The Return of the Son of the Complaint Thread



  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,141
    edited December 1969

    Micah is asleep on my bar seat. Melody looks like she is trying to decide where she is going to sleep since Micah is in one of her places she likes to sleep. It looks like she is deciding on laying down on the floor. I think she is wondering why I have the light on.

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited December 1969


    It's just a 10% off cupon yeah, but when did DAZ add Tax to products?

    208 x 151 - 13K
  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited May 2012

    I was laughing so hard after reading this:,id193,31_mobs_never_sleep.html

    (Folks who don't play RPG's of any kind won't likely find any humor in it, but those who've played MMOs - like Fyre - probably will)
    *edit* "RoM" is the acronym for the game: Runes of Magic.
    (And given an email I just got from them, they've broken the 4-Expansion-Limit that I've seen in so many games. Maybe Free-to-Plays don't follow that rule?

    *edit 2* I looked over a few of the earlier pages of the comic and have come to the conclusion that it's not something I should be reading right now - especially when my roomates are asleep (I have trouble laughing very loudly :3 )

    Post edited by Rezca on
  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    Hummm... checking back at my purchases... I do not have any tax marked. I do not live in USA either, so I do not know if that tax is applicable to me. Where do you live? Maybe the area where you live requires tax added?

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    Also: Things That Look Like... Other Things. By courtesy of Regretsy. It can be NSFW because it is about things that really, really, REALLY look like other things.

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited December 1969

    The old store never charged tax for where I lived (USA: California). If something was $19.95 the final price would be 19.95 each time =/

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    Rezca said:
    The old store never charged tax for where I lived (USA: California). If something was $19.95 the final price would be 19.95 each time =/

    Well ask about it in store-related thread; maybe regulations and laws have changed?

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited December 1969

    It's not all that big of a deal for me anyway. I get enough $$$ from my night job that I can handle the extra prices, especially since I don't buy much from DAZ anymore (ALthough there are still some clothes and props I want, and sometimes new pretty stuff comes up), I was just a tad surprised to see it.

    Re-downloading the Runes of Magic client. Not sure if I'm going to actually get back into the game, but we'll see.

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited December 1969

    Well was up all night again, and it's about time I get some sleep >_>

  •[email protected] Posts: 763
    edited December 1969

    As of last year, Texas had to pay sales tax when buying from Daz. Most annoying. I'll have to dig into the archives to explain why as I'm too tired to remember everything regarding why we had to pay taxes and I won't have time to do that this morning.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    taxes? ick.

    i have until tomorrow to buy my last pc 1.99 items. i have enuff for 2 items, but if they charge me tax i can only buy one.

    the forum doesn't remember my login. i used to only have that problem with the store.

    i'm starting to be impressed with dreamweaver8. at first i was annoyed when my ISP stopped supporting frontpage, but now i am glad they gave me that kickinthebutt to make me switch to dw.

    i tried installing IIS7.5 on my W7 compy. need more help files.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    threads with new posts don't jump to the top.

    links to old thread topics aren't working. i can't get to the manga thread. i need to ask what a bishi boy is, and what are shojo flowers supposed to look like.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    oops, seem my pc expired yesterday, the 1.99 item in my cart is now 9.95.

    they should give pc members an extra month to make up for the store down time.

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    ps1borg said:
    Morning. Cold morning downunder and busy *waves to everyone* :coolsmile:

    Gooooooooooooooooooodddddddddddddddddddddddd Morning! :-)

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Rezca said:
    1> No one mentioned me ;__;
    2> I can be on the thread, be logged out, and then log back in and it won't take me back to the index :D
    3> Refreshed the page once or twice every five minutes with no change. Fell asleep, woke up, forum was being posted in. Dang it! :)
    4> It's Pizza Night.
    5> I can't upload an avy for myself yet. Not implemented as of now?
    6> Attachments max size is 9999KB. Too good to be true?

    Okay so some renders I worked on during the "Age of darkness":

    *edit* Hmm I can't tell where the images are while editing my post? Not good D:
    Anyway first was rendered in Indigo using a texture from Filter Forge, second was the Village Courtyard model from DAZ rendered in Vray

    Hi Rezca, nice to see you again! :-)

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Just got home and I'm tired. Glad to see the forums are working though.

    How has everyone been this last week? Me, I've been playing Diablo 3 when I'm not at work or asleep.

    G'day! I've been posting on Renderosity and fighting my eBook publishing app. I need to get Diablo 3.. heh. ;-)

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Sure Happy It's Thursday! Free lunch today, it's the companies pre-Memorial Day cookout, w00t! Hot dogs and burgers grilled up fresh! And it's a three-day weekend since Monday is Memorial Day! :coolsmile: Plus, it's Payday so I bought some content from my wishlist, and a video card for the machine I'm building from Newegg! :-)

    BUT - complaints!

    - The forum is still too damn bright
    - Formatting seems to get lost
    - My tummy is hating on me today
    - My milk is getting warm
    - Still haven't gotten my poetry book on to Amazon
    - No coffee
    - Sore shoulders
    - Crabby

    Carry on! :shut:

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    Murgh. My head feels fuzzy after a nap. That's my complaint! Yeah!

  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,831
    edited December 1969

    Rezca said:
    when did DAZ add Tax to products

    Since the new store opened, DAZ seems to have begun charging sales tax for customers in NY, and probably some (all?) other states as well. New requirement, or just a weakness of the Magento software?

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Skiriki said:
    Murgh. My head feels fuzzy after a nap. That's my complaint! Yeah!

    Me too. I blame too much vodka last night.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,141
    edited December 1969

    I had a dream that I moved but then lost my apartment. I was running around with some book trying to locate my apartment with no luck. Then a guy who looked like David Tennant was wondering around looking for something. I woke up before we found anything.

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    I need a shower.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,065
    edited December 1969

    Gen x does not work with the 4.5 dazstudio update and I hate the fact that threads go through a pending process before they appear.

  • SalvatoreSalvatore Posts: 147
    edited December 1969

    TEST,,, TEST,,,

    **Knoks on microphone,,,**


    Does anyboddy like the new forum update ?

    221 x 236 - 1M
  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Salvatore said:
    TEST,,, TEST,,,

    **Knoks on microphone,,,**


    Does anyboddy like the new forum update ?

    Hiiiiiiiiiiii! Eh, it's too bright for me, but at least it's mostly functional. I'm not enthused, but I'm not horrified.

    I think "meh" sums it all up.

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    Salvatore said:
    TEST,,, TEST,,,

    **Knoks on microphone,,,**


    Does anyboddy like the new forum update ?

    I can live with it. Would have preferred SMF myself, but I'm not in charge of these things. ;)

    At least it is not YaBB. Or, *shudder* VBulletin.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    maybe it will feel more homey with a lolzcat

    500 x 388 - 23K
    500 x 392 - 39K
  • SalvatoreSalvatore Posts: 147
    edited December 1969


    Ok, at least you guys (girls are guys to) are still here, so thats fine.
    (And yes, LOL cats help !)

    DAZ wiped my signature smily, and as such robbed me of part of my soul.
    (Always suspected they where into voodoo.)
    And I hate the new smilies (maybe they will grow on me).

    BUT !!!!

    DAZ enhansed the attachement size, now I can post gif ani's much, MUCH bigger then before,,,
    Like this one,,
    I can watch this one for ever and just be completely happy.

    256 x 192 - 3M
  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    Not liking the new forums so far. Some buttons, links, and other stuff just seem tossed around with no real sense. You'd think after so many months of working on it/delaying it that they would have had a completely working, stable, and polished version sitting on localhost just waiting to be uploaded.


  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    Vaskania said:
    Not liking the new forums so far. Some buttons, links, and other stuff just seem tossed around with no real sense. You'd think after so many months of working on it/delaying it that they would have had a completely working, stable, and polished version sitting on localhost just waiting to be uploaded.

    Yeah, the profile is a mess, for example. I think things would look better if they were aligned to the left, instead of center.

This discussion has been closed.