April, Neftis - hair request

natrix natrixnatrix natrix Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in The Commons

I want this guys hair: http://i.lv3.hbo.com/assets/images/series/game-of-thrones/character/s2/bronn-1024.jpg
(actually I want the whole guy, but I'll settle for the hair ;)

We need some more older guy hair, and come on - a widows peak is sexy! ;)
And please for M4!


  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited December 1969

    Check Mature Mark Hair. I think it's by Neftis.

  • BruceBroussardBruceBroussard Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I too want more manly selections. Most of what is out there is unrealistic sexy V4 that will not apply to real world scenes. Try to find anything western for M4.
    Game of thrones is the best show I have seen other than starwars ;) I would like to take the fantasy castle and create scenes with characters like this.

  • natrix natrixnatrix natrix Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    I too want more manly selections. Most of what is out there is unrealistic sexy V4 that will not apply to real world scenes. Try to find anything western for M4.
    Game of thrones is the best show I have seen other than starwars ;) I would like to take the fantasy castle and create scenes with characters like this.

    You should read the books. The show is great, but it's nothing to the real thing :)

    Post edited by natrix natrix on
  • IkyotoIkyoto Posts: 1,159
    edited December 1969

    I too want more manly selections. Most of what is out there is unrealistic sexy V4 that will not apply to real world scenes. Try to find anything western for M4.
    Game of thrones is the best show I have seen other than starwars ;) I would like to take the fantasy castle and create scenes with characters like this.
    I havne't read book 5 yet, but MAN it had better be worth the price! I'm not waiting.
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256
    edited June 2012

    Client gave me the entire series but has bought the first season on Blu-ray and LOVES it.... He's a scientist that works at SRI so with his mind always in the science cloud he needs some fun fantasy stuff and while he loved the books he really thinks that Game of Thrones is a total winner as a TV series!

    I of course LOVE GoT as well as the Borgias! Fan of both! :-)

    Post edited by RAMWolff on
  • LeanderLeander Posts: 56
    edited June 2012

    I stumbled over this topic and just wanted to say a huge "Yes!" to Game of Thrones and Borgias. Amazing shows both.

    And having said that, I'll shuffle off again :)

    P.S. On the topic of hair requests, what about Jaqen Ha'ghar's hair?

    Post edited by Leander on
  • natrix natrixnatrix natrix Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    P.S. On the topic of hair requests, what about Jaqen Ha'ghar's hair?

    There are quite a few hair props that would do, for instance Alfa Seeds Desir Hair - or Wild Hair by DigiCalimero. But of course the hair would have to be mapped for the special coloring. Not exactly a discreet hairstyle for an assassin, LOL!

  • LeanderLeander Posts: 56
    edited December 1969

    But of course the hair would have to be mapped for the special coloring. Not exactly a discreet hairstyle for an assassin, LOL!


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