OT Verizon Wireless look a like spam

I got a spam email saying it was from Verizon Wireless. It said that I owe a big amount of money as if I had a Verizon account for a year (or more), it never got disconnected even though I have never paid anything during that time. Basically the amount is way too high.
Also it was sent to several people, which would make no sense if it was genuine.
I tried to find out more information at the verizon site (I went to the site by googling Verizon) It said that I did not have an account there that I would have to register for one.
Verizon won't send you a spam email. They'd use physical mail and collection agencies.
Well they cannot send me a text message as I do not have a verizon phone.
It is hard to type when I have a feline wanting attention from me. I mean in my face purring up a storm wanting attention.
You said it was an email, and not a text message.
Yes that was by email. I did get an email in May that I won a thousand dollar Best Buy Gift card, but I do not remember signing up for a contest. Also the web address looked funny.
Why do cats like cup cake wrappers?
For the same reason babies go for the wrapping paper, probably. I think it's the crinkle sound.
This Verizon one is doing the rounds. I've received several this week alone and since I live in Australia Verizon doesn't even exist here.
I was getting a lot of email spam, but I kept unsubscribing and unsubscribing until at this point I get very little spam. In fact I might get just a few a week.
Don't unsubscribe, that just tells the spammers that the email address is active. Just let your spam filter do its job and flush them like the crap they are.
Like I said, I get very little spam now because I did unsubscribe.
Hey, I got an email from Verizon today too. Gmail put it right into my Spam box. Since my phone is on my daughter's account, I went and asked her if she had changed my phone to Verizon. Absolutely not!
It's just spam, Ledhead. Ignore it and delete. I didn't even open mine.
I'm not the one that got the spam, as I said I get very little spam, even in my junk mail folder.
I got a bill from AT&T this morning for $1700+. The ruse lacks credibility when AT&T don’t operate in the country in which I live.
I'm not the one that got the spam, as I said I get very little spam, even in my junk mail folder.
My apologies, Ledhead. I should have said Miss Bad Wolf.
I had one eariler that appeared to come from paypal saying I need to login to sort out a problem, and only using that link nothing else. But it used my email address not my name, something paypal never does. Plus mailwasher caught that one straight off, so no hassle.
But it's important that you never respond to these. In fact the best way is when you get one is just delete them. If theres an attachment and thats been opened, disconnect from the net and run a full virus scan.
Also beware some spammers/crooks are now smart to use your real name. Often getting it from facebook. So when you get a mail from your bank/ISP, real or otherwise, play it safe and never use links within that email. Instead type the url mannually into your browser.
It's spam. I got the same email yesterday. Verizon does send emails if you're signed up for paperless billing, but since our cellphones are in my wife's name, everything goes to her email. If you hold your cursor over the links in the email, but DO NOT click on them, you'll where they go; definitely not to Verizon's site.