OT-(sorta)... Dreamlight email titles...

McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,048
edited December 1969 in The Commons

I only post this here since I'm under the impression Dreamlight Studios is a DAZ vendor and other people here might wish to voice an opinion on this as well... I'm not trying to stir things up.


Dreamlight... Waldemar or Val, whatever you go by... Dude I understand you are trying to make a buck and survive... That having been said, PLEASE chill out with the suggestive titles to your emails... OKAY?

Some of us use our email addresses for professional purposes and like to keep them free from stuff that in the event a client, co-worker or family member happens to look at the screen while we are looking at email (or as in a recent incident- showing a client an email) they don't see titles like : "Pose Them Good... Pose Them Naked" or "Hot Nude Renders At Your Finger Tips"... I really don't mind the average of 2 emails a day, even though it is mostly annoying, I don't mind you trying to convince me I can survive on 3D modeling alone- as wishful as that may be- some humans have managed to do that, I don't even mind "Create Stunning Nude Renders With Ease"... some of your emails have had interesting links and I appreciate that to some degree... and like I said, I understand you are trying to make a living, but please don't make me look like a pervert getting newsletter from a porn site... okay?
Stuff, like that only gets people to click the SPAM button on you...

I'm not opposed to nudity, it's a great hobby and awesome way of meeting new and interesting people and I have no issues with porn, without it 90% of adolescent males would simply explode before their 18th birthday... I'm just saying that titles like "Pose Them Good... Pose Them Naked" might sound a little too B&D and not might not reflect well on a person who happens to view their emails at work or in front of others, not expecting such titles.

It's just my opinion, do with this as you like.

Good luck and have a wonderful day.


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    Dreamlight... Waldemar or Val, whatever you go by... Dude I understand you are trying to make a buck and survive... That having been said, PLEASE chill out with the suggestive titles to your emails...

    I second the motion.

    ...it's a great hobby and awesome way of meeting new and interesting people...

    Yeah, if you get really bored...make them.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,895
    edited November 2012

    You mean like "3 Steps To Stunning Nude Female Renders" ;-)
    I do agree that he sometimes sounds like a used cars salesman.
    But his tutorials are great, no doubt about that, but his selling tactics could be improved, on the other hand he also sell his tactics as it is proven to be good.

    Post edited by Totte on
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    Totte said:
    You mean like "3 Steps To Stunning Nude Female Renders" ;-)
    I do agree that he sometimes sounds like a used cars salesman.

    Not used car salesman...infomercial writer.

  • Joe CotterJoe Cotter Posts: 3,259
    edited November 2012

    I have benefited from Dreamlight's tutorials, and get the impression he is a very nice person. I would suggest though, it is hard to access how many people this 'sell's to and how many it puts off. Personally, that style puts me off whoever does it. I actually have given these much more slack then I otherwise would simply because I appreciate him and his tutorials. Generally I would block this type of email.

    Waldemar, if you are reading this perhaps you could offer different a different email list to people once they have subscribed, something less often in the repeats and toned down, such as a 'new offers and tips' vs everything. Just an idea, I wish you the best either way :)

    Post edited by Joe Cotter on
  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited December 1969

    I'm afraid I'll have to agree here. When I first started getting these emails, until I noticed the address I thought they were all spam — and once I did notice, at first I wondered if the Dreamlight email account had been spambotted. These subject lines don't attract me.

  • DWGDWG Posts: 770
    edited December 1969

    Have to say I unsubscribed from Dreamlight emails this week, just too many of them.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,981
    edited December 1969

    ...yeah, lot of them seem a bit "hard sell". As I do not have the connectivity, spare time, or compatible schedule to take advantage of the streaming lessons and "webinars" it wouldn't be worth the investment.

    While I think it is great that DreamLight is offering these learning opportunities as well as stunning models, I would like to see a return to focusing on what was originally the core product: lighting, and namely, updating LDP to work with Studio 4.5.

    I know, I know, we have Uber Environment, and Reality/Lux, but LDP has a unique quality to it that I often prefer to the more "photorealistic" (and memory hungry) lighting systems. One thing I like is that the entire light dome can be rotated all at once so sun, ambient, and sky lights remain consistent in relation to each other. Another thing is that one doesn't need to mess around with IBL spheres, AO, & such. Just load the lights and go. Yes LDP may be a "roundabout" approach to "environment lighting", but it still does the job very well.

    ...my two zlotys worth.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,048
    edited December 1969

    Not that anyone questioned it, but I just want to point out I think Val or Waldemar is very talented and knowledgeable and produces very well made, professional products.
    This was only ever about the newsletter/email title having taken a turn from professional to cheesy.
    I say this as I would to anyone who I know in person and it is not meant with any ill will.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,981
    edited December 1969

    ...apologies for the slight derail above.

    I guess I've just become a little weary of receiving all these (& put very well might I add) "cheesy" worded emails for all these new offerings (sometimes two or three a day for the same item) that I either cannot or would not use, when one of his best, and in my book most useful, products is being sorely neglected.

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