Ctrl Key no longer working in 4.5...6 64 bit, W7 64 bit

nowefgnowefg Posts: 557

I had a "pinwheel" lockup while trying to apply a third-party morph to V4. The morph required Morphs++, which I hadn't injected.

After 5 minutes, I closed Studio 4.5...6 via Task Manager, and when I called Studio back up, the Ctrl Key no longer worked; no Ctrl D, or Z.

Reinstalled Studio, but the ctrl key still doesn't work.

Ctrl-Z, etc, does function perfectly in all my other programs, so it's not the keyboard or driver.

Any suggestions about where the gremlin is hiding? Is there some keyboard setting inside Studio? Could it be some flag or other in AppData?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,468
    edited December 1969

    Rename actions.dsx in AppData\DAZ 3D\Studio 4 to actions.old, with DS closed, and then launch DS - that should fix it, though you will lose any custom actions of your own. If it does fix it you can then delete actions.old.

  • nowefgnowefg Posts: 557
    edited December 1969

    Thanks, Richard,

    I'll do that. Really appreciate your help. Another useful "trick" up my sleeve.

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