Weird invisible thread allarm !!

Weird stuff, I've been posting a few messages in "The Return of the Son of the Complaint Thread" in the commons, for instance a few minutes ago, but strangely enough, instead of seeing the thread tittle on the first page, it's invisible to me...
It has been like this for few days, and my hacking search abilities made me find it again, crazy stuff.
Has someone else had the same experience ?
Threads don't reorder themselves when anyone posts to them, they stay in the same order as they were posted. so you see new threads on the front page, not new posts unfortunately. It's not invisible, just hidng shyly back a page or two.
Hey,,,, thanks chohole, page 15 in this case, ok, another mystery solved !!:coolsmile:
Is this being worked on? So that the threads will be ordered by last post??
It is on the list of issues, I don't know where it falls in priority.
My priorities would be,,,
1-Better smileys
2-When skipping a line when writing, to keep that skip when posted.
3-A search function I can find (if one exists).
4-This OT thingy mentioned.
5-A digi mind-reader which instantly gives what I want with a forum d/a converter.
To be continued,,,,
You should be ashamed ...
Um, you wouldn't happen to mean the search box at the top of the page that says 'search the forum' in it, would you? I'm guessing not, since you mention having used the search to find that thread you were looking for... If you use the search (or click on 'View New Posts') the link to the Advanced Search shows up in the breadcrumbs.
@ ThinMick,
How DARE you suggest that I would ever look at the top-right of the page,, uhhm, thanks ! :lol:
@ Sockratease,
**Humbly bows head in shame being aware of neglecting prime essentials**
Like these, but better !!
Dammit DAZ, and I also want a millenium Mouse !!!
:red: ... ... :lol:
I'd be grateful for a button to get back to the *list* of threads in the Commons (or whatever other forum) rather than having to backtrack all the way back through every page of a thread I've read in order to bet back to where I started.
The links at the bottom pointing to the previous thread in the whole list and the next one are NOT HELPFUL.
Yeah that is an annoyance and one of the things we've brought to DAZ's attention.
To separate paragraphs
I'd just put a period on a line between them
Like this. At least it's a fairly simple
Workaround until they fix this.
Also works if you put two blank lines between the paragraphs instead of 1.
Eventually it will be automatic, but I tend to have to keep going back to edit it. When I bother.
That's how we are doing it. Just get use to hitting enter twice.
*WAVES* to Salvatore :P
Hey hello TheWheelMan, JOdel and Frank0314 (and everybody els of coarse), thanks for the hacky tips !
These bugs bring out the best creativity out of of us, DAZ should inject a different variety of them weekly to stimulate us artists for best results (looks outside), sigh,,, there is just to much paradise everywhere,,, (must visit the complaint thread pronto,,).
**Sends a hug to rammy cause he's one of these guys who do not faint by the idea**
(Waves finger in a knowingly manner)
One should always hug daily, a lot,, and remember that rationality is a handy tool, but when used constantly it's just a subset of insanity.
Checks the skipped line hack thingy,,,
Yep, it works !
And how about that digi mind reader thingy I mentioned... ?? :coolsmile:
Top left of the page is a stacked list from top of the forum to the thread -
Home/Forum Home/General/The Commons/Thread
Clicking on The Commons (or whatever) takes you back to the thread list.
Awww, Hugs back to Salvatore. Hugs are good! :P
Top left of the page is a stacked list from top of the forum to the thread -
Home/Forum Home/General/The Commons/Thread
Clicking on The Commons (or whatever) takes you back to the thread list.
Oh, you mean the Community heading. *sigh* It's like retraining youself to leave two empty lines between paragraphs to get one.
Oh, you mean the Community heading. *sigh* It's like retraining youself to leave two empty lines between paragraphs to get one.
No, not the Community heading, the breadcrumbs on the line below it.
A distinction without a difference. It still takes one back to the first page of the forum. But then so did the link in the old store.
What's needed is a link back to the page that particular thread is listed on. Until the forums start bumping the recent posts to the head of the line I don't see any other way apart from painstaking back-buttoning.
That's what I've been doing . . . but not a good habit to get into. LoL It's starting to confuse my regular typing & when I'm in other forums. :P