OK, DAZ, seriously, what's going on?



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,108
    edited December 1969

    I have an out there idea
    send ME your images or link to them and I will do a slideshow with credits on my YouTube channel
    click on my sigline and see how many views I am getting!
    I can put whatever links you want in the description too.
    maybe not the publicity you want but it WILL get seen!!

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited December 1969

    heh love jeff's chrissi card

  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,799
    edited December 1969

    Okay, since there is some degree of interest in the idea then a new thread is in order. I am in sort of a disadvantage because my own skills with Carrara are laughably limited, I cant really help make anything happen in any kind of way. So I guess I feel that the thing the project needs first is some sort of support on the end of Daz as well as at least one community member with the patience.

    This film idea, if it can take root, could become an annual thing. Each year Daz sets out looking for the best story line. I can see entire lines of content driven by this movie ideal.

    One of the reasons I proposed this project is because I've seen all of this before. I've seen how during periods of relative quiet in development the members of the Bryce forum (myself mainly) got rather testy with one another here and there. Lots of inter-perosnal bouts. What I discovered was that once we had something positive to focus on, suddenly everyone started getting along a lot better. In the way of Carrara, we've got to start sharing the love, not the hate.

    Okay, I will start a new thread. The Space Alien idea is certainly one that lends itself well to the idea of chapters. I love the idea Holly has of free content related to the project, space ships and what not. Seems like the perfect showcase for the power of Carrara. However, there could still be other ideas that people come up with, I wouldn't want to decide on the story line just yet. I am not familiar off hand with the options for polls in the forums, but if Daz likes the idea and provides some leadership with Stickies and announcements and even final decisions about content and the like, it could be cool.

    The idea of providing a free demo for Daz is in no way troubling for me. It''s about Carrara, anything that helps Carrara helps Daz which in turn helps Carrara. Its a win for all parties I'd say.

    I cannot stress enough how ill equipped I am personally to lead any sort of effort. I'm good for the ideas but not for the follow through, or at least that's how I feel now. As I improve maybe I'll be able to add something at some point.

    So if anyone out there likes this idea of a movie idea, wants to help redirect our focus as a community from negativity to something truly positive, please let me know and its all yours.

  • JoeMamma2000JoeMamma2000 Posts: 2,615
    edited January 2013

    Rashad, a word of advice and encouragement, FWIW...

    I've seen this before, and what happens is projects like this die because there's no strong, guiding force. Look at Apple. Where would Apple be without Steve Jobs? He had a vision, and he had the drive to get that vision accomplished. Without that, Apple would have become, not a mega company, but just another computer maker.

    You can do it.

    As Evil said, any project that is run by a committee will languish forever and nothing will get accomplished, and it will just die away. The project needs a strong leader, in spite of what others here might think. Someone who can take all inputs, and decide on the best one, try to get consensus from the others, try to make everyone happy, and move on towards the goal.

    Yeah, it takes some special skills to be a leader like that, but you'll never know if you have them until you try. And if nothing else it will be a great learning experience in how to be a manager and a leader.

    You're a smart guy. I've seen the stuff you post. A very smart guy. No nonsense, a lot of good ideas. People like you, and my gut tells me you'll do a good job. Yeah, it'll probably be like herding cats, but at least you'll learn some valuable lessons.

    Give it a shot. Set some goals, build a team, decide on a story, and decide you're gonna make a freakin' masterpiece.

    Post edited by JoeMamma2000 on
  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,227
    edited December 1969


    that's a kind of story well suited for carrara and daz/poser models - or something like that - and you can easily find publishers or loans too.
    without Daz cooperation/help (licensing issues, developers, and general feedback) the project may stop at any time.
    scifi novels are being cooked every day and without amazing special effects they don't intrigue the audience

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,418
    edited December 1969

    That vid is blocked in the US :(

  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,227
    edited December 1969

    find "the miracle maker", a stop motion movie that is perfect indeed to imagine what you can do with carrara, ds, poser, AE, marvelous designer etc. moreover themes like this arouse the curiosity of many

  • tylerzamboritylerzambori Posts: 79
    edited December 1969


    that's a kind of story well suited for carrara and daz/poser models - or something like that - and you can easily find publishers or loans too.
    without Daz cooperation/help (licensing issues, developers, and general feedback) the project may stop at any time.
    scifi novels are being cooked every day and without amazing special effects they don't intrigue the audience

    What licensing issues?

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,471
    edited December 1969

    I love a good scifi...in fact, the only "real" video I did in 3d was with Carrara and was scifi :) http://youtu.be/EmS5O9vAgS4 Woohoo!

    Took me a loooonng time (though a lot of time was searching for best way to do voice), and I am not great at it, but I am game! (need to justify the upgrade money i just spent)

    ...problem is, do you want us "not so gooders" doing something that is supposed to show-off carrara, LOL! Maybe it needs a main plot for the "well done" and sub-plots for the "tinkerers" :)

  • 3dView3dView Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    This thread is one of the first ones in a long time that indicates sense of community in Carrara even if there is no consensus of direction. At least it was civil ,constructive and creative ----so kudos just for doing that.

    Having some sort of demo reel , community reel, community movie is a fantastic tool in getting people to notice a particular program. That said it is extremely difficult to achieve for a host of reasons --not the least of which is just 3d projects take time and effort. A lot of both. It does take a core group of super committed individuals banging away as if this was the only thing they did --(which is isn't) for a pretty long time. The fun wears off fast and why often participation slowly fades away as has been commented on already.

    The other major hurdle is that there needs to be a certain level of technical achievement and visualization --else you are defeating the purpose of the showcase whatever that form it might take. And to maintain this technical and artistic benchmark there needs to a director(s) of sorts who rejects , tosses out or otherwise demands a certain quality of output from the pool of contributors. It becomes a rather nasty job when peoples feelings are involved especially when they are not being paid. You want to encourage group effort but in the end it has to be pretty high level. One needs a warning lable on all contributions --"your work may be rejected, revised , altered , shredded or plain tossed out ! if you cannot take criticism play another game." However harsh , it is paramount if you are trying to make anything that is going to catch the eye of 3d folks not familiar with Carrara .

    So, because its difficult does that mean you do not try? All I am saying is that you have to realistically look at the project in the eye and determine -does one (The group) have the committed resources to get it done. That alone is a difficult trick . But I think this discussion is a great step to carving out some sort of community project. My own opinion is -----this community could use something to focus on in a positive way and there is one single common denomination here its a love of Carrara. We know Carrara can get the job done ------but can we?

    Some good things about any community project ----there is a wealth and depth of skills. But , Finding It . Getting it committed and directing It ---is the issue at hand. In additions -- We are all not professional level users but with a strong directional force ------many jobs can be done by less experienced and accomplished individuals as long as there is enough organized direction to be able to use them. Things that are in the background for instance or long shots do not need the same level of professionalism as close-ups. Everyone who owns Carrara can render ---and that is a huge advantage for a community project--perhaps its single most powerful one.

    So I think this whole discussion warrants serious consideration for all Carrara users. We just need to be very realistic.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,418
    edited December 1969

    Regarding the movie idea, yes it's a cool idea. I hate to be a stick in the mud, but honestly, who has time? I think it would go a couple weeks (if that) and then die a lingering death. I'm more than willing to contribute to a demo reel, provided what I would submit is deemed worthy, but a narrative story by committee has absolutely no appeal for me.
    Really? I guess.
    But your stills tell a whole story by themselves, most of the time anyways.
    Oh. I thought you were talking about "The idea of making a movie using Carrara".
    Yikes! Cool idea, but with so many different skill/taste levels seen here, on the forums is wild!
    Interesting it will be to see what happens from it.
  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,227
    edited December 1969


    that's a kind of story well suited for carrara and daz/poser models - or something like that - and you can easily find publishers or loans too.
    without Daz cooperation/help (licensing issues, developers, and general feedback) the project may stop at any time.
    scifi novels are being cooked every day and without amazing special effects they don't intrigue the audience

    What licensing issues?

    without daz permission we can't work on M5 for example if we all around the globe don't own it; if you make a movie and want to get stuff for merchandising you may have licensing issues with daz and PAs without an agreement, and I could go on.
    but I have enough experience to overcome legal snags; feedback with the software house has become essential more and more mostly for budget reasons and in my opinion is essential before you start an animation movie: if you have these two conditions you can go on and look around

  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,799
    edited December 1969


    Thanks for the vote of confidence. You've more or less convinced me. My only concern is my lack of familiarity with Carrara itself, but I cannot hide behind that forever. So yeah, lets give it a try!!!


    that's a kind of story well suited for carrara and daz/poser models - or something like that - and you can easily find publishers or loans too.
    without Daz cooperation/help (licensing issues, developers, and general feedback) the project may stop at any time.
    scifi novels are being cooked every day and without amazing special effects they don't intrigue the audience

    What licensing issues?

    without daz permission we can't work on M5 for example if we all around the globe don't own it; if you make a movie and want to get stuff for merchandising you may have licensing issues with daz and PAs without an agreement, and I could go on.
    but I have enough experience to overcome legal snags; feedback with the software house has become essential more and more mostly for budget reasons and in my opinion is essential before you start an animation movie: if you have these two conditions you can go on and look around

    Yep, my thoughts exactly. Without at least something from Daz, it makes it much harder. Without support from Daz the scale of the project will be much smaller, which is fine too, If Daz cannot support us then we will have to do it entirely on our own. But with aid from Daz, things will be better.

    I am convinced, that all Daz needs is to see that WE are serious, and they will have to follow suit. So far I am hopeful. A new thread will be born soon so keep an eye out for it.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    If everybody has their own copy of whatever figure, then you don't need to license it. According to the EULA, DAZ licenses the figure to you. You own the render. As long as you're not redistributing the figure you can do pretty much anything with it, except game development- that's a separate license I'm lead to believe.

    So then, the only other licensing issue would be using DAZ's name and Carrara's name.

  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,227
    edited December 1969

    If everybody has their own copy of whatever figure, then you don't need to license it. According to the EULA, DAZ licenses the figure to you. You own the render. As long as you're not redistributing the figure you can do pretty much anything with it, except game development- that's a separate license I'm lead to believe.

    So then, the only other licensing issue would be using DAZ's name and Carrara's name.

    this is exactly the point: all the guys involved need to handle many props, poses, figures etc and costs for anyone could be unaffordable, so daz should let them temporarly use all they need at a fraction of the cost or for free.
    brand and logo licensing don' t give any problem because of mutual benefits.
    but: if you ask for grants on kickstarter for example you have to declare your intentions by using daz figures, well without license agreement you run the risk of not even being able to show a video because you are making money thanks to daz, even with eula license.

  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,227
    edited December 1969


    Thanks for the vote of confidence. You've more or less convinced me. My only concern is my lack of familiarity with Carrara itself, but I cannot hide behind that forever. So yeah, lets give it a try!!!


    that's a kind of story well suited for carrara and daz/poser models - or something like that - and you can easily find publishers or loans too.
    without Daz cooperation/help (licensing issues, developers, and general feedback) the project may stop at any time.
    scifi novels are being cooked every day and without amazing special effects they don't intrigue the audience

    What licensing issues?

    without daz permission we can't work on M5 for example if we all around the globe don't own it; if you make a movie and want to get stuff for merchandising you may have licensing issues with daz and PAs without an agreement, and I could go on.
    but I have enough experience to overcome legal snags; feedback with the software house has become essential more and more mostly for budget reasons and in my opinion is essential before you start an animation movie: if you have these two conditions you can go on and look around

    Yep, my thoughts exactly. Without at least something from Daz, it makes it much harder. Without support from Daz the scale of the project will be much smaller, which is fine too, If Daz cannot support us then we will have to do it entirely on our own. But with aid from Daz, things will be better.

    I am convinced, that all Daz needs is to see that WE are serious, and they will have to follow suit. So far I am hopeful. A new thread will be born soon so keep an eye out for it.

    If Daz is in I'll give my contribution. good luck

  • Frank__Frank__ Posts: 302
    edited December 1969

    this is exactly the point: all the guys involved need to handle many props, poses, figures etc

    Maybe not. An animator doesn't need the props, the texturer only the ones he works on, landscape modellers need nothing :) etc.

    Only those ones rendering the scene/shot need all the stuff involved.

    but: if you ask for grants on kickstarter for example you have to declare your intentions by using daz figures, well without license agreement you run the risk of not even being able to show a video because you are making money thanks to daz, even with eula license.

    Making money with DAZ content is covered by the EULA afaik.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Frank__ said:

    this is exactly the point: all the guys involved need to handle many props, poses, figures etc

    Maybe not. An animator doesn't need the props, the texturer only the ones he works on, landscape modellers need nothing :) etc.

    Only those ones rendering the scene/shot need all the stuff involved.

    but: if you ask for grants on kickstarter for example you have to declare your intentions by using daz figures, well without license agreement you run the risk of not even being able to show a video because you are making money thanks to daz, even with eula license.

    Making money with DAZ content is covered by the EULA afaik.

    Exactly my point. I'm not sure what the issue would be with that if the movie uses properly licensed content it's a non-issue. Besides, how much is going to be DAZ dollies and how much original content? Don't get me wrong, I use V4 and M4 and all the DAZ figures going back to gen 3 quite a lot, and it shouldn't be a problem with this either- To an extent. I do think the people that take on this endeavor need to ask themselves if this a Content showcase, or a Carrara showcase?

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Besides, how much is going to be DAZ dollies and how much original content? Don't get me wrong, I use V4 and M4 and all the DAZ figures going back to gen 3 quite a lot, and it shouldn't be a problem with this either- To an extent. I do think the people that take on this endeavor need to ask themselves if this a Content showcase, or a Carrara showcase?

    I think it's best to let the discussion run its course. I made suggestions how it could be 100% community, but there is more interest in doing a "traditional" short story at the moment.... Let's not be wet blankets. If they come up with a script maybe it will be possible for a small team to finish with or without DAZ's help.

    Everyone who owns C8 already has M4 and V4 plus a lot of content. Eventually someone will come along and figure that out.... ;-)

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Besides, how much is going to be DAZ dollies and how much original content? Don't get me wrong, I use V4 and M4 and all the DAZ figures going back to gen 3 quite a lot, and it shouldn't be a problem with this either- To an extent. I do think the people that take on this endeavor need to ask themselves if this a Content showcase, or a Carrara showcase?

    I think it's best to let the discussion run its course. I made suggestions how it could be 100% community, but there is more interest in doing a "traditional" short story at the moment.... Let's not be wet blankets. If they come up with a script maybe it will be possible for a small team to finish with or without DAZ's help.

    Everyone who owns C8 already has M4 and V4 plus a lot of content. Eventually someone will come along and figure that out.... ;-)

    Point taken. I haven't liked wet blankets since my bottom bunk was below a bed wetter. :ahhh:

  • DBuchterDBuchter Posts: 70
    edited December 1969

    Want to carry the sentiment that I am also happy to see a constructive and creative dialog going on here. I'm on board.

    I've been around for a very long time (contrary to my posting #) and would be excited to help put something together with you guys.

  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,799
    edited December 1969

    Besides, how much is going to be DAZ dollies and how much original content? Don't get me wrong, I use V4 and M4 and all the DAZ figures going back to gen 3 quite a lot, and it shouldn't be a problem with this either- To an extent. I do think the people that take on this endeavor need to ask themselves if this a Content showcase, or a Carrara showcase?

    I think it's best to let the discussion run its course. I made suggestions how it could be 100% community, but there is more interest in doing a "traditional" short story at the moment.... Let's not be wet blankets. If they come up with a script maybe it will be possible for a small team to finish with or without DAZ's help.

    Everyone who owns C8 already has M4 and V4 plus a lot of content. Eventually someone will come along and figure that out.... ;-)

    Thanks for this insight, Holly. Your ideas for 100% community are very much in my mind, and I hope you will continue to help me make that a reality as you have done here.

    I own C8 but not the Pro (cant afford it just now), but I did not realize that all owners of C8 also received M4 and V4 for free. That's fantastic. I already owned them so I didnt even register mentally that these models were also bundled in some way. Wonderful, love V4. But love Genesis eight thousand times more. Really really wish C8,5 was ready for release. But its fine. V4 will do.

    With or without Daz's help is also something I need to start preparing for now. So thanks again for that reminder.

    I'm really hopeful about this. I am going to learn sooo much about Carrara. I will spend most of the next weekend with tutorials, familiarizing myself with the application so I can be useful to the artistic output at some point. In the meantime I just want to say thanks to you, as a prominent member of the Carrara community, for taking an interest.

  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,799
    edited January 2013

    It could be like an Exquisite Corpse... the parlor game. We could each add a chapter.

    But we should avoid the rigid heirarchy of "teams", there aren't really enough of us with co-operative temperaments for that to last. ;-P

    Actually we could organize it to be ongoing and open-ended.... Based on Rashad's synopsys above I suggest:
    1- The "Alien Visitor" can be a shared model hosted at CarraraCafe (or ShareCG).
    2- Each "chapter" begins with the visitor descending from the sky. SOMETHING HAPPENS. Then it goes up into the sky. End.
    3- Each chapter gets uploaded to youtube (I prefer Vimeo, for the quality)
    4- Someone adds them to a common Playlist that links them all. (we could create a community account, so more than one person has the password)
    5- There is no director. videos are uploaded as they are completed. They don't need to play in any particular order (youtube playlists can be shuffled, I think) ...Well except for the opening movie in Space....
    6- There are not a lot of rules, and we should be rather liberal about how the Visitor gets treated in each scenario: it could be a silent observer, it can interact, it can alter its shape and size and textures - so long as it begins and ends traveling to the next scenario. If we're going to have a community project it should be fun and everyone should be able to participate what they like. (I'd rather not do a laborious unpaid advert for DAZ).

    Rashad, You should start a new thread to discuss the project. We could get some suggestions for the alien visitor... maybe hold a contest?

    If the space alien story line gets chosen, I think we will do it exactly as you have described here. There's potential for a space ship design, an alien model and rigging, and any number of worlds and "dimensions" which would explain nicely all the different styles people will come up with for their chapters from toon to 4d realism.

    Post edited by Rashad Carter on
  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,227
    edited January 2013

    Frank__ said:

    this is exactly the point: all the guys involved need to handle many props, poses, figures etc

    Maybe not. An animator doesn't need the props, the texturer only the ones he works on, landscape modellers need nothing :) etc.

    Only those ones rendering the scene/shot need all the stuff involved.

    but: if you ask for grants on kickstarter for example you have to declare your intentions by using daz figures, well without license agreement you run the risk of not even being able to show a video because you are making money thanks to daz, even with eula license.

    Making money with DAZ content is covered by the EULA afaik.

    Exactly my point. I'm not sure what the issue would be with that if the movie uses properly licensed content it's a non-issue. Besides, how much is going to be DAZ dollies and how much original content? Don't get me wrong, I use V4 and M4 and all the DAZ figures going back to gen 3 quite a lot, and it shouldn't be a problem with this either- To an extent. I do think the people that take on this endeavor need to ask themselves if this a Content showcase, or a Carrara showcase?

    what if you collect one million dollars? who will have legal rights on any commercial product coming out from the movie? lawyers are always lurking. believe me, before starting contact daz and ask for a legal permission or a specific releasing
    better clarification:
    You may use contents, even commercially, only for rendered images or animations that is to say digital contents, nothing else, because the content developer retains all copyrights so if you ask for loans that imply commercial product spin offs in the future you may find an agreement before and then you can sell them.
    About kickstarter: you sell a concept with other people's products and not a digital video, this may be challenged by clever lawyers

    Post edited by magaremoto on
  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    Frank__ said:

    this is exactly the point: all the guys involved need to handle many props, poses, figures etc

    Maybe not. An animator doesn't need the props, the texturer only the ones he works on, landscape modellers need nothing :) etc.

    Only those ones rendering the scene/shot need all the stuff involved.

    but: if you ask for grants on kickstarter for example you have to declare your intentions by using daz figures, well without license agreement you run the risk of not even being able to show a video because you are making money thanks to daz, even with eula license.

    Making money with DAZ content is covered by the EULA afaik.

    Exactly my point. I'm not sure what the issue would be with that if the movie uses properly licensed content it's a non-issue. Besides, how much is going to be DAZ dollies and how much original content? Don't get me wrong, I use V4 and M4 and all the DAZ figures going back to gen 3 quite a lot, and it shouldn't be a problem with this either- To an extent. I do think the people that take on this endeavor need to ask themselves if this a Content showcase, or a Carrara showcase?

    what if you collect one million dollars? who will have legal rights on any commercial product coming out from the movie? lawyers are always lurking. believe me, before starting contact daz and ask for a legal permission or a specific releasing
    better clarification:
    You may use contents, even commercially, only for rendered images or animations that is to say digital contents, nothing else, because the content developer retains all copyrights so if you ask for loans that imply commercial product spin offs in the future you may find an agreement before and then you can sell them.
    About kickstarter: you sell a concept with other people's products and not a digital video, this may be challenged by clever lawyers

    ok - this is not about making money - this is not about some one getting paid

    This is about having some ( fun ) .

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited January 2013

    It could be like an Exquisite Corpse... the parlor game. We could each add a chapter.

    But we should avoid the rigid heirarchy of "teams", there aren't really enough of us with co-operative temperaments for that to last. ;-P

    Actually we could organize it to be ongoing and open-ended.... Based on Rashad's synopsys above I suggest:
    1- The "Alien Visitor" can be a shared model hosted at CarraraCafe (or ShareCG).
    2- Each "chapter" begins with the visitor descending from the sky. SOMETHING HAPPENS. Then it goes up into the sky. End.
    3- Each chapter gets uploaded to youtube (I prefer Vimeo, for the quality)
    4- Someone adds them to a common Playlist that links them all. (we could create a community account, so more than one person has the password)
    5- There is no director. videos are uploaded as they are completed. They don't need to play in any particular order (youtube playlists can be shuffled, I think) ...Well except for the opening movie in Space....
    6- There are not a lot of rules, and we should be rather liberal about how the Visitor gets treated in each scenario: it could be a silent observer, it can interact, it can alter its shape and size and textures - so long as it begins and ends traveling to the next scenario. If we're going to have a community project it should be fun and everyone should be able to participate what they like. (I'd rather not do a laborious unpaid advert for DAZ).

    Rashad, You should start a new thread to discuss the project. We could get some suggestions for the alien visitor... maybe hold a contest?

    If the space alien story line gets chosen, I think we will do it exactly as you have described here. There's potential for a space ship design, an alien model and rigging, and any number of worlds and "dimensions" which would explain nicely all the different styles people will come up with for their chapters from toon to 4d realism.

    " this is the one to start with !!! "

    Post edited by bigh on
  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,227
    edited December 1969

    a problem solving approach must be taken into account in any feat like this; I hope to be only proactive and helpful as I can

  • tylerzamboritylerzambori Posts: 79
    edited January 2013

    Frank__ said:

    this is exactly the point: all the guys involved need to handle many props, poses, figures etc

    Maybe not. An animator doesn't need the props, the texturer only the ones he works on, landscape modellers need nothing :) etc.

    Only those ones rendering the scene/shot need all the stuff involved.

    but: if you ask for grants on kickstarter for example you have to declare your intentions by using daz figures, well without license agreement you run the risk of not even being able to show a video because you are making money thanks to daz, even with eula license.

    Making money with DAZ content is covered by the EULA afaik.

    Exactly my point. I'm not sure what the issue would be with that if the movie uses properly licensed content it's a non-issue. Besides, how much is going to be DAZ dollies and how much original content? Don't get me wrong, I use V4 and M4 and all the DAZ figures going back to gen 3 quite a lot, and it shouldn't be a problem with this either- To an extent. I do think the people that take on this endeavor need to ask themselves if this a Content showcase, or a Carrara showcase?

    what if you collect one million dollars? who will have legal rights on any commercial product coming out from the movie? lawyers are always lurking. believe me, before starting contact daz and ask for a legal permission or a specific releasing
    better clarification:
    You may use contents, even commercially, only for rendered images or animations that is to say digital contents, nothing else, because the content developer retains all copyrights so if you ask for loans that imply commercial product spin offs in the future you may find an agreement before and then you can sell them.
    About kickstarter: you sell a concept with other people's products and not a digital video, this may be challenged by clever lawyers

    May Be? Ok so you mean to say that Kickstarter actually says nothing about this?
    Nope, it doesn't - not that I can see.

    Why are you saying they do ban any work made with daz content?

    Post edited by tylerzambori on
  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    Frank__ said:

    this is exactly the point: all the guys involved need to handle many props, poses, figures etc

    Maybe not. An animator doesn't need the props, the texturer only the ones he works on, landscape modellers need nothing :) etc.

    Only those ones rendering the scene/shot need all the stuff involved.

    but: if you ask for grants on kickstarter for example you have to declare your intentions by using daz figures, well without license agreement you run the risk of not even being able to show a video because you are making money thanks to daz, even with eula license.

    Making money with DAZ content is covered by the EULA afaik.

    Exactly my point. I'm not sure what the issue would be with that if the movie uses properly licensed content it's a non-issue. Besides, how much is going to be DAZ dollies and how much original content? Don't get me wrong, I use V4 and M4 and all the DAZ figures going back to gen 3 quite a lot, and it shouldn't be a problem with this either- To an extent. I do think the people that take on this endeavor need to ask themselves if this a Content showcase, or a Carrara showcase?

    what if you collect one million dollars? who will have legal rights on any commercial product coming out from the movie? lawyers are always lurking. believe me, before starting contact daz and ask for a legal permission or a specific releasing
    better clarification:
    You may use contents, even commercially, only for rendered images or animations that is to say digital contents, nothing else, because the content developer retains all copyrights so if you ask for loans that imply commercial product spin offs in the future you may find an agreement before and then you can sell them.
    About kickstarter: you sell a concept with other people's products and not a digital video, this may be challenged by clever lawyers

    May Be? Ok so you mean to say that Kickstarter actually says nothing about this?
    Nope, it doesn't - not that I can see.

    Why are you saying they do ban any work made with daz content?

    we are NOT going to use kickstart - so forget it - lets move on

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,418
    edited December 1969

    bigh said:

    It could be like an Exquisite Corpse... the parlor game. We could each add a chapter.

    But we should avoid the rigid heirarchy of "teams", there aren't really enough of us with co-operative temperaments for that to last. ;-P

    Actually we could organize it to be ongoing and open-ended.... Based on Rashad's synopsys above I suggest:
    1- The "Alien Visitor" can be a shared model hosted at CarraraCafe (or ShareCG).
    2- Each "chapter" begins with the visitor descending from the sky. SOMETHING HAPPENS. Then it goes up into the sky. End.
    3- Each chapter gets uploaded to youtube (I prefer Vimeo, for the quality)
    4- Someone adds them to a common Playlist that links them all. (we could create a community account, so more than one person has the password)
    5- There is no director. videos are uploaded as they are completed. They don't need to play in any particular order (youtube playlists can be shuffled, I think) ...Well except for the opening movie in Space....
    6- There are not a lot of rules, and we should be rather liberal about how the Visitor gets treated in each scenario: it could be a silent observer, it can interact, it can alter its shape and size and textures - so long as it begins and ends traveling to the next scenario. If we're going to have a community project it should be fun and everyone should be able to participate what they like. (I'd rather not do a laborious unpaid advert for DAZ).

    Rashad, You should start a new thread to discuss the project. We could get some suggestions for the alien visitor... maybe hold a contest?

    If the space alien story line gets chosen, I think we will do it exactly as you have described here. There's potential for a space ship design, an alien model and rigging, and any number of worlds and "dimensions" which would explain nicely all the different styles people will come up with for their chapters from toon to 4d realism.

    " this is the one to start with !!! " Bigh, Rashad, Holly, and whomever else might read this,
    I absolutely treasure what was said in the above quote, from start to end. Whether anyone joins me or not, this is what I'm going with. What a perfect, worry free, freestyle, imagination generation project....and none of us need to agree, disagree, or ask permission from a commitee to begin work right now! I'm on! Expect a preliminary vid soon.

    :coolhmm: Dartan

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