Not sure where this should be,,but maybe will help some

edited February 2017 in Freebies

Hi All.. I sort of stumbled on a little utility that is very handy I think.. It is called negative screen .. what it does basically is reverse screen colors,, i/e the backgound and foreground switch.. LIke if the background is white it becomes black,, and the black font becomes white. This is a good tool to have on the fly for some applications. For me since I have lost sight in one eye,, it really help to read docs, or programs that dont offer skins etc. So it can be a "godsend" to anyone with vision issues..even eye fatigue..which can happen dealing with 3D work. When you are done using it, you just switch it off and go back to normal ops.  It works in Windows 7 and up..and with both nVidia and ATI.  I dont know if there is a mac version..and it wont work with XP I guess.. by the is safe.. no virus or spyware crap  :o) Also bare in mind it reverses colors in eveything until you switch back..even in DS.. nut whp knows..might make some interesting new effects

Post edited by michaelxm_a1dddd836b on


  • nikkellynikkelly Posts: 33

    Heads-up on another 'assist': Aphont, 'free-of-charge to qualified users for non-commercial purposes.' Declare 'impaired vision' and down-load...

    This hi-legibility, sans-serif TTF *looks* ordinary, but is significantly more readable than standard fonts three or four points larger.

    I'd struggle without it... 

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