
  • Cyn ArtCyn Art Posts: 0
    edited July 2012

    DanaTA said:
    Cyn, it could be a video card issue. But try right-clicking on the image thumbnails and select open in new tab (or window, but tab is less of a resource hog). Let us know if that worked for you.

    I only got one "texture overflow image" tonight when I was just checking (which was really surprising). That's the best it's ever been. :lol: Still, I've had no such problems with any of the other sites that use this technique of viewing. I wish they'd go back to the old pages here . . . because they were so great for offline records to go w/ the purchases. It's one of the things I loved best, and thought it better above all others, record wise. There were other things, as well, I thought beat all other sites re: usability. But quick, quick, quick to slow, slow, slow is no fun. :down: I can imagine all this is no fun to smooth out, either.
    ::hugz to those behind the scenes::

    Post edited by Cyn Art on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,188
    edited December 1969

    Cyn Art said:
    DanaTA said:
    Cyn, it could be a video card issue. But try right-clicking on the image thumbnails and select open in new tab (or window, but tab is less of a resource hog). Let us know if that worked for you.

    I only got one "texture overflow image" tonight when I was just checking (which was really surprising). That's the best it's ever been. :lol: Still, I've had no such problems with any of the other sites that use this technique of viewing. I wish they'd go back to the old pages here . . . because they were so great for offline records to go w/ the purchases. It's one of the things I loved best, and thought it better above all others, record wise. There were other things, as well, I thought beat all other sites re: usability. But quick, quick, quick to slow, slow, slow is no fun. :down: I can imagine all this is no fun to smooth out, either.
    ::hugz to those behind the scenes::

    I still think it might be related to your video card, but it might be the browser, too. What browser are you using? Can your try a different one and see if it still happens? I'd report it to them. It could also be a problem with the way they are presenting the popup image. If it is on a slightly different domain (like the smileys!), the browser may not like it, especially if you have a high security protection on it.


  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited July 2012

    Please. Fix the site.

    *Notify of duplicate purchases
    *Add search of (or show complete ) itemized order history
    *Add file size info so browsers can show download progress.
    *Disable the Poll feature from the forums, since apparently you CAN poll, but SHOULDN'T.

    I’ve been waiting for these since the site was “updated.” I am not alone. I am no longer shopping, it annoys me too much. There should have been a beta test of the new changes before the old site was taken offline.

    Me and lots of other people who apparently can now only voice our concerns 45 pages into a thread started almost two months ago, because any other posts are considered "duplicates" of this one.

    Give me a break. I have spent $19,869.01 here, starting on 5/5/08. I have unfailingly been a cheerleader on these forums. Way to treat your customers, DAZ.

    Old post count... Who the heck knows, since it's been reset.

    Post edited by Karibou on
  • mrposermrposer Posts: 1,130
    edited December 1969

    What she said ^

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited July 2012

    Old post count... Who the heck knows, since it's been reset.

    I am with you on fixing the store ...

    Your old post count is the only thing I can help with:
    Posts: 809

    Post edited by Kerya on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,147
    edited December 1969

    how about in the email notifications give an option to go to the start of the thread. Sometimes I get a notification for a post that gets removed and it does not go to the thread. the last one i got was some post I did not understand and it got removed.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    That happened in the old forums as well, You would get an ebot that when clicked on gave the message "No posts exist for this topic"

  • atryeuatryeu Posts: 612
    edited December 1969

    We were told this new forum software wouldn't give those "no post exists" sort of errors before it went live and although they are different and a bit more rare it seems, they still keep happening :( I got one yesterday for a notification to a post that got removed and it took forever to load the main list on dialup again and then try and find out where in the thread I had left off :(

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,934
    edited December 1969

    Most of the time those messages are from when we merge a thread, but it does also happen when we remove a post. I don't think it was ever said that those would be better with this new site.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,188
    edited December 1969

    Frank0314 said:
    Most of the time those messages are from when we merge a thread, but it does also happen when we remove a post. I don't think it was ever said that those would be better with this new site.

    I remember it being said as well. No backtracking now! I was looking forward to it not happening anymore. This is worse. Rather than being told no such post exists, it says "The specified thread does not exist." That's worse. And worse yet, it's a lie! Software that it becoming self-aware? :grrr:


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,188
    edited December 1969

    Also, I'd like to know what was wrong with that post! It simply stated the business definition of customer service, and its importance. :ohh:


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    It was turned into fritters, as are all of it's ilk.

  • hamstergirl4444hamstergirl4444 Posts: 44
    edited December 1969

    Give me a break. I have spent $19,869.01 here, starting on 5/5/08. I have unfailingly been a cheerleader on these forums. Way to treat your customers, DAZ.

    *BOINGBOINGBOING* actually had the courage to crunch those numbers?! GAH!! I'm too much of a coward - my total is probably close to yours :) I've thought of figuring it out, but that's when I start getting the shakes, heh heh...Mazel tov!
    .......Me and lots of other people who apparently can now only voice our concerns 45 pages into a thread started almost two months ago, because any other posts are considered "duplicates" of this one.

    Now this is where it stops being funny...45 pages to dig thru? I'd rather have 45 threads. At least the place will look more lively. Been spending a lot of time (that I used to spend here) on YouTube. Yes, there are complete dirtballs there, but at least I can curse at ppl - that's therapeutic at least.

    Anyway, I recently had to deal with Daz's Customer Service, like so many of us :) They're always nice and I have no complaints about them, ever. But in the course of the exchange, I asked the person to give me a name of somebody, who was at the head of the Daz Food Chain. I wanted to send an email to somebody direct - after all, it's always been said on the forums, that if one had a real "problem" with Daz it would be more effective to deal directly with the office, rather than just rant in the forum. I assured Cust. Svc. that I wasn't planning on biting anyone, just had a few comments I wanted to make - this was the response:

    The best way to get to the top of the chain, is to post in the forums. Every manager and top of the line checks on the forums daily. Thank you for your patience. Please let me know if you need anything else.

    I rest my case....time to go back to YouTube and use some of that foul language :)
    Oh, and Daz? FIX OUR AVATARS!!! This place feels so unfriendly!!!

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,048
    edited July 2012

    I'm removing my post because I'm too disruptive and none of my comments belong here. Say happy things. We all must be happy.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Yes it is a thread, and it is here for people to voice their concerns, so they are all in one place, and not scattered all over the forum.

    Plus as you may notice, if you go to the first page, it is also updated from time to time. As is the Announcement thread posted by DAZ_BFurner.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,188
    edited December 1969

    From time to time? What is that span exactly? The last thing posted was about applying a coupon, and that's been there for a couple weeks at least!

    We're at about 8 and a half weeks already! And things have gotten worse, not better. The store used to remember that I wanted 60 items per page, now if forgets every time and puts it back at 15 per page. One step forward, two steps back.


  • Cyn ArtCyn Art Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Um . . . what happened to the gift certificate page? It asks for a name and an email address for the recipient. What if I don't know their email address (or their real name?) . . . and what if I want it to be a surprise?
    What if I want to give money to a complete stranger? Does DAZ really want to stop me from harassing the other customers like that? :blank:

    It's not a great scenario: Errr, excuse me, but you don't know me . . . well, you do, but by an alias . . . which really isn't me at all. But would you mind sending me your personal email address so I can surprise you? What? No. I don't want to hack anything. Promise. What? Why do I want to surprise you? What do you mean that's stupid? Well, sorry, but I can't help it if DAZ won't help me give them money so I can send the virtual you things electronically. No, I'm not being smart. Ok. Well, then don't take my stupid surprise. My feelings aren't hurt at all, just because you think I'm trying to scam you . . . although I am still a stranger. What do you mean you don't talk to strangers. Hey, wait a minute! You were talking to me before. What? ~ Not now? :-S

    :down: This is not good.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,188
    edited December 1969

    Maybe they think we've had enough surprises for now. Don't want any heart attacks happening. %-P


  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    That happened in the old forums as well, You would get an ebot that when clicked on gave the message "No posts exist for this topic"

    But in the old forum I had the option to click on unsubscribe in the mail and ended up at the thead anyway. Nowadays I have to search dor it ...

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited July 2012

    Please. Fix the site.

    *Notify of duplicate purchases
    *Add search of (or show complete ) itemized order history
    *Add file size info so browsers can show download progress.
    *Disable the Poll feature from the forums, since apparently you CAN poll, but SHOULDN'T.

    I’ve been waiting for these since the site was “updated.” I am not alone. I am no longer shopping, it annoys me too much. There should have been a beta test of the new changes before the old site was taken offline.

    Me and lots of other people who apparently can now only voice our concerns 45 pages into a thread started almost two months ago, because any other posts are considered "duplicates" of this one.

    Give me a break. I have spent $19,869.01 here, starting on 5/5/08. I have unfailingly been a cheerleader on these forums. Way to treat your customers, DAZ.

    Old post count… Who the heck knows, since it’s been reset

    Kerya said:

    Old post count... Who the heck knows, since it's been reset.

    I am with you on fixing the store ...

    Your old post count is the only thing I can help with:
    Posts: 809

    Thank you on the old post count. In all the confusion, I missed the fact that access to the old forums was possible.

    Yes it is a thread, and it is here for people to voice their concerns, so they are all in one place, and not scattered all over the forum.

    Plus as you may notice, if you go to the first page, it is also updated from time to time. As is the Announcement thread posted by DAZ_BFurner.

    Go to the first page? How am I supposed to know it's been updated when the current conversation is 46 pages long? The closed announcement thread should be updated in new posts. That way, we can subscribe to it and be NOTIFIED when site changes are made.

    Old post count 809

    Post edited by Karibou on
  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited July 2012

    Give me a break. I have spent $19,869.01 here, starting on 5/5/08. I have unfailingly been a cheerleader on these forums. Way to treat your customers, DAZ.

    *BOINGBOINGBOING* actually had the courage to crunch those numbers?! GAH!! I'm too much of a coward - my total is probably close to yours :) I've thought of figuring it out, but that's when I start getting the shakes, heh heh...Mazel tov!

    I'd just like to point out that finding that number involved opening my order page, setting the number of displayed orders to FIFTY, which resulted in EIGHTEEN pages of orders. I then manually copied and pasted the order data (as unformatted ANSI text) into an excel spreadsheet. Eighteen times. Then I could total it. It took about 15-20 minutes to do. In the old site, I could open my orders all together, copy the whole list, paste it to excel and have my total in about 2 minutes, at least half of which involved opening my orders page and opening excel.

    And, boy, did I cringe at that. My 2007 Mustang cost about 1,500 dollars more that that.

    Old post count 809

    Post edited by Karibou on
  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,340
    edited July 2012

    I don't think the totals in the order history accurately reflect the out-of-pocket expenses... That's not exactly a counter-argument, of course...because it should... Maybe another thing to add to the list.

    After looking at my own history, it''s clear that some of the order totals are off. Coupons, vouchers, store credit, and returned items (including partial returns for price reductions that happened shortly after my purchase) all can mess with the bottom line, sometimes in predictable ways, sometimes not. Usually or always making it seem like I paid more than I actually did. Sometimes by a lot.

    Post edited by Scott Livingston on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Cyn Art said:
    Um . . . what happened to the gift certificate page? It asks for a name and an email address for the recipient. What if I don't know their email address (or their real name?) . . . and what if I want it to be a surprise?
    What if I want to give money to a complete stranger? Does DAZ really want to stop me from harassing the other customers like that? :blank:

    It's not a great scenario: Errr, excuse me, but you don't know me . . . well, you do, but by an alias . . . which really isn't me at all. But would you mind sending me your personal email address so I can surprise you? What? No. I don't want to hack anything. Promise. What? Why do I want to surprise you? What do you mean that's stupid? Well, sorry, but I can't help it if DAZ won't help me give them money so I can send the virtual you things electronically. No, I'm not being smart. Ok. Well, then don't take my stupid surprise. My feelings aren't hurt at all, just because you think I'm trying to scam you . . . although I am still a stranger. What do you mean you don't talk to strangers. Hey, wait a minute! You were talking to me before. What? ~ Not now? :-S

    :down: This is not good.

    There are now 2 different ways you can send a gift cert. You can either do it the way that it was done on the old fourms, which is to send the gift cert to yourself, and then when you receive the cert number you can pass it on to someone else, or you can send a gift cert to someone else (who has also to be a member).
  • oddoneoutoddoneout Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I'd really like the file size added back to the available downloads page. It was a poor move to remove this.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,188
    edited December 1969

    Cho, that was clear as mud! She was essentially asking how, not if she can!


    chohole said:
    Cyn Art said:
    Um . . . what happened to the gift certificate page? It asks for a name and an email address for the recipient. What if I don't know their email address (or their real name?) . . . and what if I want it to be a surprise?
    What if I want to give money to a complete stranger? Does DAZ really want to stop me from harassing the other customers like that? :blank:

    It's not a great scenario: Errr, excuse me, but you don't know me . . . well, you do, but by an alias . . . which really isn't me at all. But would you mind sending me your personal email address so I can surprise you? What? No. I don't want to hack anything. Promise. What? Why do I want to surprise you? What do you mean that's stupid? Well, sorry, but I can't help it if DAZ won't help me give them money so I can send the virtual you things electronically. No, I'm not being smart. Ok. Well, then don't take my stupid surprise. My feelings aren't hurt at all, just because you think I'm trying to scam you . . . although I am still a stranger. What do you mean you don't talk to strangers. Hey, wait a minute! You were talking to me before. What? ~ Not now? :-S

    :down: This is not good.

    There are now 2 different ways you can send a gift cert. You can either do it the way that it was done on the old fourms, which is to send the gift cert to yourself, and then when you receive the cert number you can pass it on to someone else, or you can send a gift cert to someone else (who has also to be a member).
  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    I don't think the totals in the order history accurately reflect the out-of-pocket expenses... That's not exactly a counter-argument, of course...because it should... Maybe another thing to add to the list.

    After looking at my own history, it''s clear that some of the order totals are off. Coupons, vouchers, store credit, and returned items (including partial returns for price reductions that happened shortly after my purchase) all can mess with the bottom line, sometimes in predictable ways, sometimes not. Usually or always making it seem like I paid more than I actually did. Sometimes by a lot.

    I disagree. The total in the order history is EXACTLY what I paid. For example, on a recent order that had a large PC discount AND a PC coupon, the order shows this:

    Subtotal $60.45
    Discount (07-12PlatClub) -$26.63
    Grand Total $33.82

    I actually paid 33.82, per my credit card statement. The system listed a total of 33.82 on the order history page. This is EXACTLY my out-of-pocket expense. I browsed my history extensively, looking for weird circumstances such as coupons, vouchers, gift certificates, etc.. Didn't matter. What was listed is what I paid. And since I do a lot of payments with my debit card and paypal, it's easy to confirm that these are the amounts physically charged to my payment source. I'm quite curious why you are seeing something different.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,905
    edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:
    Cho, that was clear as mud! She was essentially asking how, not if she can!


    chohole said:
    Cyn Art said:
    Um . . . what happened to the gift certificate page? It asks for a name and an email address for the recipient. What if I don't know their email address (or their real name?) . . . and what if I want it to be a surprise?
    What if I want to give money to a complete stranger? Does DAZ really want to stop me from harassing the other customers like that? :blank:

    It's not a great scenario: Errr, excuse me, but you don't know me . . . well, you do, but by an alias . . . which really isn't me at all. But would you mind sending me your personal email address so I can surprise you? What? No. I don't want to hack anything. Promise. What? Why do I want to surprise you? What do you mean that's stupid? Well, sorry, but I can't help it if DAZ won't help me give them money so I can send the virtual you things electronically. No, I'm not being smart. Ok. Well, then don't take my stupid surprise. My feelings aren't hurt at all, just because you think I'm trying to scam you . . . although I am still a stranger. What do you mean you don't talk to strangers. Hey, wait a minute! You were talking to me before. What? ~ Not now? :-S

    :down: This is not good.

    There are now 2 different ways you can send a gift cert. You can either do it the way that it was done on the old fourms, which is to send the gift cert to yourself, and then when you receive the cert number you can pass it on to someone else, or you can send a gift cert to someone else (who has also to be a member).

    Just put your details in both sets of fields and the code will be sent to you, you can then give it to someone else and they can claim it.

  • Cyn ArtCyn Art Posts: 0
    edited July 2012

    chohole said:

    There are now 2 different ways you can send a gift cert. You can either do it the way that it was done on the old fourms, which is to send the gift cert to yourself, and then when you receive the cert number you can pass it on to someone else, or you can send a gift cert to someone else (who has also to be a member).

    Yes! Thanks chohole & Richard, & Dana. :lol: I haven't sent myself any GC's yet so that wasn't obvious. Anyway, very glad we can still do that! (Sorry if I didn't plow through the 45 pages but the comp's giving me head aches lately. :P Yes. Yes. I know it's an excuse, but I already used the one about the dog.)

    Post edited by Cyn Art on
  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,340
    edited December 1969

    I don't think the totals in the order history accurately reflect the out-of-pocket expenses... That's not exactly a counter-argument, of course...because it should... Maybe another thing to add to the list.

    After looking at my own history, it''s clear that some of the order totals are off. Coupons, vouchers, store credit, and returned items (including partial returns for price reductions that happened shortly after my purchase) all can mess with the bottom line, sometimes in predictable ways, sometimes not. Usually or always making it seem like I paid more than I actually did. Sometimes by a lot.

    I disagree. The total in the order history is EXACTLY what I paid. For example, on a recent order that had a large PC discount AND a PC coupon, the order shows this:

    Subtotal $60.45
    Discount (07-12PlatClub) -$26.63
    Grand Total $33.82

    I actually paid 33.82, per my credit card statement. The system listed a total of 33.82 on the order history page. This is EXACTLY my out-of-pocket expense. I browsed my history extensively, looking for weird circumstances such as coupons, vouchers, gift certificates, etc.. Didn't matter. What was listed is what I paid. And since I do a lot of payments with my debit card and paypal, it's easy to confirm that these are the amounts physically charged to my payment source. I'm quite curious why you are seeing something different.

    Very weird. I believe you, but I'm also quite certain that some of my orders don't reflect what I actually paid. This might only be orders from the old store.

    For example, I placed an order during March Madness of this year that included items priced at $17.48 + $14.98 + $4.54 + $1.99 + $1.99 + $0.00. The order history shows the subtotal as $81.83, a discount of $4.49, and a total of $83.29. What I actually paid was $46.22. This included one item costing $5 or so that I later returned because I purchased a bundle that included it (it's the item that's showing at $0.00).

  • carolinebegbiecarolinebegbie Posts: 162
    edited December 1969

    I was thinking of buying
    which I noticed for sale for $8.39. However, when I logged in, there was no 30% discount added for PC Membership.

    This page says that the 30% applies to sale items:
    Is this no longer the case?
    I am still a PC Member, and the system recognises me, I think, because I can still add $1.99 items to my cart.

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