From Scratch
Ok as a part of my "I'm finally going to learn to do this stuff..."
I plan on creating something so going to start researching the flow. Usually once I do something once, I pretty much got it.
So the idea is to make like socks or underwear from start to installation that I can use. (I assume, and that could be wrong, that even though the approach is basically the same that doing socks or underwear would be a lot simpler than let's say a ballroom dress).
I do plan on trying it for Genesis. I do have all the older stuff too but find I hang out more with Genesis than before and apart from not having a lot of clothing and stuff I would like I really like the Genesis shape more.
It would be cool to be able to make a complete person eventually. I usually buy everything (spend a lot lol) but it would be great to say, "Hey, I did that."
I'm installing Hexagon tonight. I know I'll need a modeling program so maybe scrounge around and find some tutorials. I've already been looking.
And I've seen a lot of buzzwords like template, UV, Mesh, etc. I have no idea how all of those fit together but it should be fun finding out. I also do tutorials at work so once I find out the basics I can make myself a How to guide. I'm getting older so memory isn't as good as I would like any more.
Anyway, was there a question in all of that? Hmmmmm.
If those words are strange to you, you'll need to start with a tutorial on modeling in Hex.
When you've got a mesh modeled around Genesis, come back and we'll go from there.
Thanks! Actually I started the first tutorial tonight.
And BTW, I like the stuff you make. I bought several things this week and especially was interested in the morphs.
Great! Morphing can be very fun and rewarding. We'll make sure you learn that, too. :-)
Beat me to it...geekatplay are the best place to start.