Intro sales duration
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Is there a way to know how long the intro sale will last on a product?
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Is there a way to know how long the intro sale will last on a product?
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Tea leaves.
Thanks but I'm bad at reading them :lol:
Seems some have lasted as long as a "blink".
Others a few hours.
Some a day, or what's possibly better known as a Daz Day. [something like 36 hours to give everybody all around the world a chance]
Some of the 'blinks' may have been glitches as they got caught in multiple sale baskets. [when you see something at a nifty price, the concept is "buy it fast" ... then tell everybody!]
Roll the bones instead. Less messy, more reusable and saves you from swallowing loose tea leaves.
We can do both, first read chicken entrails, eat remaining meat, and keep bones for further reading => 3-in-1 :lol:
(at least, I'm happy I'm not the only one to wonder :lol: )
LOL Yeah it has been a bone of contention for many not having an end date.
The average is two weeks.
That is the "norm"....but each PA can specify how long they want things on sale. So it varies.
Yeah to true Raw...the Horse 2 didn't even make a week, the new LAMH plug-in is on sale for 4 weeks.
Rattle, rattle, toss....tumble clink... The Rune Stones say, "Don't ask us, were confuzzled too."
Szark, I seem to remember it was you, a couple of days ago, who want to start a debate about the length of a piece of string. Is this a related debate. ?
No but it makes sense though.
"Reply Hazy, Ask Again Later" ...?
...usually it happens scant moments before you are ready to click the "Place Order" button.
Disclaimer: I am in no way Supporting Arthritis as a legal way for Heavy drug use. Once the BUZZ wears off your still stuck with the Arthur.
I have osteoarthritus and a growth on my spine and my doc says there is nothing that can be done. Won't prescribe me heavy duty meds due to the addictive nature of them and me so I have to deal with the pain myself and I can say it is bloody hard. I am in pain 24/7/365 and I only get 3 -4 hours sleep an night. Then after about 8-9 days I crash.
Can you hear the violins :)
OUCH, I could not make it with out the med's. Sorry to hear your forced to just deal. I fully understand the 24/7 part. I find your Doctors view odd, mine wants to force new stuff on me all the time. I have to refuse those NEW ones all the time.
Now back to the Thread, just as KK says the default is the sales end one milla blimp before you hit Submit on an order.
I have been used a test patient for all sorts of meds and I am one of those that reacts to nearly everything. I have even gone in to manic mode a pushed my wife out of bed and had no knowledge of it at all, even to this day. That casued my wife some pain too which upset me even more.
yeah sorry for going OT.
Oh yeah move to Colorado, they legalized marijuana... apparently that's very good for handling pain. And I'm not being sarcastic either.
We have a company over here called GW Pharmaceuticals who make sativex an extact from marijuana but unfortunatly it is only prescribed to MS patients for is mucscle relaxing properties plus they have found certain combinations of Canabiods can reduce pain but as always politics and ignorence plays its part from being available to people who can beneifit from it. I do a lot of self medicating and I feel it is my god given right to be free of pain but the nanny state knows better. :)
Ok cho no more taking politics but I had to get it off my chest.