AVI texture map glo channel broken in Pro 8 64 bit?

Box8068_31c338ee4bBox8068_31c338ee4b Posts: 292
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

Hey everybody
A little disappointed here. Was really looking forward to taking advantage of 64 bit but seem to have run into a different
issue. I have loaded a avi file into the glow channel of a texture map. worked in pro version 6, worked in pro version 8 32 bit,
but I don't see it in Carrara pro 64 bit.
Anybody know is this a windows issue, or is this a Carrara Issue. Anybody else see this?


  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    To paraphrase: if you make the shader in 32bit it behaves as expected, but opening it in 64bit has no glow effect at all?

  • Box8068_31c338ee4bBox8068_31c338ee4b Posts: 292
    edited December 1969

    Correct. I made this in 32 bit ( didn't realize I had opened that version ) Tried to continue in 64 bit.
    Didn't see the image in 64 bit. Tried to reload texture map ( AVI File ) even in the preview in the texture map area of the shader I didn't see
    the image just a blank screen. ( The place in the texture map where you can hit that little play button )
    there were no warnings, or resquest to locate the file. Looked like Carrara thought it was loaded but was unable to play the video file.
    Does windows have an issue with video files in the 64 bit world?
    Closed and opened the session in 32 bit carrara pro 8.1 Worked fine.

    Both versions were 8.1.1 build 12 not 8.5

  • Box8068_31c338ee4bBox8068_31c338ee4b Posts: 292
    edited December 1969

    One little addition, it does look like it has glow. but the glow is the full blank screen , not the the image in the movie
    file" glowing"

    In case your wondering the image is a filmed oscilloscope screen. I found by putting it as a glow instead
    of a simple texture it increases the realism.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    I believe you can use sequenced images in an animated shader. If the AVI won't load, maybe you can convert it to an image sequence and try that.

    The other possibility is that because the movie is 32 bit, the 64 bit Carrara doesn't like it. Can you make a 64 bit AVI and use that?

  • cdordonicdordoni Posts: 583
    edited December 1969


    Is there any chance you may have used a codec that is not compatible with 64bit? Which codec did you use to make the AVI?

  • RoguePilotRoguePilot Posts: 239
    edited December 1969

    cdordoni said:

    Is there any chance you may have used a codec that is not compatible with 64bit? Which codec did you use to make the AVI?


    Agree with this.

    You may not have the right 64bit codec installed on your system (and not all of them are available as 64bit). Even if you can play it back in windows it is probably still using the 32 bit codec.
    Try to either recompress the AVI into a codec that you do have or save it out as an image sequence as suggested.

  • Box8068_31c338ee4bBox8068_31c338ee4b Posts: 292
    edited December 1969

    I'll give it a shot

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    8068 :)

    If you have Adobe,. ...Do you have After Effects ?

    If the answer to that is yes,. then there's no need to create the effect in this way.

    You should be able to render out a sequence,. and use the Multi-pass rendering options to render out the GLOW channel info.

    In AE, you would load the sequences, and use the GLOW channel info to generate a more credible effect.

    If you're new to AE,.. www.Videocopilot.com, has a load of FREE fantastic training videos.


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