

  • edited December 1969

    "Nelsao, a word of advice…

    I’ve learned over the years that rule #1 of this forum is “Never challenge, correct, or criticize anyone” if you want to get along with folks. People here take themselves VERY seriously when it comes to stuff, and they think you’re being rude and hateful and all kinds of nasty stuff if you say anything even slightly negative.

    Just tell people they’re right, no matter what they say, and that their work is awesome, and you’ll do fine".

    Hey Joe,

    thank you for the advice. Rules are rules, not to be discussed.

    In fact, what I search in a 3D forum is learn how to use the software.
    The images users show here are what I need in this moment.

    As I said, I can not critize ("even slightly") something that I don't know
    if I can do, myself, since there are many years not using Carrara.

    But, I really appreciated your advice.

    All the best

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,103
    edited December 1969

    I just have to add, that if you're getting plastic looking terrains in Carrara, then you're doing something wrong.

    Now, just to clarify...

    Is that an example of plastic-looking terrains, or not-plastic-looking terrains ?

    I mistakingly keep thinking when Joe is giving advice it is sarcasm.
    the above comment appeared to my trollish eyes to be sarcasm, as did the comment about so called "rules"

    the only "rules" are ones to do with personal attacks on people and I am concerned my misinterpretation of Joes advice as sarcasm might be seen as such a personal attack.
    for which I am sorry.

    or maybe I am being sarcastic?,

    I am a troll after all!!

  • edited December 1969

    "I mistakingly keep thinking when Joe is giving advice it is sarcasm.
    the above comment appeared to my trollish eyes to be sarcasm, as did the comment about so called “rules”

    the only “rules” are ones to do with personal attacks on people and I am concerned my misinterpretation of Joes advice as sarcasm might be seen as such a personal attack.
    for which I am sorry.

    or maybe I am being sarcastic?,

    I am a troll after all!!"

    I think Joe was very kind with his advice.
    And, yes, rules are rules.
    It means respect to other people's way of thinking. It's something to keep.
    Thank you,

  • BlumBlumShubBlumBlumShub Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Nelsao, a word of advice...

    I've learned over the years that rule #1 of this forum is "Never challenge, correct, or criticize anyone" if you want to get along with folks. People here take themselves VERY seriously when it comes to stuff, and they think you're being rude and hateful and all kinds of nasty stuff if you say anything even slightly negative.

    Just tell people they're right, no matter what they say, and that their work is awesome, and you'll do fine.

    You can't get along with everyone no matter how hard you try.

    I go with tempered honesty! If I think something isn't awesome I will tell them why I don't think it's awesome, and some agree, some disagree, most don't care enough to have an opinion either way.

    Sharing an opinion is a way of telling someone that their art has had an effect on me. Which is, after all, what art is for!

  • edited December 1969

    "You can’t get along with everyone no matter how hard you try.

    I go with tempered honesty! If I think something isn’t awesome I will tell them why I don’t think it’s awesome, and some agree, some disagree, most don’t care enough to have an opinion either way.

    Sharing an opinion is a way of telling someone that their art has had an effect on me. Which is, after all, what art is for!"

    Hey BlumBlumShoob,

    Fine comment. But ...,
    Since I'm new here, and don't want to offend anybody's pride,
    it don't costs me, in the Carrara foruns, of course, to not make any criticism, or "say anything even slightly negative".

    I play a part in, say, about 15 forums (I work with too many software ...), and that's new for me: "People here take themselves VERY seriously when it comes to stuff, ..."

    But, as soon as I post my works, it woulb be very good, for my progress, if anybody points, not the good things,
    but any bad aspect in the images. For me, it's a help. For someone else, not. Let's respect.

    Thank you,

  • araneldonaraneldon Posts: 712
    edited December 1969

    Nelsao, a word of advice...

    I've learned over the years that rule #1 of this forum is "Never challenge, correct, or criticize anyone" if you want to get along with folks. People here take themselves VERY seriously when it comes to stuff, and they think you're being rude and hateful and all kinds of nasty stuff if you say anything even slightly negative.

    Just tell people they're right, no matter what they say, and that their work is awesome, and you'll do fine.

    Poppycock. Most people here can take criticism just fine as long as it is offered without the generous helping of condescension and sarcasm that all too often accompanies your otherwise valuable contributions.
  • BlumBlumShubBlumBlumShub Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Nelsao said:

    Hey BlumBlumShoob,

    Fine comment. But ...,
    Since I'm new here, and don't want to offend anybody's pride,
    it don't costs me, in the Carrara foruns, of course, to not make any criticism, or "say anything even slightly negative".

    I play a part in, say, about 15 forums (I work with too many software ...), and that's new for me: "People here take themselves VERY seriously when it comes to stuff, ..."

    But, as soon as I post my works, it woulb be very good, for my progress, if anybody points, not the good things,
    but any bad aspect in the images. For me, it's a help. For someone else, not. Let's respect.

    Thank you,

    The first way to not offend anybody is to get their bloody name right! It's BlumBlumSHUB, not SHOOB! ;-)

    People do sometimes take themselves seriously here, On the plus side I've had very good, helpful comments about my artwork. Perhaps you should check out the newbie section. Perhaps not because you're new as such, but because you're new to the forum and want some constructive criticism. People on that side of the forum are very kind (not that I'm saying these guys aren't of course).

    I am looking forward to seeing what you create.

  • edited December 1969

    "The first way to not offend anybody is to get their bloody name right! It’s BlumBlumSHUB, not SHOOB!

    People do sometimes take themselves seriously here, On the plus side I’ve had very good, helpful comments about my artwork. Perhaps you should check out the newbie section. Perhaps not because you’re new as such, but because you’re new to the forum and want some constructive criticism. People on that side of the forum are very kind (not that I’m saying these guys aren’t of course).

    I am looking forward to seeing what you create."

    Hey Mr. Shub,

    I sincerely apologise for my unforgivable mistake. I don't know what happened,
    maybe the plastic button of the keyboard is responsible, not me, for sure.

    I hope we can overcome this offense and keep thing in a good way.

    Thank you,

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited November 2012

    Hello Nelsau, No worries on my part. No offense taken here. Thank you for the nice comments about the picture.

    I do wonder though, with a fairly modern rig why you would have trouble with rendering complete scenes with 3D elements. If you have trouble using a figure or two, a terrain, and a few other things, there may be other issues than your machine. If that is the case, ask for help. There are many people here that are willing to offer tips, tricks and solutions. A lot of times when people have long render times, it is because they mistakenly believe they have to enable every render option and set them to the max, when in reality the render options can be reduced without much (if any) discernible loss in quality.

    The picture I posted was set up and rendered with a circa 2003 or '04 Apple 1.8 Ghz single core PowerMac G5 with (at the time) 2GB of RAM, using Carrara 7.2. Because I used the Skylight in the render settings it took longer to render, but only an hour or two. I now have a better grasp of how to simulate global illumination, so my renders now take much less time.

    P.S. don't worry about BlumBlumShub, I'm pretty sure he was making a joke.

    Post edited by evilproducer on
  • edited December 1969

    "Hello Nelsau, No worries on my part. No offense taken here. Thank you for the nice comments about the picture.

    I do wonder though, with a fairly modern rig why you would have trouble with rendering complete scenes with 3D elements. If you have trouble using a figure or two, a terrain and a few other things, there may be other issues than your machine. If that is the case, ask for help. There are many people here that are willing to offer tips, tricks and solutions. A lot of times when people have long render times, is because they mistakenly believe they have to enable every render option and set them to the max, when in reality the render options can be reduced without much (is any) discernible loss in quality.

    The picture I posted was set up and rendered with a circa 2003 or ‘04 Apple 1.8 Ghz single core PowerMac G5 with (at the time) 2GB of RAM, using Carrara 7.2. Because I used the Skylight in the render settings it took longer to render, but only an hour or two. I now have a better grasp of how to simulate global illumination, so my renders now take much less time".

    Hey Evilproducer,

    I really appreciated your picture, it's really beatifull, looks like an Old Masters painting that Im appreciate so much.

    Reading your post, I see the reason of my worries about render times: for a single image it's ok to wait an hour, or
    less with your new render settings, but I always think in terms of animations. I use a few other 3D software for
    working projects and always lower the settings of the renderer to make things in a reasionable time, with no significant loss of quality.

    But, for my own pleasure, I will try to make some scenes like yours and, yes, it would be very good if I could get some hints and
    tricks from other more experienced Carrara Users like you, for sure.

    These days are a little full of working projects but next week
    I will install Carrara 8.5 and Daz Studio in another computer (an i7 with windows 64 bits and full ram) for the Genesis figures and
    will create some very clumsy renders to show, listen to comments and go getting better with time.

    Thank you,

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,103
    edited November 2012

    there is a quote function in the forum software

    that does this

    you press the quote tag below the person's post and get the quoted text automatically two html body brackets or you can manually type them and insert the body of what the other person said copied and pasted between [quoteleave this out]insert text here [/leavethiswordoutquote]
    it will make it a lot easiers for others to see where you are quoting someone.
    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Hello Nelsau,

    I would never attempt an animation with a single frame that takes an hour. Even with my old system, I can usually get it so that the average frame render time is under a minute. There are many, many factors that go into how long an animation takes to render. Definitely, ask questions here to speed up render times! My main point is that an i7 (especially if multiple core/processor) should be well up to the task of handling multiple 3d objects. and I think if it's slow to render for you, then there are other issues. When your other projects get done and life allows a little extra time to learn your software, then be sure to come back and ask for tips and tricks in all areas of Carrara.

  • edited December 1969

    Hey Evilproducer,

    I'm back, after a few days.

    Simply couldnt install Carrara 8.5 beta, it's out of reach from the link....

    I sent a message to DAZ asking if I could have it and I'm waiting ...

    Well, let's continue: years ago, taking a look at the old forum, I found the best post I ever seen in a discussion forum.
    I saved the text and will find it and show. It's not lost, although I had it memorized it and use it all the time.
    It's just about the settings of the renderer for animations, and, in some degree, applies to images too.
    Soon I will show you and wait for you opinion and sugestions.
    It's very important for me to use the most quick way to create the best possible renderes,
    so I like this kind of discussion

    Thank you,

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    Hi Nelsao :)

    If you have Carrara 8,....

    Reset the download from your account (itemised order history)

    The Beta should also be reset, and added to your available downloads,..
    It should be labelled as 8.5

    Hope it helps :)

  • edited December 1969

    Hi, 3DAGE,
    thank you,
    I'll be doing this now


  • edited December 1969

    Hi 3DAGE,
    no Carrara 8.5 for me ....
    See the picture.

    I'll wait for the DAZ answer to my request.

    Thank you,

    647 x 420 - 129K
  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    HI :)

    You've got at least 15 pages of downloads there,. but it#'s showing 10 items per page, have you checked that it's not on the next pages..

    You can change that number of displayed items at the bottom to show 20 or 50 items,..

    Also,.. you may have a different entry for Carrara Beta, if you've previously had the beta added to your account, you should reset that instead of the C8 upgrade.

    717 x 239 - 31K
  • edited December 1969

    Hey 3DAGE,

    thank you, but I've seen all the available downloads and Carrara 8.5 is not there.

    And, I never downloaded C8.5 before.

    In fact, I've buyng all versions of Carrara Pro just to keep in touch with the development.
    And, Carrara is always a good 3D program, in all versions, since my old Raydream times.
    In my work, I use other software.

    But, now, DAZ made a step beyond with the integration of the Genesis figures.
    I understand perfectly the time they're spenting in adjusting the new version: it's a big step,
    a new horizon and I will not miss that. In their very particular way, DAZ programmers are
    pushing Carrara to a level that no other big 3D software has gone up to now: we don't need
    to model and rig figures anymore (unless in some very particular cases).
    It's enough for me to credit them for their vision and wait.
    Great things to happen, if they succeed. Good luck.

    And thank you,

  • edited December 1969

    I received the following message from DAZ:

    "Joanie Frerichs, Nov 29 14:11 (MST):
    Hi there,
    Please reset your download for Carrara 8 and you will have a download for Carrara 8.5 available.

    That's fine.

    Here I go.


  • edited December 1969

    Oh, my ...

    Oh Joanie ...

    no Carrara 8.5 ....

    Send her this:

    "Hey, Joanie,

    I reseted the downloads and no Carrara 8.5.
    Can you please take a look if there's something more I can do?
    Thank you,

    Waiting ....

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