Nvidia vs ATI in 2012

edited December 1969 in The Commons

hi there ... i am in the market for some new graphics cards...excited...got about $500 to throw at them...plus a new case...

but...which to choose...i usually go with nvidia....but there are some nice ATI sales going on at the moment...

i am a beginner as DS4 ... and most of the forum posts i veiwed are out dated...any suggestions...or direction


ps: do the old daz forums exist only in "cache"...its the only way i can view them...?


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    The old forums are at forumarchive.daz3d.com

    I generally hear Nvidia recommended over ATI.

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited June 2012

    I'm an Nvidia fangirl all the way. I've had maybe 1 issue with them in the last few years, and it was a driver error (bad driver caused BF3 to flicker).

    What usage are you looking to get out of it? Gaming, rendering, anything you throw at it?

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • edited December 1969

    my usual needs

    ...2D graphics...digital painting (printing for mixed media as well)...photo editing/enhancing ...the typical apps for this stuff...

    and daz studio for 3d...i will be looking into zbrush and other apps that would go along these same lines...

    definetly looking to final render 2000x3000 pixels at 300 dpi... for incorperation into other projects (24x36 300 dpi print)

    not a big pc gamer


    long term ...as well as real time rendering ....

  • Fixme12Fixme12 Posts: 589
    edited December 1969

    go for nvidia kepler, that's rendering power. ;-)
    if you can wait a litte more till the end of the year, prices will be lower.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    Hi, I am not understand much about difference of ATI and Nvidia boads.
    I was gamer, and I felt ATI is not so bad.
    Now I use AMD Radeon HD 6800 .

    When I use "weight map tool" in daz studio 4,0.3 Pro suitable ver.
    I could not see clearly, the difference of weight color. in 4.0.3 Pro (Texture shade draw style)
    they were like a checker boad. (check legs image )

    But , Now I checked "weight map tool", in 4 .5 RC
    wao!!! I can not believe,,, the problem has solved ! (I surprised )
    thanks so much ! daz!

    But I recommend you Nvidia driver
    I hear many 3D graphic tools are move well on Nvidia graphic bord.

    and I did not hear "ATI driver is better when using 3D graphic tools"

    I think 3D tool vender do not supprt much about problems of graphic boad.
    They may say it is problems for your graphic boad.

    321 x 465 - 25K
    433 x 573 - 71K
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited December 1969

    I've had nothing but problems with ATI's in the past. I always go nVidia now. Some people swear buy them though. It really all comes down to personal preference, but in my opinion nvidia out perform ATI's.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited June 2012

    If you're a gaming motorhead go ATI.

    If you're interested in detailed rendering and presentation animation, with a look to professionalism and the future, go nVidia.

    However, regardless of which brand you prefer, if you buy cheap you get cheap. But still you don't need a Rolls Royce to drive to the supermarket.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
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