Arduino to Daz Studio bridge for PC-Win (mocap)
so if you have an Arduino
if you have a microcontroller that talks to the PC using the serial ports and you make it "talk" according to the special format i used
1 short arduino program ( sketch )
1 PC-Win Application ( the bridge )
1 Daz Script
The daz script is a very slightly modified version of the Wii and the Gamepad "Client" which you may want to look at !
you start the script,
the script starts the bridge
the bridge establishes the communication with the arduino through a COM/Serial port
the arduino app starts sending the values of the 6 analog inputs ( i have an arduino Leonardo ) to the bridge
the bridge relays them to the Daz Studio script
the client receives 6 numbers between 0 and 1024
i then linked this to Aiko's Shoulder Up-Down angle
if you know arduino programming, the messaging format is simple, so you can easily add, digital input readings
for now the only message transmitted from Daz Studio to the arduino is the sampling rate
in fact the arduino is so short here it is
int rate = 1000;char mesg[100];#define INPUT_SIZE 30 char input[INPUT_SIZE + 1];void setup(){ Serial.begin( 9600 ); Serial.setTimeout( 100 ); while( !Serial ) { }}void loop() { byte size = Serial.readBytes( input, INPUT_SIZE ); input[size] = 0; char* command = strtok(input, ",\n"); int numFields = 0; char fields[5][16]; while( command != 0 ) { strcpy( fields[numFields], command ); ++numFields; command = strtok(0, ",\n"); } if( numFields > 0 ) { if( strstr( fields[0], "HEAD" ) ) { sprintf( mesg, "[\tHEADERS\t%ld\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t]", millis(), "A0", "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5" ); Serial.println( mesg ); } else if( strstr( fields[0], "RATE" ) ) { if( numFields >= 2 ) { rate = atoi( fields[1] ); } } } sprintf( mesg, "[\tDATA\t%ld\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t]", millis(), analogRead( A0 ), analogRead( A1 ), analogRead( A2 ), analogRead( A3 ), analogRead( A4 ), analogRead( A5 ) ); Serial.println( mesg ); delay( rate );}
there's a one-day delay, it basically works right now but i'm having a bit of trouble making the bridge bi-directional
so ... Thursday should be the day
unrelated image ( see mcjBuilderA ... them arches were done with it right in Daz Studio )
it's ready ! !
it's a bit rushed i didnt test the mcjComClient recording function, but we inherited it from the wiimote/gamepad/android clients which worked fine