Tre isn't all there

Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
edited December 1969 in The Commons

I downloaded and installed the Tre outfit for Young Teen Justin, but when I attempted to use it, it wasn't there

So I re-installed. Checked the readme (and you really need to start including those in the packages, DAZ; some of us are not online 24/7, and some of us actually use those things to locate our content). Found the icons in the Content Library, but there was nothing behind them -- when I double-clicked the icons, I got... bupkis. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

Looked in the Actors, Wardrobe & Props tab, under Smart Content -- No Tre anything.

So where is it?


  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,885
    edited December 1969

    That's odd.

    I know I had some install weirdness with Tre too (metadata failed to install), but I can load the outfit fine from the content library. In mine it's under People->Genesis->Clothing->Bobbie25 ->Tre. The extra texture pack is just under People->Genesis->Clothing->Tre

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,900
    edited December 1969

    Works for me. I never install the Metadata since I organize my own way.

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 1,997
    edited December 2012

    The clothing and material references in the DAZ_3D_15482_Tre.dsx file in Runtime/Support don't match the paths to the files in the Content Library.

    Archive a backup copy of the DAZ_3D_15482_Tre.dsx file and make these changes to the file in the Support folder:

    Find: People/Genesis/Clothing/Tre
    Change: People/Genesis/Clothing/Bobbie25/Tre

    Add prefix B25 to the wardrobe file name references so they match the Content Library file names:

    From: TreHoodie.duf
    To: B25TreHoodie.duf

    From: TreNecklace.duf
    To: B25TreNecklace.duf

    From: TreShirt.duf
    To: B25TreShirt.duf

    From: TreShorts.duf
    To: B25Shorts.duf

    Save the DAZ_3D_15482_Tre.dsx file and re-import.

    All of these changes are ABOVE the line

    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • Hiro ProtagonistHiro Protagonist Posts: 699
    edited December 1969

    I downloaded "15482_Tre_1.0_trx.exe". The content loads, but there is no metadata. I filled in the metadata myself.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited December 1969

    In mine it's under People->Genesis->Clothing->Bobbie25 ->Tre. The extra texture pack is just under People->Genesis->Clothing->Tre


    Does anyone think this business of meandering content folders is a good idea? I'm with Mattymanx, I don't use the metadata or Smart Content (in my case because leaving the CMS installed on my system means D|S won't run). And I'm very much afraid DAZ is rushing things and skimping on QA — how many times in the last little while have we seen stuff released with content path glitches?

  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited December 1969

    I feel the same way especially since the more content I've gathered, the more stuff there is in the wrong place. Kinda defeats the purpose when you're expecting something specific in a smart content area and you can't find it. And it's maddening to have Genesis selected, find the clothes and see the mat files in front of you, load up the clothes, then select a piece of clothing and the mats disappear.

    I still plan to use metadata for things such as shaders, shapes, cameras, morphs and lights though. I'm just planning to ignore everything for clothes, props, accessories, animals, poses from now on and arrange those things in my library to my liking.

    I have separate runtimes for V4 and M4 so I'm not worried about mixups.

  • DisparateDreamerDisparateDreamer Posts: 2,504
    edited December 1969

    B25 or bobby25, so annoying to the MAX when vendors do this. I can't STAND it when vendors pack their stuff under their name. just pack it under the ITEM NAME. GRRRR. Massive, 8-year-long petpeeve of NOT FINDING STUFF because some can't follow a simple name-it-what-is-is convention.

    sad thing is that the metadata is supposed to make finding badly named folders like this easier for you, but not when the metadata isn't set up right. Kinda funny in a lame not really funny way. >_<</p>

  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,885
    edited December 1969

    B25 or bobby25, so annoying to the MAX when vendors do this. I can't STAND it when vendors pack their stuff under their name. just pack it under the ITEM NAME. GRRRR. Massive, 8-year-long petpeeve of NOT FINDING STUFF because some can't follow a simple name-it-what-is-is convention.

    sad thing is that the metadata is supposed to make finding badly named folders like this easier for you, but not when the metadata isn't set up right. Kinda funny in a lame not really funny way. >_<</div>

    The only (and I mean only) reason that having sub-folders under the vendor name is worth it is if there are two items with the same name by two different vendors, and that only becomes a problem if you don't remember you have the first one. (This is more likely with characters than clothing anyway.)

    But yeah, I have no problem setting up my own categories and metadata, but the reason I bother with installing it at all is to have the compatibilities pre-set up. If the metadata isn't set up right, it's that much more work I have to do.

  • DisparateDreamerDisparateDreamer Posts: 2,504
    edited December 1969

    I usually self install into a better set up runtime than the default "mess pile" that daz installs into (they've been doing better with Genesis installs, at least, except for certain vendors insistence on using their names grrrr).

    I don't mind a vendor having them name attached but I'm NOT going to remember things sorted by vendor. That's ridiculous. Smart content never worked well for me and on my new computer I chose to not install it. For all the work of setting up custom meta data, its just easier to install it where it makes sense to be found. I've sometimes named something after an artist... for example, I installed all of 3DU's content by name +3DU, or April YSH hair under the hair's name+ vendor name... I can remember who made it and all. But generally that's not necessary, I could always check the readme (except that Daz got lazy in the last year and stopped including the necessary readmes.... despite the repeated requests to PUT THEM BACK into the installers.... but that's a separate issue)..

  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,886
    edited December 1969

    Best thing you can do is throw the metadata files in the trash can, and if your like me then throw the "C:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/plugins/dzsmartcontentpane.dll" in there too as the whole thing a waste of HDD space.

  • DisparateDreamerDisparateDreamer Posts: 2,504
    edited December 1969

    Bejaymac said:
    Best thing you can do is throw the metadata files in the trash can, and if your like me then throw the "C:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/plugins/dzsmartcontentpane.dll" in there too as the whole thing a waste of HDD space.

    I wouldn't go that far... i know there's some that use it and love it and find it helpful. But if you already have the habit of organizing your runtime, it just can't compare. It's a royal pain in the arse but i can always find things later on that way.... course it would be so much easier if vendors used more common sense naming their installation folders.


    the day that pigs fly....

  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited December 2012

    Found it!

    Thank you, everyone (especially Lindsey!)

    Once I knew where to look for the metadate file, and deciphered the XML (Pro-Tip: Use Visual Studio 2008 or later for this; XML is a LOT easier to read if it's properly formatted, and Notepad ain't got a clue!), I had no problem locating everything.

    But MAN, what a pain in the never-mind-preisely-where!

    Post edited by Ken OBanion on
  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    edited December 1969

    Lindsey said:
    The clothing and material references in the DAZ_3D_15482_Tre.dsx file in Runtime/Support don't match the paths to the files in the Content Library.

    Archive a backup copy of the DAZ_3D_15482_Tre.dsx file and make these changes to the file in the Support folder:

    Find: People/Genesis/Clothing/Tre
    Change: People/Genesis/Clothing/Bobbie25/Tre

    Add prefix B25 to the wardrobe file name references so they match the Content Library file names:

    From: TreHoodie.duf
    To: B25TreHoodie.duf

    From: TreNecklace.duf
    To: B25TreNecklace.duf

    From: TreShirt.duf
    To: B25TreShirt.duf

    From: TreShorts.duf
    To: B25Shorts.duf

    Save the DAZ_3D_15482_Tre.dsx file and re-import.

    All of these changes are ABOVE the line

    Really?? Are you kidding me??!! We pay for these items, they should work properly, without fiddling with them. If you went to the tire shop, bought a tire, got it home and found it there was a leak would you just say oh well and fix it yourself or expect the tire shop to replace it asap? If you bought a sweater at the store, got it home and realized it had a snag in it, would you fix it yourself or take it back and have them replace it? You would probably be quite annoyed that these places are selling less than quality product that can't be used as is, but here at DAZ people tend to find workarounds to fix products they paid for and should work as expected....not all of us have the time and patience or knowledge to repair these items so they will work. It is the responsibility of Daz and the vendor to make sure their items work before they are released.

    Since I started coming back to DAZ in October, I have read through tons of forum posts, and over and over I see complaint after complaint about the same things, and altho it is wonderful that there are so many willing to help by posting fixes and workarounds for items...why isn't DAZ on top of this more? Don't they see the discontent of so many of their customers.

    FWIW..I manage a hotel..if I treated my customers complaints in this manner, instead of responding asap my business would fail...end of story. I care so much about my business and reputation that an immediate response to a customer isn't soon enough. I will go to great lengths to make sure each and every customer is totally satisfied when they leave here...and that doesn't matter whether it is 2 PM or 3 AM, weekend or weekday...the customer always comes first.

    Just my 2 cents :)

  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited December 1969

    Lindsey said:

    Save the DAZ_3D_15482_Tre.dsx file and re-import.

    One final question, and I'll get out of your hair:

    Where is the menu command to do this, i.e., re-import the .dsx file?
  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 1,997
    edited December 1969

    Lindsey said:

    Save the DAZ_3D_15482_Tre.dsx file and re-import.

    One final question, and I'll get out of your hair:

    Where is the menu command to do this, i.e., re-import the .dsx file?

    With the Smart Content or Content Library tab active, click on the little white page icon at the far right and select: Content DB Maintenance. Check the Re-Import Metadata and click Accept. On the next screen, uncheck "All Products" to unselect everything then look for Product 15482 and select it. Click the Accept button to reimport.

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 1,997
    edited December 1969

    Kharma said:
    Lindsey said:
    The clothing and material references in the DAZ_3D_15482_Tre.dsx file in Runtime/Support don't match the paths to the files in the Content Library.

    Archive a backup copy of the DAZ_3D_15482_Tre.dsx file and make these changes to the file in the Support folder:

    Find: People/Genesis/Clothing/Tre
    Change: People/Genesis/Clothing/Bobbie25/Tre

    Add prefix B25 to the wardrobe file name references so they match the Content Library file names:

    From: TreHoodie.duf
    To: B25TreHoodie.duf

    From: TreNecklace.duf
    To: B25TreNecklace.duf

    From: TreShirt.duf
    To: B25TreShirt.duf

    From: TreShorts.duf
    To: B25Shorts.duf

    Save the DAZ_3D_15482_Tre.dsx file and re-import.

    All of these changes are ABOVE the line

    Really?? Are you kidding me??!! We pay for these items, they should work properly, without fiddling with them. If you went to the tire shop, bought a tire, got it home and found it there was a leak would you just say oh well and fix it yourself or expect the tire shop to replace it asap? If you bought a sweater at the store, got it home and realized it had a snag in it, would you fix it yourself or take it back and have them replace it? You would probably be quite annoyed that these places are selling less than quality product that can't be used as is, but here at DAZ people tend to find workarounds to fix products they paid for and should work as expected....not all of us have the time and patience or knowledge to repair these items so they will work. It is the responsibility of Daz and the vendor to make sure their items work before they are released.

    Since I started coming back to DAZ in October, I have read through tons of forum posts, and over and over I see complaint after complaint about the same things, and altho it is wonderful that there are so many willing to help by posting fixes and workarounds for items...why isn't DAZ on top of this more? Don't they see the discontent of so many of their customers.

    FWIW..I manage a hotel..if I treated my customers complaints in this manner, instead of responding asap my business would fail...end of story. I care so much about my business and reputation that an immediate response to a customer isn't soon enough. I will go to great lengths to make sure each and every customer is totally satisfied when they leave here...and that doesn't matter whether it is 2 PM or 3 AM, weekend or weekday...the customer always comes first.

    Just my 2 cents :)

    Granted I've only run into an issue with importing metadata a handful of times. Obviously, in this instance file names and locations were changed after the metadata import files were generated. It's obvious there needs to be a standard check list to follow during QA testing and final releasing, but stuff happens.

    I don't sweat the small stuff. I look at these issues as learning opportunities. The metadata feature is so complex to me that I can't wrap my pea brain around it when it was first releases and tutorials starting showing up, but little by little by addressing these hick-ups, I'm slowly learning how it works at my own pace and I feel a great sense of accomplishment when I'm able to fix a metadata issue on my own.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,984
    edited December 1969

    ...As I am finally in the process of setting up an entirely new system, I will be going the custom route as everything will be a clean install. Even in my current setup I don't use either Smart Content or the Metadata

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