Known Forum Issues Curently Being Worked On and Old Forum Link



  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Ardiva said:
    WandW said:
    ]Poser Pros allowed for images in line when it was archived! WAAAAAAAAAAAAH~ :ohh:

    Hey-the Poser Pros archive is gone too! :ahhh:

    Hi Wanda..I just went to the PoserPros website to retrieve more of my products for backup, but the website is no longer there.
    Needless to say, I'm very angry about this.....VERY angry indeed!!

    PoserPros has been gone since some time ...
    In the old forums we were told to PM Guarie for download resets ... maybe this helps here too?

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    Ardiva said:

    Looks like someone doesn't know what they are doing. Daz should take a hint from the Anonymous Forum website, ""
    to see what a nice job they did on upgrading their own forum within 48 hours. *serious*

    They had their forums updated and tweaked in 48 hours time?? WOW... Doesn't surprise me in the least. Back when I was a moderator at another graphics forum my friend Risto that ran it would warn us that the forums would be down for a little while... I think, iirc, was about an hour and when the came back up ... "Oh, shiny, Oh pretty, Oh oh oh" lol Not sure why DAZ makes this harder than it has to be... READ THE MANUAL DAZ! lmao

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,927
    edited December 1969

    ROFL! DAZ has a bunch of guys working for them. You should know guys don't read directions.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    LMAO... Yea, I know! *guilty as charged* :P

  • helgashelgas Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Just so you know keep listing any issues you come across or wishes...I'm not ignoring them, I am logging them all so I can send off a list of issues and suggestions :)

    Thanks everyone for both helping point out problems you are experiencing, possible solutions, as well as offering your suggestions! We greatly appreciate it!

    On the question of the old forums, the issue is as stated because no one can log in. In the future we hope that will change but first they will be working on the current store and forum issues before going back to the archive. I am sorry for any inconvenience on that topic. :(

    I do have to chime in with some fix requests:

    1. If I remove my Credit Card Information it needs to be removed from the DAZ Servers. At the moment this is not happening. The Credit Card Information returns to my Account Information after a purchase where I enter my CC info manually. This is not acceptable and needs to be fixed a.s.a.p. The state of the DAZ site is an open invitation to hackers.

    2. When I send a PM the "Sent" box remains at zero. Checking the box to store the message does not work.

    3. The white background with light grey text needs to go. (Is the designer color blind?) The DAZ site lacks color. For a Contend Provider for Artists there is nothing artistic to be found. The site looks sterile and does not invite a customer to get excited to spend money. Hopefully I am the only customer that feels that way.

    4. Since pritty much every area of the new Store and Forum is not working what will be the time frame to fix it? One year? Two years? Maybe never? Scary thought is DAZ soon. :blank:

  • helgashelgas Posts: 0
    edited May 2012

    Frank0314 said:
    ROFL! DAZ has a bunch of guys working for them. You should know guys don't read directions.

    This has become painfully obvious. I was once hired by a Company to read and know all the Manuals so I could help the Gurus "unwilling to even touch a Manual". Maybe DAZ could provide such a service for their guys? DAZ is experiencing the "tapping in the dark" syndrom. Please turn on the lights guys.

    Edited to add the text that disappeared when I hit the "Submit" button. I hope this is not another bug?

    Post edited by helgas on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,966
    edited December 1969

    ...I know the feeling. What is it with IT staff these days? Oft times I find they have a condescending attitude towards us "unenlightened"¹ folk when we have a simple question or issue with software/hardware. Supposedly they are there to serve us, the users but sometimes I feel it is the other way around.

    When I used to code for a living, I documented everything so anyone else after me would not be left fumbling in the dark. If someone in the company had difficulty with a new update, I would take the time to walk them though instead of just performing the keystrokes/mouse moves myself and expecting them to remember what I did. Maybe it was the "teacher" in me that wanted people to learn and wanted them to have confidence in what they did rather than feel inferior in my presence.

    To me downtime meant wasted resources and revenue.

    ...that said,

    As has been mentioned elsewhere, they really need a team of pros to step in and get things working. If the new software has so many things it "cannot do" that other software (including the old site/forum) can, and which is forcing some of the negative changes in site policy and operation, then, maybe it is quite simply the wrong software for the job at hand. From what I've gleaned through reading posts and the FAQ, I would be very hesitant to use it for updating my site if I knew the changes it would cause would result in such furor and angst across my entire customer/community member base.

    Yeah, the old software was maybe a chewing gum, duct tape, and bailing wire affair, but compared to what we are dealing with now (and for the future) it would actually be more of an "upgrade" if they went back to it.


    ¹ As I gave up coding seventeen years ago after the company I worked for was run into the ground by a new owner who was prone to critical errors in decision making, I now also consider myself one of the "unenlightened" since I never kept up with changes and trends.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    I agree Kyoto!

  • de3ande3an Posts: 915
    edited December 1969

    When uploading multiple images in a post, their order is random and apparently can not be controlled.

    I performed a test in which I uploaded three images to a post. The images were labeled 1, 2, & 3 and were loaded in that same order. After posting, the images were displayed in the order 3, 1, 2.
    I thought that maybe the images were being displayed in an order according to file name, but that doesn't seem to be the case either. So using the file name as a work-around will not solve this problem.

    You can view my test post here:

    As it stands, it's going to be very difficult for anyone to create any tutorials that require multiple images, since now we can no longer post images in-line with the text, or even control the order of the ones appended to the end of a post.

    I would appreciate hearing whether this is an acknowledged problem that DAZ intends to rectify.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    Geez, one more issue.... lovely!

  • ElowanElowan Posts: 388
    edited May 2012

    This may have been 'said' before but it deserves repeating:

    The 'new' website looks like s..., ah - ... gouvno!

    Post edited by Elowan on
  • ArdivaArdiva Posts: 3
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    Ardiva said:

    Looks like someone doesn't know what they are doing. Daz should take a hint from the Anonymous Forum website, ""
    to see what a nice job they did on upgrading their own forum within 48 hours. *serious*

    They had their forums updated and tweaked in 48 hours time?? WOW... Doesn't surprise me in the least. Back when I was a moderator at another graphics forum my friend Risto that ran it would warn us that the forums would be down for a little while... I think, iirc, was about an hour and when the came back up ... "Oh, shiny, Oh pretty, Oh oh oh" lol Not sure why DAZ makes this harder than it has to be... READ THE MANUAL DAZ! lmao

    I forgot to mention that the WWP forum was not down during their upgrading. A little slow at times, but not down.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,966
    edited May 2012

    ...basically, the new site software is a total FAIL.

    ● It should not take two (or more) weeks to implement.
    ● It should not force changes in website policy because of what it is incapable of doing.
    ● it should not take away features that customers/community members have come to rely on.

    This is not an upgrade, it is stepping backwards. Daz is effectively ready to shoot themselves in the foot by not listening to those of us who are asking them not to. I love this company, they are the reason I am into 3D CG. I am saddened to see what is occurring and cannot help but feel some of this may due to the buyout that occurred a couple years ago.

    Again, I went though a similar situation when the firm I worked for was bought out by someone totally clueless to the current industry trends and summarily ran it into the ground through poor decision making. I don't want to see the same happen to Daz.

    Please, listen to our concerns.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited December 1969

    Once, when I was younger, I needed to organize my bedroom. So I tilted a bookshelf far enough that the four shelves of books, double-stacked, dumped onto the floor. It was a strange thing to make a huge mess, in order to organize everything, but it had to be done, and was the easiest way. It stuck with me, though. Sometimes, in order to clear away the junk, you need to make a significantly larger mess. Typically this is because once you've made that larger mess, the cleanup process is more straightforward.

    I agree that this has been poorly handled; I disagree that it was possible to stay on the old system. I trust the many reports from many DAZ people that the old system was starting to fall over. ('Fall over' here appears to be defined as being unable to track sales, and determine correct payments to PA's and DAZ and such, or taking significantly too long to provide reports, or something equally business-imperiling.)

    I disagree about concern over policy differences and feature differences; those are change aversion, and could have been managed better if the transition had gone easier. The transition's ease has not been bad because of missing features, or policy changes. It's been because the site is still fundamentally unstable. If it was a solid platform, the lack of features, loss of benefits, etc., would be manageable, and they could quickly start building new features, benefits, etc., on the new system. Folks would still be averse to change, but they'd be seeing a benefit. Unfortunately, the bugs in the new system are not under control.

    There are real bugs that should not be conflated with change aversion in the user base. That caching (most likely culprit imnsho) is still causing some users to see other user's information is a Very Big Bug. That it 'loses' users PC statuses regularly is a medium sized bug. That prices are STILL not consistent is a Very Big Bug. That 'Required Products' is still sometimes random is a small bug (but probably related). That purchases are not completing is a Very Big Bug. That your itemized history is sorted wrong is a very small bug. That ANYTHING on the forums is broken or different is a Very Small Bug.

    I agree that they need specific professionals fixing this; developing a major 3D desktop application is not the same skillset as modifying a bespoke deployment of a flexibility-oriented web shopping cart. They're both intensely hard problems, but they overlap in almost zero skill requirements. I trust and expect that DAZ has a team of (probably contract) web developers who are building/modifying the bespoke site, and hopefully are 'in harms way' on this. (By this I mean that they have a performance bonus that they are rapidly losing.) Unfortunately PHP and Magento are both not safe for novice software developers, and at the same time absolutely rife with them.

    For example, I would say to turn off front-end ('view') caching (Varnish, and/or Magento's own view caching) to start, just to fix the inconsistencies, but I bet Magento would be dog-slow (or even potentially unusable) without it, which means you need to cache smart, and that's a very hard problem, easy to get wrong, and viciously hard to debug when you do get it wrong.

    I don't envy them. I'm confident they are hearing the concerns, but I'm also confident that the folks who developed this custom Magento instance got so far over their head, sunlight couldn't reach them anymore. Here's your guiding light, as a user: if you see the user data and required product inconsistencies solved, and remaining solved, then you know someone's gotten a grip on things there, and is working through the problems in a methodical fashion. If they start delivering 'new features' (like the ones folks are requesting/demanding/whining about constantly) in the store or forum before those inconsistencies get fixed, then you know that they're prioritizing user complaints over actually fixing fundamental bugs, and things are actually going to get a lot worse, because they're building on quicksand.

    Don't ask them to go backwards; that way lies madness. Give DAZ a chance to do the site right, and make things right with the users. I expect that given time, they will do both. I agree with the fundamental sentiment, though. This hurts. A lot.

    -- Morgan

  • LoaarLoaar Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I had a quick scroll through the thread and didn't see this one, so here is another (relatively minor but very annoying) issue.

    Occasionally, and I can't replicate this 100%, so I'm not sure whats causing it, if I'm not logged in the forums, but I am logged into the store, it sticks me in an endless loop that doesn't allow me to log onto the forums. It did it to me twice yesterday, but not at all today, so it may already be fixed.

    Since thats a terrible explanation, here is a better one:

    1. Log into the store.
    2. Load the forums either from a favourite/bookmark or via a link from the store
    3. The forums (for whatever reason) don't show you as logged in, so you can't do things like "View unread posts"
    4. Attempting to login to the forums via the "Log in" link works fine, but it loads the store rather than the forums for some reason.
    5. Since your in the store, you repeat step 2, but end up in a frustrating loop where logging on never actually logs you onto the forums.

    I tried manually logging off from the store, but it didn't appear to solve the issue.

    Attempting the process on a different computer did solve the issue.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Just another post asking for BREAD CRUMBs at the bottom of the forums again please. Scroll up scroll down repeat is getting very old.

  • edited May 2012

    Cypherfox said:
    Here's your guiding light, as a user: if you see the user data and required product inconsistencies solved, and remaining solved, then you know someone's gotten a grip on things there, and is working through the problems in a methodical fashion. If they start delivering 'new features' (like the ones folks are requesting/demanding/whining about constantly) in the store or forum before those inconsistencies get fixed, then you know that they're prioritizing user complaints over actually fixing fundamental bugs, and things are actually going to get a lot worse, because they're building on quicksand.

    Don't ask them to go backwards; that way lies madness. Give DAZ a chance to do the site right, and make things right with the users. I expect that given time, they will do both. I agree with the fundamental sentiment, though. This hurts. A lot.

    Dude. That. Exactly that.

    I'm not experiencing too many of the commonly reported bugs, but the one I caught (and then figured out how to work around, on my end) was a showstopper -- the inability to complete the checkout process, because the site would just error out. I agree that the actual bugs need to be hammered out before we get too bent about missing features. (And this from the guy who just had to rebuild his content database while squinting at the frequently inaccurate required products and compatible figures.)

    I also think that the fact that I'm not experiencing most of the common bugs may be how they made it into production. If the bugs don't manifest in the test environment, there's no way to know they exist until the site goes live and someone actually sees them. This may also speak to a limited test environment, which is somewhat unfortunate.

    Post edited by thinmick_3ecd3939f1 on
  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Posts: 376
    edited December 1969

    Is someone actually working on fixing the forum bugs? It's been two weeks now and I've not seen one problem resolved. Sorting threads and posts so that last is first should not even take a day to fix. That would already make a huge difference.

    Times up DAZ. We want this mess fixed now. Grrr....

    Well it was worth a try. Lol. :lol:

  • T JaimanT Jaiman Posts: 560
    edited May 2012

    ThinMick said:
    I also think that the fact that I'm not experiencing most of the common bugs may be how they made it into production. If the bugs don't manifest in the test environment, there's no way to know they exist until the site goes live and someone actually sees them. This may also speak to a limited test environment, which is somewhat unfortunate.

    Yep, the bugs don't show up for everyone, all the time. I think I was the first one to report the infinite-loop login problem. It went away, for me I was going to ask if that was fixed... but I see others have it. I also haven't seen the store problem of another person's name "(not you?)" for a long time, but maybe I'm logging in at the forums before the store.

    Post edited by T Jaiman on
  • MJ_VivianightMJ_Vivianight Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    LOL, I click the "Forum Home" tab and get the lizard--site is down screen.
    Just use my browser back button to surf the live forums again.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,188
    edited December 1969

    I just got a ton of forum new post emails! A ton! I guess at least part of the problem has been fixed. But, the only ones that brought me to the first new post were those that had only one page in the topic so far. If there was more than one page, it brought me to the top of the first page.

    I have noticed that the email contains the body of the entire post! :bug: Unfortunately, I have noticed that the emails notifying of new Private Messages also show the entire body of the message. Somehow, that doesn't feel very Private. :-/


  • MJ_VivianightMJ_Vivianight Posts: 0
    edited May 2012

    DanaTA said:
    I have noticed that the email contains the body of the entire post! :bug: Unfortunately, I have noticed that the emails notifying of new Private Messages also show the entire body of the message. Somehow, that doesn't feel very Private. :-/


    LOL tell me about it. I had to shut those notifications off.
    Cheers :)

    EDIT: Hmm, is that what the 'enable smart notification' does? Chucks the whole post in your inbox? Seriously, all that I need is the old "someone has posted a response to topic so-and-so, click to view" link.

    And am still getting the lizard. The method of going to the Community tab and then forums just to get back to the forum home is just more 'extra workarounds'.

    Post edited by MJ_Vivianight on
  • T JaimanT Jaiman Posts: 560
    edited May 2012

    T Jaiman said:
    I think I was the first one to report the infinite-loop login problem. It went away, for me I was going to ask if that was fixed... but I see others have it.

    And now it's back!

    Ahahahahahahahaha! Uhha. Ha... huh...

    Post edited by T Jaiman on
  • BeaBea Posts: 745
    edited December 1969

    Have we any idea when these problems will be solved?
    I would have thought that one important one is getting the new threads and new posts appearing on the first page without you having to go trawling to the last page.
    Surely most commercial forum software must have that option?

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,188
    edited December 1969

    Bea said:
    Have we any idea when these problems will be solved?
    I would have thought that one important one is getting the new threads and new posts appearing on the first page without you having to go trawling to the last page.
    Surely most commercial forum software must have that option?

    No, no idea.

    Well, you aren't thinking like a business...the most important thing to DAZ3D is getting the store to work correctly. If not, sales will go to zero. If they make no money, they certainly won't want to give us a better working forum for free. And I have to say that it's probably the correct thing, too. Of the two, I'd much rather have confidence that my purchase will be secure and correct, than be sure I can find the newest post.

    I'm beginning to think that most commercial software is crap. If this software won the title of the best one to suit their needs, what garbage must the losers be? I'd be afraid to look! Still, it could have been a little better before release.


  • WindTrancerWindTrancer Posts: 33
    edited December 1969

    wow! almost 2 weeks of this horrific situation. just wondering who the heck recommended this package for the Daz site...does anyone at Daz really know what they are doing so they can either correct this mess or replace it with another something or other...feel like i am visiting a grade schooler's semester project...a business that considers itself "professional" would never present itself this way...ugh...

  • de3ande3an Posts: 915
    edited December 1969

    Credit where credit is due.:coolsmile:
    Forum Email alerts are now working for me. So there is progress being made. (The computer tech in me wants to know what the fix was. Was it what I suggested earlier in this thread?) :question:

    Permalinks are still not working, though. So the link in the Email doesn't take you to the proper post.

  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438
    edited December 1969

    Does anyone know a way to bookmark a New Posts link so I can start browsing from there? I did find a link and BMd it, but it's some sort of search link, and returns a 'No Results' page.


  • Lori_TLori_T Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Have we any idea when we can access our serial numbers?
    I realise that I need some from some recent purchases. I have most of them stored but I overlooked some of the later ones. I just never thought they would not be accessible
    When I click on the link in my dashboard I get this gibberish:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 72 bytes) in /var/www/html/ on line 195 Fatal error: Class 'Mage' not found in /var/www/html/ on line 244

  • Consumer573Consumer573 Posts: 282
    edited December 1969

    barbfmc said:
    Just wondering if you're checking the posts in the Members Only area ... some of us are having difficulties with account information related to the Platinum Club. Thanks! :)

    Where is the members only area? It's not showing up for me, and I logged in and am a member?

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