Prison Yard by Flipmode - Add On Suggestion

cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Hi there,

maybe Flipmode will read this.

Have just bought the Prison Yard and must say it is a great Product so far.

Just three suggestions for Add Ons:

1. Maybe some more probs like the fences as single items

2. A prison cell with these windows from Prison Yard and these concrete walls or painted walls (but should fit to the Prison Yard Building)

3. A Hallway with these concrete Walls or maybe with tiles or so

thanks for reading and maybe creating :)



  • estheresther Posts: 621
    edited December 1969

    Agree with above.
    An escape version with cut wires, hole in fence, tunnel under fences, disabled camera with blanket thrown over it etc

    here's the scene I used prison yard for in my comic by the way.

  • FlipmodeFlipmode Posts: 904
    edited December 1969

    Hehe, while generally being a bit lazy on the forums, I am monitoring them closely right now due to a recent release.

    First of all, thanks for purchasing the set guys. ;)

    I really like the suggestions (actually, there has been a similar thread on the old forum), but to be honest I can`t tell when or if I`ll ever get to do it.
    Right now I am burried in the environment series, and I have two half finished sets waiting to be taken care of.
    But since there seems to be a demand for more prison stuff I added it to my ever growing todo list ;)
    When I did the prison yard I initially thought about doing an indoor version, but I found that covered by a really good cells set here at Daz, if you guys don`t have it it may be worth a store search.

    esther, thanks for the link to your comic, made my day.
    On one hand you kinda used it the way i had in mind myself (fem prison theme), on the other hand you did great stuff with it I wouldn`t have thought possible. Eg. the far range render where you have a street with a bus on it leading to the prison, must have been a lot of work, and it looks like it was one setpiece, very well done!
    And your lead character is lovely ;)

  • estheresther Posts: 621
    edited December 1969

    yep, that one little scene was a fiddle. It was a vue render too I think. No wonder my comic doesn't progress very fast. My new years resolution is to be more speedy.
    Glad you like my brat.
    Looking forward to seeing your new products.
    Love esther

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 2012

    Flipmode said:
    Hehe, while generally being a bit lazy on the forums, I am monitoring them closely right now due to a recent release.

    First of all, thanks for purchasing the set guys. ;)

    I really like the suggestions (actually, there has been a similar thread on the old forum), but to be honest I can`t tell when or if I`ll ever get to do it.
    Right now I am burried in the environment series, and I have two half finished sets waiting to be taken care of.
    But since there seems to be a demand for more prison stuff I added it to my ever growing todo list ;)
    When I did the prison yard I initially thought about doing an indoor version, but I found that covered by a really good cells set here at Daz, if you guys don`t have it it may be worth a store search.

    esther, thanks for the link to your comic, made my day.
    On one hand you kinda used it the way i had in mind myself (fem prison theme), on the other hand you did great stuff with it I wouldn`t have thought possible. Eg. the far range render where you have a street with a bus on it leading to the prison, must have been a lot of work, and it looks like it was one setpiece, very well done!
    And your lead character is lovely ;)

    I have some cell sets, also from other shops, but they don`t fit right because of the windows and walls, sure I can change the textures (what I often do on a lot of stuff I use) but the geometry for the windows and so do not work. So a perfect fitting cell would be great :)

    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • FlipmodeFlipmode Posts: 904
    edited December 1969

    Understood ;)
    Like I said, i really don`t know when or if I`ll get to it, but if I do I`ll certainly remember those suggestions.

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    esther said:
    Agree with above.
    An escape version with cut wires, hole in fence, tunnel under fences, disabled camera with blanket thrown over it etc

    here's the scene I used prison yard for in my comic by the way.

    That's a pretty well-written story you've got there. I browsed out of curiosity and ended up reading nearly all of it! Colour me impressed.
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 2012

    Dixie got a new Job at the Prison :) She`s the boss

    it is not intended to show that only black people are in prison but my white guys no matter what I do, do not look mean enough :) (except one, who will be put to jail soon if the police can get him)

    1600 x 900 - 326K
    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • estheresther Posts: 621
    edited December 1969

    That looks great!!!!
    Good job. Have you got a link to more of your work please.
    Love esther

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    esther said:
    That looks great!!!!
    Good job. Have you got a link to more of your work please.
    Love esther

    Thank you :)

    sure I have a link, click on the blue "samples of my render - by cosmo" underneath this post :) this link will lead you to my thread here at daz forum.

    and second: here is a link to my gallery at renderosity, don`t know if you have an account there, you must have one to get to the gallery

    visit both if you want and have fun :). Some images you can see here at daz and also at renderosity but there are some more because of the daz tos.

    cosmo :)

  • estheresther Posts: 621
    edited December 1969

    do i have a renderosity account? what a silly question hehe.
    Love esther

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    esther said:
    do i have a renderosity account? what a silly question hehe.
    Love esther

    I am getting old and "silly" LoL

    then have fun at the gallery there :)


  • FlipmodeFlipmode Posts: 904
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for posting the render cosmo, really nice, and it makes the prison look good ;)

  • estheresther Posts: 621
    edited December 1969

    cosmo, great art work. Is there a comic or graphic novel in the works?
    Love esther

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    esther said:
    cosmo, great art work. Is there a comic or graphic novel in the works?
    Love esther

    nope, that is too much of work right now, I just do images that comes up my mind, don`t know what I am going to render tomorrow :) but maybe some day, who knows :)

  • estheresther Posts: 621
    edited December 1969

    oh that is disappointing. oh well, one day.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    Flipmode said:
    Thanks for posting the render cosmo, really nice, and it makes the prison look good ;)

    nothing to thank for :) maybe I had to fix the sharpness of the shadows a bit, to much softness on the ground shadows of these three people think

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    esther said:
    oh that is disappointing. oh well, one day.

    well Dixie has much potential as you can see in the renders, so there are enough possibillities for a good story :) but as I have written, too much work and just a story to have a story is not good. If I have an incredible great idea for a story that is coherent then maybe I will do it.

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