HELP: Bryce Materials (including presets) not working

When applying preset materials, all I'm getting is a solid color and whatever effects most of the sliders are creating. It seems as if the texture color and texture bump aren't being applied. It's happening with both procedural and image textures. Trying to work in the materials lab and texture source editor eventually produces a crash.  I'm running Windows 10; display adapter is AMD Radeon R9 255; driver is up to date.


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Can you give us some more info,   screen shots of your mat lab settings and what you are getting when the materials are applied    etc


  • Maybe you have the Texture On/Off button selected?

    145 x 173 - 6K
  • Well, I feel like a complete idiot - that was it.  I've been using Bryce since Bryce 3D, and was a tester from Bryce 6 on, and I don't think I've done anything that dumb to date.  Thanks for the help!

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,537

    john1_dbda0de43a - such things can happen. I replaced all radials in a set recently because they didn't light up. They were hidden and I didn't realise it. Then I hid under the desk, never thought such a dumb thing could happen to me. But obviously, it can.


  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895

    Ha, silly mistakes are made by all. I could not grasp why my boolean operation did not work. Instead of taking a bit out of the positive part, the negative part did nothing. And I checked and double-checked and checked again. Yes, it was negative, yes, it was in the right spot.... Until I finally noted that I had (by accident, probably) made the negative 'hidden'. I had not even seen that the negative actually did nothing, not even show up positive. Luckily, no-one was in the room, so I did not have to hide my extremely red face for anybody.

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