

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895
    edited December 2016



    Slepalex said:
    Hansmar said:


    Here is my second (and most probably last) for this contest. Title: African food court.


    Hans, terrific job! What is the weight of the scene file?
    Is the vegetation in the background - it's Instancing Lab results? And what mode rendering, lighting and rendering time?

    Thanks! The file is 67 MB. If you mean the 'vegetation' on the hills, this is actually the use of a double terrain technique. The vegetation is the result of a copied terrain with a higher resolution and a little more noise. And, of course, another texture than the lower resolution terrain. It was rendered in 'Regular' mode with the sun and a fill light (strength 10 for both diffuse and specular). And the sky was used as IBL. I did not note the rendering time in detail, but it was just below two hours, I think.

    adbcHoromermaid010: Thanks.

    And, great idea and well made render, adbc!

    Post edited by Hansmar on
  • mtnmenmtnmen Posts: 444

    @hansmar... For the food bank... very interesting image... and  yeah, we do put our Thanksgiving turkey on plates... That's just how we do it..  African food Court is a beautiful image...
    @adbc... Food Lab, the Kitchen... a very crisp, clean kitchen...lab   Belgian chocolate Queen is very odd ...I like it!
    @Sray... Dinner In a Movie... Fun... Is that hunger in his eyes... or just love?
    @slepalex... Apple Orchard is an absolutley wonderful image with so much depth... Great!

    Here is my 3rd entry...
    Title:  Botanicus Carnivorum
    The "hydra-vore" model is from the web, sorry no author info

    Botanicus Carnivorum.jpg
    960 x 720 - 782K
  • vosvos Posts: 337

     @Hansmar-African food court.  The law of nature,finding food  on a natural way,great landscape to. 

     @adbc -Belgian Chocolate Queen. A cool qween she is ! 

      @mtnmen-Botanicus Carnivorum -I have always found it a strange plant but  it is a beautiful  plant. 

    Now it is Christmas evening, Belgian Cote d'Or chocolate for everyone.
    this is not a  entry still working on it . 


    Côte d'Or chocolade.jpg
    1063 x 449 - 69K
  • @Hansmar: Sher good idea and a fantastic picture.
    @adbc: Belgian Chocolate Queen? What a great abstract idea for this topic. Cool!
    @mtnmen: poor fly, but impressive picture. Great.
    @vos: Thank you for the chocolate and Merry Christmaszwinkern

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    mermaid010, drachenlords : thank you.

    vos : thanks, I like your image and cote d'or is reallly nice chocolate, it's manufactured now in Poland, Lithuania and Czech Republic, wages in Belgium are too high, so are the taxes I'm afraid.

    mtnmen : Botanicus Carnivorum is a wonderful idea and a superb render. Thank you for your comment.


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,537

    mtnmen - Botanicus Carnivorum is a great render, teaches some biology, too.

    vos - great work on the material and light to make it look like chocolate.

  • Dan WhitesideDan Whiteside Posts: 500
    edited December 2016

    Great images everyone!

    Here’s my entry.

    Title “Canned Meat”

    Content used:

    Mil Dragon and Genesis 2 male by DAZ3D.

    Helms of History by Valandar

    Temple Ruins, unattributed model that came with DS2.


    Illuminated by 2 Ranged Dome lights (64 lights/quality).

    Rendered at 64 RPP with True Ambience enabled, about 2.5 hours.


    Thanks for looking!


    1024 x 768 - 451K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,537

    Dan - Canned Meat, what a cool fitting name for this entry. Apart from the name, it is superbly done,

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,537
    edited December 2016

    This is my third entry:
    The future is not a family meeting at the table but guzzle the "food" wherever you are (ugh) and the advertising will insist that the bubbles are extremely nourishing. A glass and some liquid, a straw made of cylinders and tori, and 4 2D-Faces as particle generators (transparent and reflecting). Backdrop and light by an HDRI, soft IBL shadows rendered premium with soft shadows, 36 rpp and MRD 5. The 2D-Faces could be excluded from IB light, but not the bubbles generated so it took 14 hours.

    Title: Liquid Food with Nourishing Bubbles


    795 x 1200 - 85K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Dan Whiteside : very cool image.

    Horo :  original idea, nicely done. I'll go for the future, no more cooking ...........wow !

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895

    mtnmenvosdrachenlords: Thanks

    mtnmen: Wonderful model and render.

    vos: yummy! chocolate again!

    Dan Whiteside: Highly original for a theme on food; great title too. Next time recoloring and submitting for the 'music' theme (aren't they singing?)

    Horo: very well made render. Though I don't mind chewing and also cooking does have it's charms.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,388

    Mtnmen - Botanicus Carnivorum is a awesome render.

    Vos - nice render, awesome chocolate texture.

    Dan Whiteside - great render.

    Horo - I go with Adbc on this, no more cooking, nice idea and render.

  • vosvos Posts: 337

          @ Dan Whiteside-“Canned Meat”  Great titel and image.

       @ Horo-Liquid Food with Nourishing Bubbles-Looks very refreshing to drink on a hot day.  beautiful light and render. 

    Thanks all for thecomments on the Belgian Cote d'Or chocolate image. 

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,537

    adbc - thank you.

    Hansmar - thank you. I'm not a big fan of cooking but I like to have a good meal, so there's no way of saving time in the kitchen.

    mermaid - thank you.

    vos- thank you.

  • vosvos Posts: 337

    my third entry: Meringue 

    1370 x 514 - 460K
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,537

    vos - cool idea. The colours are well chosen.


  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    vos : brilliant idea, well done !

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 2016

    My second entry

    Title:  Fire Eater

    1111 x 555 - 226K
    Post edited by Dave Savage on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895

    vos: Great idea, the meringue and beautiful render too.

    Dave Savage: Interesting choice to have half of the render black (or very dark). But it helps to show the dramatic scene. She has a nice, longing, look. Hope she doesn't burn her face and those pretty hairs! Wonderful entry, I think.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,537

    Dave - great one, really. Idea and excution.

  • @Dan Whiteside: Canned Meat - simply awesome, title and picture.
    @Horo: Great idea and incredible render. Fantastic.
    @vos: Abstract and harmonious. I like it.
    @Dave Savage: Beautiful picture composition. Really hot ;-)

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Dave Savage : Awesome contrast fire versus the dark background.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,388

    Awesome entries by Vos and Dave

    Good Luck everyone

  • vosvos Posts: 337

    @ Dave Savage -Fire Eater-Great fire and cute fire eater,like the contrast dark  & light .

  • mtnmenmtnmen Posts: 444

    Thanks for the great comments...
    @danwhiteside...Canned Meat is a wonderful image... love the amber/sepia tones...
    @horo... Liquid Food... With Nourishing Bubbles... very nice... and the particle generator was perfect for making the bubbles... Thank you for that...
    @vos... Meringue is another very interesting image...  The meringue seems to be floating like masses of ambergris...
    @davesavage... Fire Eater is a great image... very nice glow...
    Lots of great images again... good luck all you Brycers...

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,537

    Thank you drachenlords and mtnmen.

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