I guess)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    tjohn said:
    Kyoto Kid said:
    tjohn said:
    A change in title for (hopefully) a change in tone.


    (someone had to do it I guess)


    I'd like ten cents for every time....... :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Six days and no word from Misty. Oh hear us when we cry to thee, for those in peril near the sea *worries*

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    I'm out of candies!

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Sitting in a cool breeze on the pier watching the sun leave a shiny trail in the bay tracking westward toward a distant indigo haze. There is a bunch of seagulls and what looks like a couple of fairy penguins- or men be an old car tyre? - riding the swell a little ways away. On a night like this I prefer to see penguins. Sunday night and Haz big hungry for Sunday tea and perhaps a bit of Monday's breakfast as well, , but seem to be too mesmerised by the big blue right now to find my way home :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Full of fried rice and fish and black bean sauce oh wow bloated, good thing I managed to get home would have been mistaken for a beached whale and refloated out to sea on the ebb tide :)

    Tintin is on TV. Every time I see it I notice something different happening in the deep background.

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969


    I accidentally deleted my DAZ downloads directory.

    ...undeleting it did not work as planned, either.

    I foresee lots of download fun!

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited November 2012

    Oh noes. Was it an accidental death or premeditated SNAFU? Screwing up stuff you thought about causes far greater percussion for me., around 8.2 on the open-ended headbainging index at least. On the upside you get updated versions of everything :)

    Stargate Ark of Truth is on TV. Aliens are remorseful for trashing the universe. Interesting.

    Post edited by ps1borg on
  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Meh, some Sunday complaints:

    - forgot to drop the clock back an hour and woke up way too early
    - Out of breakfast sausage and had to eat turkey cold cuts
    - Hash browns taking forever to cook
    - Got a cold, stuck at home sniffling and honking like a goose

    I could grouse about having to reconstruct my runtime again but why? new machine, new software, new ideas.

    *blows nose*

    At least I have lots to do, lots of hot coffee, lots of hot food, and aspirin so I can stay home and get well. I'll be working on my runtime - first install all my RDNA content (smallest) then the Rendo content (big but easy to do), and finally Daz content (Daz installers suck, period).

    I had some extra money left over and a bunch of Rendo stuff in my wishlist was on sale, so... :red: :red: :red:

    I got a new multifx guitar pedal too, sucker is amazing. a perfect compliment to my current effects pedal. Time to work on an album again!

    *blows nose*

    Time for more ccccccccooooooooffffffffeeeeeeeeeeeeee and then it's runtime construction time! :ahhh:

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    *waves* Oh yes please moar tracks please please was listening to I think it is called Cowbell Hell - the one with the cowbell - at the beach before - likes very much. After your cold goes away :) My complaint is it is way past my bedtime and Monday morning work is looming, haz big tired nao *kerplop* ouch! ;)

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    ps1borg said:
    Oh noes. Was it an accidental death or premeditated SNAFU? Screwing up stuff you thought about causes far greater percussion for me., around 8.2 on the open-ended headbainging index at least. On the upside you get updated versions of everything :)

    Well, I THOUGHT I had selected the right directory I want to delete, but apparently my desktop decided otherwise, no matter how the directory was highlighted...

    Meh, I can download stuff, no bigs. Just put the download tool to do it after I've reset everything. :P

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    I am a bit paranoid, I have my download folder backed up twice, on 2 separate externals.

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    Now resetting everything... Well, I do not have to download *everything*, just most. My latest backup of backup did not reach far enough. Gnurgh.

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Skiriki at least you will know that everything is up to date! With all the updates we got with genesis. I still got items saying I have duplicate I'd s. I dot know how to stop that pointless error. Everything runs fine. Thou I did notice aged for v4 and m4 is all corrupt v4 displacement n textures install but nothing else.

    I also need to re convert all my genx morphs since it has been updated and apparently converts morphs more efficiently. I just too scared cos many of my saved characters use vital morphs From my existing genx morphs! I terrified my characters will go all bad if I do

    At cho - I am very paranoid about that aswell. I have it all on my external my PC and also saved on an old PC aswell lol!

This discussion has been closed.