reset the x,y,z location on an…
Daz 3D Forums > Software > Daz Studio Discussion>reset the x,y,z location on an…
reset the x,y,z location on an object to 0,0,0

too many links involving axis and zero.. to get a hit...
Object is at 500x, 20y, 200z (on the grid) ... when it's parameters are set to 0,0,0
I can move it to 0,0,0 but then it thinks it's at 500,20,200... I want to reset it so it reads 0,0,0 when I put it at 0,0,0
how, where do I make its 0,0,0, match the scenes 0,0,0. --- I want to save it as a scene subset and then bring it back in at the center with it's parameters set to 0,0,0
If it is a figure, check the both the figue and it's hip bone. Alot of poses move the hip of a character.
but it's just an object .. and it's default position isn't in the world center even when it's object centered..
so it needs it's object center to be changed to the world center
I can move it to the center but I want to reset it's default coordinates...
If it's a prop, just export as OBJ with it at the origin, then import that OBJ and reapply materials.
first time I tried it didn't change the numbers
but exported it again and turned off "write object statement option" and it worked..
This is something that should be a button or a command in Daz studio >>> making a prop or character reset to 0,0,0<<<
Make a feature request please
and nope.. just tried it again and it's not doing it... did one object three times.. exported from the center and still come back at -6700 x, etc
That is unexpected, to say the elast. Please post a screenshot of the OBJ export and import options.
I've been tossing stuff back and forth between daz and max with no problem
but these are set of architectual object I bought and the person who put them together put them all in one file.
the 30 separate items came in as one in daz --- or as 30 in max .. but for some reason there position data is locked to where they were in the original positioning..
and even in max I can't reset them to 0 because according to the data box they are at zero....
but at least when I import them the pivot for moving is right at the bottom instead of miles away... but the use their spot in the big file as their absolute point...
so I will do some more research there.. I actually brought them in.. put them in the center .. exported them and re-imported and they still have their original setting point.. maybe I need to find out about editing object files... that has to be a header setting or such
okay. if I bring the object into daz... put it on center, even though it thinks it's at 120,-300,-4000, and then export it as fbx and then import it .. it is centered and says 0,0,0
so I can convert them to work with standard increments
and having done that .. once again I went to the original object, 234,-456,20 exported it as an object
reimported it and tada this time it says 0,0,0.....
excuse me while I go away and quietly gnaw on my arm a bit...
brought in a new object.. centered it .. it reads 100,-72,17, (these are extracted from 30 objects in max that came in as one file so their coods are all different.
exported as object brought back in it says 0,0,0..
so perhaps the fbx export import changed some flags or internal settings?
anyway .. it seems to be happy again...
Right, that is what I was addressing in my earlier post - you need the item to be at the origin, regardless of what the coordinates say, then export and reimport. If the thing is modelled off-centre, which it clearly would be if it was part of a gorup of items in a single file, then off-centre is its zero position as originally imported.
I am sorry to necro this thread, but this is the same thread I keep getting when I search for this every year or so.
There is a much easier way to resolve this issue and I wanted to share. Also, when I inevitably forget this solution, I will find it here. :D
This should reset the figure to absolute 0,0,0
I hope this helps.
Did not help at all, although the advice might have been intended for simple props.
This has been a long-standing problem for me. Although I can't say I've tried very hard to resolve it but a few threads on this form were not helpful. Sometimes I save a human figure as a scene and the location or rotation of the figure are not exactly all zeros. When I then bring the figure back in and apply a pose that is intended to place the figure at 0,0 - even I place the figure at 0,0 manually before I do that - it never works, the figure goes to some wacky location that is saved somewhere within the file, I guess, so the figure always gravitates to it. I've tried zero object, zero figure, zero pose and whatnot. Obviously, with a human figure it does not make sense to try exporting and then re-importing it as .obj as all the rigging will be lost.
So if I choose Zero Figure it goes NOT to 0,0,0 but to some other X,Y,Z location. If I bring the figure manually to 0,0,0 and then apply a pose that is intended to put the figure at 0,0,0, it goes back to that X,Y,Z location. Same happens if I use memorize. This seems to be random and wrong. Guess I need to unarchive the file and search through it for where that random location is stored and do all the other hard work :-(
If I resave the object as a scene subset at 0,0,0, it does not work either. When I reload the figure and try to apply a 0,0,0 pose, it takes it to the same X,Y,Z location as the one before saving. A rather blatant bug in my opinion.
Wow. This truly is a button/feature DAZ needs to add to their app! To be causing issues EVERY YEAR OR SO as Don Davis stated above.
IF your model whatever it is, be it a girl or a prop gets pushed or pulled off its 0-0-0 coordinate in DAZ, simply hit Parameters then choose your model. From there you will notice one or more of the X Y Z coordinates are NOT 0. Do something about that... then have joy.
Wouldn't that be nice? Still not in 4.22. Put a set of high heels on girl and watch the numbers go wacky. When exporting FBX the body goes to 0 and shoes go thru floor and gets all bent out of shape.
there are a few scripts floating around to do this Richard Haseltine needs to add to his scripts list if I can find them all
is the only one out of the 3 I have that I can find a link for
the others do slightly different things
RH has linked
Stem at home made a useable version
and both alan bard newcomer and myself have multiple threads asking for this that come up in search
without answers which did not help searching Google