[Solved/Link Posted]Help packaging a "Martini Glass" freebie that will be posted here!

StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,251
edited June 2012 in Freebies

[EDIT 6/7] The prop can be found here

So I decided to take the time that the forms were being overhauled and see if I could learn Blender. Long story short I've opened a can of worms but an intriguing can of worms none the less.

Since most of the Google searches I do that point me back here no longer have live links that are accessible I'll have to ask:
I've created a model in Blender, imported it over to Studio, textured it, and it renders. Now how do I package it up so I can post it and give it away? in other words were do I find the data files, this was done in DS 64 bit if that's important.

[edited because I can't spell worth a dam]
[edited a second time because I forgot to include the image]

Image removed by a moderator till resized...please see this thread for info: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/510_98/

Post edited by StratDragon on


  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854
    edited December 1969

    Studio only or Poser and Studio?

  • edited December 1969

    1. The olives. I want this for the olives.
    2. That image is pagebreaking. Please make it less than 800px on the largest side.

    Yeah, I've got nothing useful. Yay, olives.

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited June 2012

    .... Now how do I package it up so I can post it and give it away?

    pros must have better ways but here's how i package my free props

    lets suppose your poser content folder is C:\Program Files\DAZ\Studio\content\Runtime
    load the .obj produced by Blender in Daz Studio
    scale it down if needed, ( create a primitive-cube, 10cm tall and see if your glass's size makes sense and delete the cube )

    apply textures and colors
    if there's image/textures they should be moved to
    C:\Program Files\DAZ\Studio\content\Runtime\textures\StratDragon
    your surfaces/materials should only make use of the images in that folder,
    not the ones found elsewhere on your computer

    select your object, ( or the parent-node if you grouped many objects under a null node ))
    use the free script "PP2 Exporter" by duke533 ---> precious link follows !!
    change the destination folders like this:
    save the prop in c:\program files\daz\studio\content\runtime\libraries\props\StratDragon
    under the name cglass.pp2
    save the geometry in C:\Program Files\DAZ\Studio\content\Runtime\geometries\StratDragon
    under the name cglass.obj
    navigate to c:\program files\daz\studio\content\runtime\libraries\props\StratDragon
    and create a batch file that reads something like

    md cglass
    md cglass\Runtime
    md cglass\Runtime\libraries
    md cglass\Runtime\libraries\Props
    md cglass\Runtime\libraries\Props\StratDragon
    copy "C:\Program Files\DAZ\Studio\content\Runtime\libraries\Props\StratDragon\cglass.*" cglass\Runtime\libraries\Props\StratDragon
    md cglass\Runtime\geometries
    md cglass\Runtime\geometries\StratDragon
    copy "C:\Program Files\DAZ\Studio\content\Runtime\geometries\StratDragon\cglass.*" cglass\Runtime\geometries\StratDragon
    md cglass\Runtime\textures
    md cglass\Runtime\textures\StratDragon
    copy "C:\Program Files\DAZ\Studio\content\Runtime\textures\StratDragon\cglass.*" cglass\Runtime\textures\StratDragon

    you save this batch file under the name make_package_cglass_.bat

    run/execute the batch file

    if you're not familiar with batch files, the important point is that "md" means "make directory",
    and * means "any"
    so you could create the same folder structure manually and copy the files manually

    in the example, i supposed that all the textures in C:\Program Files\DAZ\Studio\content\Runtime\textures\StratDragon\
    have filenames starting with the prefix cglass
    lets say there's one named oliveskin.jpg
    then you could add this line at the end of the batch file

    copy "C:\Program Files\DAZ\Studio\content\Runtime\textures\StratDragon\oliveskin.jpg" cglass\Runtime\textures\StratDragon


    navigate to

    c:\program files\daz\studio\content\runtime\libraries\props\StratDragon\cglass

    you should see a folder named runtime

    zip this under the name StratDragon_cglass.zip

    and give these instructions to people:

    unzip the zip file found at the bottom of this web page in your Daz Studio content folder,
    typically that's c:\program files\daz\studio\content
    once installed, the props appear in the content/props/StratDragon folder

    note about pp2 exporter
    when pp2 exporter converts your objects into a real poser prop
    it needs to make all other objects in the scene invisible
    if there's a Victoria 4 in your scene and her head node is locked
    then you'll be packaging and distributing Victoria's head along with your prop
    ... so, make sure the other objects in the scene are not locked,
    or simply , use an empty scene :)

    example of packaging a prop for my site

    549 x 219 - 25K
    Post edited by mCasual on
  • Tempest!Tempest! Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Casual's explanation pretty much covers it. The PP2 script does most of the work for you.

    I do think that using a batch file for copying the files is just over-complicating the process for most people. Personally I would just create an empty runtime with the essential directories and manually copy the correct files into it. You only need to create the empty runtime once and you can just duplicate it when you're doing another freebie.

  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,251
    edited December 1969

    thanks everyone! I was out of commission with a virus (not the computer kind) but I just submitted the prop to Renderosity.
    I'll post the link if/when they approve.

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Glad you're feeling better, and thanks for the Martini Glass prop, it should come in handy. :-)

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