DAZEMBER - Weekly prompt thread
Hello, hello!
This is the thread for posting final and WIP images, and discussing the weekly prompts for Dazember. If you upload to the gallery, tag images with dazember16weekly Gallery link: http://www.daz3d.com/gallery/images/?tags=dazember16weekly
(note I edited the dates because I intend to flip the weeklies on Monday, since I have more time then than Sunday evening.)
Current prompt: Dec 12th through 18th:
Seasonal Food-a scene involving the preparation, consumption, or close ups of seasonal food you love. Maybe it’s a family cooking for a big get together, or a single person eating their favorite winter/holiday dish. Beverages count :)
Previous prompts:
- Fake promos-an image showcasing a single product, as if you were making a picture for the store page.
- Winter or “Winter”-an outdoor scene of what winter looks like to you. Constant rain? Sunny beaches? Four feet of snow? You decide!
You can see the details on what Dazember is here: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/130036/dazember-a-non-competitive-month-long-community-art-show
There are some really weird things in the DAZ store. Could get very interesting...
Not the weirdest item in the store by far but I was eyeing horrible SF slime... Lol!
I have the slime! I bought it to go with the free gigantic battle snails from RDNA. I was doing a newbie contest and this was my very first attempt at Iray with George HD. Here was my work in progress at the time, and it's awful. I knew nothing about lighting at the time and never got around to fixing it. I think I lost the file when I switched computers.
"Feeling Sluggish"
Hah! He looks so confidant on his noble steed. :3
Not a funny product or anything, but I've been working with Aurous Iray Lights by Sveva and this feels like it could be a promo!
They don't have to be funny! That's a great promo image because it's a great showcase of the light set without being distracting.
Also, I messed up and meant to say the new weeks start on Monday (in my world lol). I'm a noobie organizer, sorry!
I was going to work on a promo image Sunday and then a simple set of errends turned into a marathon involving being trapped among holiday shoppers :(
But! Never fear, the new prompt is up in the op: Winter or “Winter”-an outdoor scene of what winter looks like to you. Constant rain? Sunny beaches? Four feet of snow? You decide!
Finished my promo pic a day late! Don't want to distract here, but a link if anyone wants to see :D
For last week: here's one that could be a promo pic for The Philosopher's Epic Props: Dynamic Lens Flare & Starburst for Iray:
It's actually the upper part of a book cover refresh for Crazy in the Heart, the first novel in my Midwest romantic comedy series- which is free today here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01G5VDTCI (hurry, last day!)
Still working on the lower part. Once it's done, I'll release the print version too.
Well hey, books! Sounds like a fun read :3 Onto my kindle you goooo
New weekly prompt is up! Personally, I'm preferring the bi daily prompts more but since I thought these all up I might as well post 'em! :D
Seasonal Food-a scene involving the preparation, consumption, or close ups of seasonal food you love. Maybe it’s a family cooking for a big get together, or a single person eating their favorite winter/holiday dish. Beverages count :)