Creating Cities
in Art Studio
Hi guys I would just like to ask how do you make roads or streets if you will use city props? I've noticed in the shop that the props are blocks but how do you make roads? I mean if you put them together there'll be spaces so how do you make those spaces look like roads? Are there anything that you can buy online to make those spaces look like roads? Or you can do it manually? :)
Here are a few packs with modular road sets available in the store, but there are probably more:
Ah well, at least our lists match.
Leana and Richard, you two are so cute! :)
I have those, but, if there is a road that I particularly like in a set that I think will work with my layout, I'll borrow those too. You might have to take them into a modeling program or the geometry editor (don't know how to work that one yet) and break out the road parts if they are connected to stuff you don't want. Checkout what RGcincy is doing with the Movie set roads in the River Front set, too, in this thread. He has a lot of useful ideas using those to set up cities.