Finding newly installed content in Default but not in Unassigned
When I install new content, sometimes it goes in Unassigned where I can find it, and sometimes it goes into other Default categories.
To make categorizing easier, I usually only install one product at a time, or a combination of obviously unrelated content. Because the Unassigned category is always empty, everything in here can be immediately found, no problem. However the non-Unassigned Default categories are a bit trickier. Theoretically one can look for the blue highlighting to find the content. Unfortunately sometimes the blue highlighting is not removed for empty categories which would gradually create more and more categories to have to look through to find your newly installed content, and of of course if you actually try to use any of the content (perhaps to see exactly how it interacts with existing content to determine where to put it) the blue highlighting will be lost. Short of manually looking at every single category and subcategory in the entire system under Default, I don't see a good way to find lost content in here if you don't know it's name.
How do other people avoid this problem?
That's been a problem for me as well... I sometimes end up using Windows explorer to search for files after looking for a file list.
You could check your products tab, I usually forget to do this as I'm comfortable moving around in the content library. I have Town and Country, for instance, which is spread out in the wardrobe smart content, but shows as a single group under products.... that's a set I'm particularly fond of.
Thanks, I forgot all about the Products list since I don't normally use that. That will help.
What I do is NOT import metadata after installing a new product. I do a search for new content, it ends up in Unassigned, and I categorize it using my own system. Only then do I import metadata for the product.