
  • YacomoYacomo Posts: 27
    edited December 1969

    What happened to gift certificates? The link on the front page as well as site search takes me to a non-existent page (404).

  • Cyn ArtCyn Art Posts: 0
    edited September 2012


    Please bear with me, I'm a wreck. I'm just stopping in to see if there is a target date on getting this
    Itemized Order History straightened out, or I would like to at least confirm if it is a priority.
    If it is not a priority and there's no intention of fixing it, I'd like to know that.
    I think I've asked this before - but can't remember the result. :red:
    All I know at this point is that it's still inadequate.

    I don't feel well . . . so I haven't searched through this entire thread, and don't expect to do any more searching
    tonight since this evening's fiasco has worn me thin of it. So if someone could please mention the answer, I'd really
    appreciate it.

    In the meantime, I'm really disappointed that I'm totally unable to enjoy this PA sale.

    I would very much like to be done with this guessing game of hit & miss that takes up my "good" time. :sick:
    Maybe DAZ isn't able to care atm . . . but on my end, it's become a torture to use this site,
    and the great joy of it has been removed from my life. :down:

    Anybody handling masses of data knows how important every stroke/motion is.
    I expect DAZ understands this perfectly.

    I do understand that things are difficult right now, but I'd like to put in a plea for them to please assign this
    feature a decent target date.

    Post edited by Cyn Art on
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited September 2012

    Gift certificates
    Read down to find another way to get there.

    Order history ... ehm, only thing I know:

    Post edited by Kerya on
  • Cyn ArtCyn Art Posts: 0
    edited September 2012

    Thank you very much, Kerya. But I'm not able to burden this little machine with that right now.
    I'm throwing data out externally as it is until I can afford/arrange otherwise.
    (Isn't it a little odd for an outside source to have to be the solution for this internal problem, btw?)
    I do have that marked for the future if I'm still around that long with it, though.

    Thx again.

    Post edited by Cyn Art on
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    It isn't installing. Just unzip, the uncompressed files are 645 KB ... after saving my whole (nearly 2000) history, the saved database files are 400 KB.
    Just to give you numbers.
    It can't warn about things bought in bundles, like the old store.

  • YacomoYacomo Posts: 27
    edited December 1969

    Kerya said:
    Gift certificates
    Read down to find another way to get there.

    Thanks for the link, at least now I know it is being looked into.

    The 'work around' made me chuckle!

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,188
    edited December 1969

    Yacomo said:
    Kerya said:
    Gift certificates
    Read down to find another way to get there.

    Thanks for the link, at least now I know it is being looked into.

    The 'work around' made me chuckle!

    It made you chuckle? It made me disgusted! That's all we get is workarounds and third party attempts at helping us. Believe me, I'm thankful for those, but the burden shouldn't fall on these people, it's not their site!

    And notice that someone asked when they think it will be fixed, at 6:20 am went all day without the simplest reply, not even a "We don't know."


  • Cyn ArtCyn Art Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    :-/ No freebie for me?

    I don't know where to put this, so I'm putting it here.
    I added the freebie to the cart.
    Oopsie. Not signed in.
    After signing in, it just keeps saying I'm only allowed one,
    although I've gotten none.

    I'm making a note here that I've tried and still want it.
    I'll try again tomorrow.

    781 x 299 - 59K
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Put something else in the cart (when you are logged in) - that usually makes both items show up - then delete the unwanted item. You will probably see two or more Sculpting tools in the cart - delete until you have only one.

  • Cyn ArtCyn Art Posts: 0
    edited December 1969


    Thanks again, Kerya.
    I'm starting to wonder what I'd do without you. lol

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    It's nice to be able to help.

  • Cyn ArtCyn Art Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Sorry to be back yet again. :red:

    I left out a word - a single word - that would probably make all the difference in a PM I sent. :gulp:
    I can't seem to find an outgoing box where I can edit the message.
    You'd think one little word might not be important - but apparently this one is.

    Is there a place to edit our outgoing PMs? (Please say yes.)
    I'm missing it if there is.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    I don't think so.
    Your best move would be send another PM now with READ THIS FIRST as a headline ...

  • Cyn ArtCyn Art Posts: 0
    edited September 2012

    Thx, Kerya. :P

    That's exactly what I had done when I realized it.
    I was hoping it was there somewhere and I was missing it.

    Too bad. Another helpful feature down the drain.
    (Good thing I'm not an official of some sort. :roll: )

    Post edited by Cyn Art on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    any news on gift-certs?

    i guess it didn't come with the new softwarez?

    any guestimate in what no g-c's haz cost in potential income?

    idea - maybe daz could sell gift certs on
    then i could put in my amazon w/l for the holidays :)

  • DAZ_JeffDAZ_Jeff Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Gift Cards stopped working properly in the transition to our new shopping cart. We had to temporarily disable them. Sorry for the inconvenience. We do realized this is a necessary feature and will reactivate Gift Cards as soon as we have them working properly. Thank you for all of the Gift Certificate posts.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,188
    edited December 1969

    DAZ_Jeff said:
    Gift Cards stopped working properly in the transition to our new shopping cart. We had to temporarily disable them. Sorry for the inconvenience. We do realized this is a necessary feature and will reactivate Gift Cards as soon as we have them working properly. Thank you for all of the Gift Certificate posts.

    Shouldn't that be something that comes standard as part of this very expensive store software? I would think at least that would work correctly, that's a basic thing.


  • DAZ_JeffDAZ_Jeff Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:

    Shouldn't that be something that comes standard as part of this very expensive store software? I would think at least that would work correctly, that's a basic thing.


    You would think that for all the money and effort DAZ has spent on this new solution. :P We will have them back soon.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,188
    edited September 2012

    This store is horrendous!

    I just added the new freebie, the HLA Book, to my cart. Then I clicked on my cart to check out, and it says it's empty. Sure enough, it says My Cart (0). So I figured, maybe the click didn't take, but I do remember seeing the message that it was added to my cart. I try again anyway. Still notihing in the cart, but now I have the message that

    The maximum quantity allowed for purchase is 1.

    What the hell? Tomorrow will have been 18 weeks since this new stable :-/ store went live. A brick and mortar store would be out of business by now with all these problems!


    1067 x 827 - 139K
    Post edited by DanaTA on
  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,974
    edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:
    This store is horrendous!

    I just added the new freebie, the HLA Book, to my cart. Then I clicked on my cart to check out, and it says it's empty. Sure enough, it says My Cart (0). So I figured, maybe the click didn't take, but I do remember seeing the message that it was added to my cart. I try again anyway. Still notihing in the cart, but now I have the message that

    The maximum quantity allowed for purchase is 1.

    What the hell? Tomorrow will have been 18 weeks since this new stable :-/ store went live. A brick and mortar store would be out of business by now with all these problems!


    Be very, VERY sure you are logged in before adding the freebie to cart (just because you are logged in in the forums does not mean you are in the store, or so it seems). Same thing happened to be with another freebie a week or so back, despite me thinking I was logged in.
    Just added the HLA Book to my car and it went in fine.

    If you ensure you are logged in (even going so far as logging out and back in) you should see the item in your cart. Failing that, add a non-freebie item then remove it before you get to the actual paying stage.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,188
    edited September 2012

    SimonJM said:
    DanaTA said:
    This store is horrendous!

    I just added the new freebie, the HLA Book, to my cart. Then I clicked on my cart to check out, and it says it's empty. Sure enough, it says My Cart (0). So I figured, maybe the click didn't take, but I do remember seeing the message that it was added to my cart. I try again anyway. Still notihing in the cart, but now I have the message that

    The maximum quantity allowed for purchase is 1.

    What the hell? Tomorrow will have been 18 weeks since this new stable :-/ store went live. A brick and mortar store would be out of business by now with all these problems!


    Be very, VERY sure you are logged in before adding the freebie to cart (just because you are logged in in the forums does not mean you are in the store, or so it seems). Same thing happened to be with another freebie a week or so back, despite me thinking I was logged in.
    Just added the HLA Book to my car and it went in fine.

    If you ensure you are logged in (even going so far as logging out and back in) you should see the item in your cart. Failing that, add a non-freebie item then remove it before you get to the actual paying stage.

    Did you take a good look at the image I posted? It clearly shows that I am logged in. As a matter of fact, I just logged in before placing it into my cart. It was a matter of seconds.

    And I am offered yet another work-around. This stuff should work correctly the first time. We shouldn't have to go through these acrobatics just to get something into our cart. Instead of making things all pretty on the interface (the newest being the hover screen that pops up when you hover your mouse over the "Shop" menu option) they should make these basic things work correctly. I am a programmer. A manager I used to have had a saying, up on his wall in the office all the time:

    Development rules:
    1. Make it work
    2. Make it work fast
    3. Then make it pretty!


    finally got the quote to work. I guess you can't put a name in quotes inside the tag anymore unless the software does it for you? My manager's name was Ted.

    Post edited by DanaTA on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,188
    edited September 2012

    Why doesn't the damned quote tag work right now? I put an [ / quote ] after the quoted text, but it isn't working. Does anything work right in here?


    Never mind...I pounded into submission.

    Post edited by DanaTA on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,188
    edited December 1969

    Wow! Last night I was getting 150KB/sec download speed (if you want to call that speed, maybe for a turtle it's speed). Just now, 1MB/sec. What a difference! And at 4:00 pm. I would think there was less strain on the server in the wee hours of the morning than at 4 in the afternoon! :-S


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited September 2012

    DanaTA said:
    Why doesn't the damned quote tag work right now? I put an [ / quote ] after the quoted text, but it isn't working. Does anything work right in here?


    Never mind...I pounded into submission.

    Quote works just fine, as does the freebie, as long as you are logged in. When you get the message that you can only have 1, that normally happens because the first one was put in the cart before you logged in.
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,188
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    DanaTA said:
    Why doesn't the damned quote tag work right now? I put an [ / quote ] after the quoted text, but it isn't working. Does anything work right in here?


    Never mind...I pounded into submission.

    Quote works just fine, as does the freebie, as long as you are logged in. When you get the message that you can only have 1, that normally happens because the first one was put in the cart before you logged in.

    Thank you, but in my post I put the code for quote, along with my manager's name, and it just didn't work! I put:

    the text of the quote

    The end quote tag just wouldn't stay in there, even though I could see it when I edited. It just wouldn't work. I ended up clearing the quote tags and clicking on the quote button in the tool bar above. I got my quote, but with no person's name of course. As I look up right now, I see that maybe you have to use the author= attribute. Nothing in this site works like the other one...or like anything that is considered standard in forums everywhere.

    People wouldn't be having troubles with the cart if the site didn't keep logging us out at every click! I was logged in, I had just checked my account profile. I was logged in.


  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,974
    edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:
    chohole said:
    DanaTA said:
    Why doesn't the damned quote tag work right now? I put an [ / quote ] after the quoted text, but it isn't working. Does anything work right in here?


    Never mind...I pounded into submission.

    Quote works just fine, as does the freebie, as long as you are logged in. When you get the message that you can only have 1, that normally happens because the first one was put in the cart before you logged in.

    Thank you, but in my post I put the code for quote, along with my manager's name, and it just didn't work! I put:

    the text of the quote

    The end quote tag just wouldn't stay in there, even though I could see it when I edited. It just wouldn't work. I ended up clearing the quote tags and clicking on the quote button in the tool bar above. I got my quote, but with no person's name of course. As I look up right now, I see that maybe you have to use the author= attribute. Nothing in this site works like the other one...or like anything that is considered standard in forums everywhere.

    People wouldn't be having troubles with the cart if the site didn't keep logging us out at every click! I was logged in, I had just checked my account profile. I was logged in.


    The [ quote ] tag seems to want timestamp too - I seem to recall hitting this myself a while back.

    And yes, I agree with all you have said about the logging in and the not being added to the cart except it is malarkey. I still cannot believe people actually pay for this Magento software.

  • edited December 1969

    Quick question. What is the scoop with the alert for 'already purchased' not working?

    I ended up with a double.

    ...and I have a good excuse. I have a crappy memory.

  • Cyn ArtCyn Art Posts: 0
    edited September 2012

    :coolsmile: I was very pleased to see in "My Downloadable Products" on the My Account page that I had a bunch of downloads that where still there and didn't expire. If that's because I've not downloaded them and it's a new feature, that's great! (For a while I wasn't bothering and figured I'd need to backtrack later.) If it's an error that they're still there. . . please don't fix it. ;-P

    I really like that one. :cheese:

    Post edited by Cyn Art on
  • atryeuatryeu Posts: 612
    edited December 1969

    We need a way to manually clear the list though if it is a new feature and not a glitch (the download list not clearing)... I have nearly 200 things on my download list right now and the oldest is that Smartphone freebie (I forget when that was released but it's been awhile).

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    DAZ_Jeff said:
    Gift Cards stopped working properly in the transition to our new shopping cart. We had to temporarily disable them. Sorry for the inconvenience. We do realized this is a necessary feature and will reactivate Gift Cards as soon as we have them working properly. Thank you for all of the Gift Certificate posts.


    the RDNA has a nice gc feature, it can take the spare change, not just 0 dollar amounts. maybe, that feature can be added to the daz gc when the programmers get to working on it?

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