Llynara's Loony Bin (WIP Thread)



  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,741
    Llynara said:

    In love with this character. Just gorgeous! Not sure where the red on the nose is coming from, need to figure that out. I used the extreme closeup BOSS lights and camera setup, didn't change any colors, but he's still crouching down. I'll have to check to see what's causing it. Probably user error- it's the same color as the sci fi lights I was using. Maybe I accidentally changed something. Who knows.

    Otherwise, very happy with this render. I could look at it all day...Click for bigger pic. Sigh.


    Wow! Beautiful render! Great mood and lighting. The character looks great too! Nicely done! 

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Thanks, Diva! I am having so much fun with this character and the light set. Very easy to get good renders when you're working with high quality items!

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited January 2017

    One more, then I need to get back to Elvis and faires. Though this guy is staring at me from my desktop, mesmerizing me. I was playing with a shallow DOF and Serum's camera settings here, along with the BOSS set. Great fun, though I should have gotten more of his foot in there. The Nox Hair is crazy and can get away from you. I had to photoshop a little. Click for very large pic. then click again to zoom in.


    2400 x 1800 - 1M
    Post edited by Llynara on
  • Oh wow, he looks fantastic!

  • Love the renders! I didn't think I liked those types of characters, but every once in awhile someone comes along and does a really outstanding render with them that makes me think I should rethink my views on those dark elves.  I really love the close-up view.  Very sexy! :)

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited January 2017

    Thanks, ladies! I'm really having too much fun with him!

    EDIT: And the BOSS set is finally out! http://www.daz3d.com/boss-pro-light-set-for-portraits-promos

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited January 2017

    Playing with GK Dantas' "Frozen Sisters" ice shaders, along with Marshian's Body of Light. Using the BOSS Portrait Light Set for a nice black background. This is for an idea I have called "Frozen-hearted." Wanted to see how the BOL set looks shining through the ice shaders. I may have to play to get the look I want. This is the chakra preset from BOL and the crystal preset from Frozen Sisters. Model is just basic G3F.

    938 x 910 - 1M
    Post edited by Llynara on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    How can anyone not like Dark Elves?  Lol just kidding, although I am very fond of them myself both male and female. As well as most of the fantsy type charachters. GKDantas has put out a couple really cool sets lately the ice one and the fire one.  The ice one looks really cool with Marshians lights!

  • How can anyone not like Dark Elves?  Lol just kidding, although I am very fond of them myself both male and female. As well as most of the fantsy type charachters. GKDantas has put out a couple really cool sets lately the ice one and the fire one.  The ice one looks really cool with Marshians lights!

    Well, I don't know! I just didn't think I did! :)  I might be changing my mind.  I think I may actually have one for Genesis in my library that I haven't rendered, too, that I got super cheap as a deal with something else or free.  I may have to hunt it down and see as I can't really recall.  I have seen a few renders of dark elves that have made me stand back and take notice.  The one Llynara has is one of those.

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited January 2017

    Month in Review

    It's hard to believe January is already over. Where on earth did it go? I've learned a ton about lighting and am trying to keep the first post of this thread updated with links to everything. I posted my top 5 DAZ picks over on Novica's thread, but thought I'd also post here to keep track of them.

    Llynara's Top 5 DAZ Picks for January 2017

    I rendered a LOT this month. I also bought more than I planned, but when you see my list, you'll know why! I feel like I was spoiled rotten by PAs this month, both with some of the new stuff coming out and the product testing I got to do. It was a fun month!

    1. Legends for Genesis 3 MaleA freaking awesome Elvis outfit that I've been begging for. I can't believe two of my favorite PA's (Aave and DG) made it! They did such an amazing job! It looks good on every figure I've tried it on so far. More renders to come with this suit. I'm actually using it in promos for my next superhero book. Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
    2. Iain for Michael 7: He's gorgeous and I am over the moon that I got to be a tester for him. Darwin did a marvelous job on him. Iain will be featured on the cover of my next Midwest book as well as in the promos for my Black Kat series. He's that versatile. Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
    3. BOSS Pro Light Set for Portraits and Promos: Another product from a fabulous PA that I got to test. So much fun. This product has entirely changed how I approach renders. Example 1 Example 2  Example 3
    4. Toon Generations 2 Megabundle for Genesis 3: I fell in love with them. They are so much fun to mix with other figures and the renders everyone has been posting are a blast. Example 1 Example 2  Example 3 Example 4
    5. Body of Light: I'm having tons of fun playing with this innovative product by Marshian. Hoping to use it more in my superhero renders. There are many notes here about using this product. Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

    Products from other sites I'm loving: 

    1. Shadowborn for Genesis 3 Males: The renders say it all. He is gorgeous, and looks amazing even in extreme closeups. I pulled ideas for an entirely new book series out of his face. An unexpected muse! Example 1 Example 2
    2. Serum's 200+ Real World Camera Presets for DAZ: I'm just starting to explore these. They're really cool. Click on the full pic and then click again to zoom in to see what I'm talking about. I'll be doing more with these in February. Example 1
    3. SRG Bleid, Elven Battle Mage for M4: Beautiful skins, tattoos, makeups and morphs from the YurDigital store. Made for Poser, but looks good in DAZ. His skin changes color under different lights (haven't tried that yet.) Example 1


    Post edited by Llynara on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Thanks for pointing out the YURDigital site, that's one I didn't know about.  Ya those BOSS lights are amazing and it was very cool to be able to help test them.  That battlemage looks very promising as well.  Off to check it out lol..

  • Can you tell me more about the Camera Presets for DAZ?  That looks interesting.  Example renders would be really nice! :)

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    No problem! I'm getting ready to do a bunch for my February food porn challenge, lol. You can read about the camera presets here. They mimic real world cameras. @Serum is on our forums too. That's how I found his store. Can't wait to play some more with these!

  • It looks interesting and I'd love to see what you do with them and your food porn which also sounds interesting! :)

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    I've done food photography for my cooking website. I thought it would be fun to see if I could duplicate it in DAZ, and see how yummy we can make things look. I figured the camera presets would be a good addition, as food photography certainly relies on it.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited February 2017

    I've only done one real food render once when I was bored.  It turned out good enough to make me hungry for desert  dessert.  :)  I plan to do a few more.  I need to get back to the bread I was modeling, but took a break from.  I've only partially rendered that in Blender so far.  I want to get it in DS and see how it looks.  I have a lot of food in my library that I haven't rendered yet.  I need to do some of them. 

    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Feel free to join in! The more the merrier! We can fill the thread with yummies!

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited February 2017

    I hit the Bundle Bonanza sale today and grabbed some nice older items for 90%, as well as the Gen 3 Iconic Shapes for Genesis (at 70% off, I think) so that I can fit the Generation 3 stuff to Genesis, then fit it to G3F and G3M. Which means I can finally fit the gorgeous dresses I picked up in the Christmas freebies and sales. I have been in love with Blue Moods and had it on my wishlist for ages, but am really not into V3. I don't like how she looks. But she's got some awesome clothes. Now I can steal them. Yay! 

    Here's the Blue Moods promo render. I just noticed it's in Bryce, maybe that's why it looks so good even though it's so old.

    Here are my first attempts in 3Delight and Iray. I have no special lighting or backgrounds yet, simply looking at the textures. Yes, there's poke through and all kinds of problems here. As always, click for full pics. I like to render big.

    3delight and V5: 

    Iray and LY Meleese for G3F

    The DA Iray Fabric shader seems to turn the gold to silver, which looks very good. but different from the original. Not sure how to correct that. I have DG's Bling It! Shaders, those might work well for the beading, though I think these textures are completely painted.

    Using Parrot Dolphin's Silk+ Save Images preset in her shader set made it very shiny which is interesting, but a little too dark. I'll play some more. I don't know much about converting older textures yet, plenty to learn there. The original textures are very low res, so it may take some major overhauling to make it look good in Iray. But I absolutely love this dress. I'm a sucker for the theatrical. I would love a dress like this in real life too! I also grabbed some gorgeous fantasy stuff for Gen 3 and very old Luthbel items. I think with some reshading, they'll look very good.



    blue moods1.png
    1500 x 1941 - 1M
    blue moods3.png
    1500 x 1941 - 2M
    Blue moods2.png
    1500 x 1941 - 2M
    Post edited by Llynara on
  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited February 2017

    She complained until I stuck her in the BOSS studio, lit her better, and did something with her hair. These starlets, I tell you! Lots to still tweak, but a good start. Only 70% rendered.

    Blue moods4.png
    1500 x 1941 - 5M
    Post edited by Llynara on
  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,741
    Llynara said:

    She complained until I stuck her in the BOSS studio, lit her better, and did something with her hair. These starlets, I tell you! Lots to still tweak, but a good start. Only 70% rendered.

    Stunning character! Great reander. That dress and the starlet are gorgeous. I'm going to have to get that dress and the BOSS studio.

    What shader are you using on the hair? I have that hair and I don't think I've seen it look that good. 


  • SerumSerum Posts: 256

    Can you tell me more about the Camera Presets for DAZ?  That looks interesting.  Example renders would be really nice! :)


    Llynara said:

    No problem! I'm getting ready to do a bunch for my February food porn challenge, lol. You can read about the camera presets here. They mimic real world cameras. @Serum is on our forums too. That's how I found his store. Can't wait to play some more with these!

    I am glad you are enjoying them :)

    as a photographer myself i think in terms of F stops and focal lengths so i thought to myself ill just make a couple real world camera presets based on sensor size, focal length and apeture just so they were there for fast grabbing.

    Then of course my aspergers syndrome kicked in and i ended up making all i would ever need! haha 

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited February 2017


    Serum said:

    Then of course my aspergers syndrome kicked in and i ended up making all i would ever need! haha 

    LOL! My son has that too, and he is extremely smart and focused. The rest of us here have some inattentive ADD. Both seem to run in families of artists and techies. We've got plenty of both. Hyperfocusing for the win! Most days it's a blessing not a curse. Some days nothing gets done, LOL.

    Llynara said:

    She complained until I stuck her in the BOSS studio, lit her better, and did something with her hair. These starlets, I tell you! Lots to still tweak, but a good start. Only 70% rendered.

    Stunning character! Great reander. That dress and the starlet are gorgeous. I'm going to have to get that dress and the BOSS studio.

    What shader are you using on the hair? I have that hair and I don't think I've seen it look that good. 

    Thanks! That's the default Iray shader that comes with the Casino Hair. I think it's the BOSS lights that are making it look that way. I haven't done anything special with it. Glad you like it!

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • SerumSerum Posts: 256
    Llynara said:


    LOL! My son has that too, and he is extremely smart and focused. The rest of us here have some inattentive ADD. Both seem to run in families of artists and techies. We've got plenty of both. Hyperfocusing for the win! Most days it's a blessing not a curse. Some days nothing gets done, LOL.

    Yeh its generally more positive for me and i refer to it as aspie powers haha

    the downsides really suck though

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited February 2017

    Aspie powers! I love it! I will have to share that one with my son. He's struggling with his last year of high school right now. He could teach some of the classes he knows the material so well. It's just the "remembering to turn the homework in" part that gets him.

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited February 2017

    February Challenge: Food Porn!

    Food, glorious food! There's plenty of it in 3D land, but how much of it is photorealistic? And should it be? We'll be exploring that this month and trying to reproduce our own "food porn" in DAZ and Poser. Fun, fun! I have a post here of lots of Iray-friendly food props, though many are also for 3Delight and Poser. Most are from DAZ, some are freebies. There are quite a few really good ones on Rendo too that I haven't listed yet. I'll update that soon. 

    Here's a test render I did of A Curious Tea for Iray. The HDRI lighting is a bit bright, but not bad. This is a beautiful set and very easy to load. It's an update to the original sets, which you'll need to use this. The originals are for 3Delight and are Poser friendly. And they're all PC+, so very affordable. I'll do some closeups later. Time for work! In the meantime, click for a bigger pic, then click again to zoom in.

    Curious tea1.png
    1500 x 1200 - 3M
    Post edited by Llynara on
  • SerumSerum Posts: 256
    Llynara said:

    Aspie powers! I love it! I will have to share that one with my son. He's struggling with his last year of high school right now. He could teach some of the classes he knows the material so well. It's just the "remembering to turn the homework in" part that gets him.

    I totally feel for his issues.

    The good thing is once he leaves school he can become in charge of his own education. especially in the creative field.

    For me that ended up me having working knowlege to a high level in : audio engineering, website design, photography and most recently 3D work (i only started in June aspie powers and all that) 

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    That is the upside to aspie powers- the ability to adapt and learn very quickly! That's amazing you that just started in 3D. Your models look very good! I've been using DAZ a year and haven't even ventured into the modeling part yet. Some day! 

  • SerumSerum Posts: 256
    Llynara said:

    That is the upside to aspie powers- the ability to adapt and learn very quickly! That's amazing you that just started in 3D. Your models look very good! I've been using DAZ a year and haven't even ventured into the modeling part yet. Some day! 

    see the daz side is where i fall down (a little) ive had multiple products not get into the store and its generally down to my renders but i am improving on that

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Most people spend years in DAZ and other 3D programs before they get to the PA level. I think you're doing very well! Keep going and keep learning. You're definitely on the right track! 

  • SerumSerum Posts: 256
    Llynara said:

    Most people spend years in DAZ and other 3D programs before they get to the PA level. I think you're doing very well! Keep going and keep learning. You're definitely on the right track! 

    aspie powers haha 

    I am still making mistakes but learning all the time i am proud of my progress so far smiley

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