DAZEMBER - Mega-prompt thread
Hello, hello!
This is the thread for posting final and WIP images, and discussing the mega-prompt for Dazember. If you upload to the gallery, tag images with dazember16finale Gallery link: http://www.daz3d.com/gallery/images/?tags=dazember16finale
Mega-prompt (Dec 1st through 31st)
A year in reflection, a season looking forward: a lot happens over the course of a year. Life beings and passes away. Relationships mature or fade. Places grow and change. This prompt is intentionally open ended and broad, because this is the tour de force of the challenge and something you have a lot of time to cogitate on.
You can see the details on what Dazember is here: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/130036/dazember-a-non-competitive-month-long-community-art-show
Ooh, that's a good prompt! I think I already know what I'm going to do!