N.G.S. Anagenessis II - Revolution [Commercial]

N.G.S. Anagenessis 2 Available Now!
For any misunderstooding:
N.G.S. Anagenessis for Genesis 3 is my previous release.
Two Completely Different Products!
UPDATE NOTE (11.5.2016):
For users that purchased my product, a small update fix will be released this week:
1. For UV Set (After this update you won't need to change UV Set manually).
2. Removing Map From Glossy Layered Weight for Dark Skins (After this update you won't need to remove it manually)
3. Glossy Color Fix from 0.30 to 0.35
Thnx For Your Comprehension
Freebie Script for Non-Genesis/Prop Figures:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/t4k1zybc3b54its/NGS 2 Freebie Script.zip?dl=0
Tip for NGS2:
If you had big pores with only one diffuse,
just add micro map as a layered image on top of top coat bump!
- Subtractive Blend Mode
- Opacity 60%

Will this be sold as a separate product or some sort of add-on to the original N.G.S. Anagenessis product? Will you be offering some sort of incentive pricing for people who already bought the original?
People who bought it, won't have the same deal with a new one! Maybe as add-on for those who bought it without offer and low price for them who bought it with offer. This is absolutely the truth!
But I'm thinking of it as a seperate product, because it works only with one diffuse map. It's like a new skin shading system!
And this was done only with presets! It's Amazing!
As an immediate addict of the first set, am definitely interested in this one as well. Intrigued to see how only one diffuse map can be wrapped around all the different UV maps...
Appriciated if you are thinking about a promo pricing for buyers of the first Anagenessis (like me). Maybe use those fancy orange banners I've had a couple of times recently. Should be no problem for DAZ people to set it in a way giving buyers of version 1 an extra % off just for Anagenessis II.
Do you make any other adjustments to get the natural "blotchiness" of the skin. What is the technique? I have every shader set and every light set and I seldom get results like this.
Is this still being developed?
Hey there sir!
First let me say that I love your product and cant praise you enough on how natural everything looks. Great job!
I was curious, this is sort of unrelated to your product, but what character/body shape did you use for this promo???
I love the muscle definition on the stomach and waist especially. for the life of me I just cant find a body that matches in the shop.
Thanks in advance for your time and again.... great job!
On his DevArt page he says that it's http://www.daz3d.com/clara-for-genesis-3-female-s
Apprently, it's been sent or will soon be sent to Daz for testing. The promo images on the artist's deviant page are incredible.
Ohhh...that's why I haven't seen anything...thank you for your information. I made my way over to his site...this thing is a paradigm...for sure.
Hopin' and bumpin'
Thank you....I am really anxious to get this product....can you tell?
Me too!
and me!
Will there be a Generation 4 and Generation 3 preset? I did not see the thumbnails on your YouTube video. I ask since you mentioned, "V1/V2/V3/V4/V5/V6/V7 & M1/M2/M3/M4/M5/M6/M7 with one diffuse map!"
Its for all Genesi figures, from V4-M4 to V7-M7
V4 and Genesis have the same surfaces.
So, do we click the Genesis 1 button when we use V4/M4? Pardon me if that's a dumb question.
what happened to V1/V2/V3 ?
Can you please explain exactly what you mean by 'one diffuse map'? Perhaps it's a language issue, but I am having difficulty understanding what this product actually is. I watched the video, but was still a bit unclear. Is this an Iray über shader skin preset that only uses the original character's diffuse textures (more than one), discarding normal, bump, displacement etc maps? Or are you replacing the diffuse maps with one unique diffuse map? The results look very good. If just like to be clearer about what I might be buying. Thanks.
Its exactly iRay Uber Shader Skin preset system, that automatically loads diffuse map of the original character to specific places (more than one). Its discarding speculars and bumps, not normals or displacements.
Any other question I'm here to help you
Thank you too.
Appreciate the clarification, thanks :)
Since the names for some Genesis 1 surfaces are different from Genesis 2 and Genesis 3, and likewise between Genesis 2 and Genesis 3, I assume you had to set them yourself to make the presets. Did you leave out the V3 preset because relatively few people use her?
I use her sometimes in the mid-ground or as a mannequin. I have some hi-res textures and high fashion clothes that I use with her. But I don't know if I want to rename all the textures just for that. I have all the conversion tools, but I'm not motivated to change yet. This may do it.
As I said N.G.S. 2 has One Click Solution only for All Genesis Figures (Including V4 & M4). Any other Non-Genesis Figure needs manually to be applied.
Although I will give to all people a guide & a freebie manual system after product's releasing for easier applying on Non-Genesis Figures.
Thank you
You're most welcome.
N.G.S 2 is not just a shader preset that uses only one diffuse map.
The presets parameters are so thoughtful made, that you'll take the best skin result for any human or non-human figure, with any kind of light or environment.
After all, you should have seen the results of all my promos or not promos images without any postwork.
Thank you