Argos Hangar
Does anyone know how to locate Argos Hangar in DasStudio?
After downloading and extracting it, I had trouble locating it. I eventually found 1 button that merged the interior set into a scene. But I could not relocate it again when I searched for it. When I enter 'Argos Hangar' in search box, 2 Argos Hanger lighting buttons come up, instead of the set button I located before.
Also: That makes a total of 3 items (buttons) that I have located. Does Argos Hangar have more to it? The description says it has moving doors, ect... I'm not sure what I'm getting, but the set looked like something I could use.
Right now I can't locate it in DazStudio. I need to find it.
I can't help as I don't have it, but here it is in the shop
Were are you looking for it. In DAZ Studio Format of Poser Format in the content libraby. I don't have the pack but would guess its in Poser Format/My Library/Figures
The readme should tell you which folders to look in in the Content Library pane. It may not have metadata to make it work with the Smart Content pane.
It's by Nightshift 3d - it should be under Poser Formats, then look either under Figures or Props look for Nightshift3D. That's where most of his content defaults to, I believe.
Yup, it's in Figures/Nightshift3D/
There are all of two end-user facing files in the product,
Expand the item on the scene tab and you can see the doors, etc. Select a door and then on the parameters tab there's an open/close. Pretty much all of it can be moved.
Thanks, Everybody!
You helped me find it!
And learn a little more in the process.
Newbie 21