A merchant resource can be used by a PA in their own sellable product, usually slightly altered (with textures) or "as is" (shaders), depending on the license that comes with the merchant resource.
I think I understand. But if I want to buy something in Daz, like the Holiday Hearth environment and use it to make Christmas Cards to sell on something like Etsy, that's okay right?
Yes, anything you render (including something you texture with shaders or textures you buy in the DAZ store) is covered by the EULA. So your postcard sale is fine.
The merchant resources are usually things like textures, or morphs (like the age morphs from Zev0).
A merchant resource can be used by a PA in their own sellable product, usually slightly altered (with textures) or "as is" (shaders), depending on the license that comes with the merchant resource.
Wondered what a "merchant resource " is googled this thread. In the second example not meing a merchant resourse means if I buy it I can use only the whole scene no matter I need only the chair from it? Or it is about the shaders? I can use their product only for mu own pelaseure or if I distribute it freely? What about the morph and expression packages?
Hmmm... maybe I understood. In the second example I have no right to sell only the shaders as "shaders" but if I start to make stuff for sale with it will be ok, no matter the same shaders are "inside" the scene I am selling?
No, you can break up the set and use it in your renders as you please. It's called "kitbashing" and very common.
But you can't resell or distribute for free a set single item or in its entirety. In your example, you can use the morph of Victoria 7 with the skin of Ryan 7, and add some hearts on the texture with Photoshop, and then render the image and sell that, or gift it to your mom. You can not sell or give avay that figure with the skin.
In the example, you could make a cupboard and use the wood shaders for texturing them. You could then sell the cupboard. You cannot sell the shader "as it". Most merchant sets tell pretty clearly how they can be used, and if you have to make modifications to resell. Most don't alllow free giveaway even for modified versions.
I never asked what in Daz is called "shaders" because I accepted more or less they are the same shaders which are used in every software, and I didn't suspect they are a subject of trade secrets. Because if it so they are free to use (come with the software) and make pretty standart combos, not only this - there are zillions of people which are proud to share there own combos and some people succeed to make combos of 40-50 shaders for a single item (they are't all "shaders" if we stick exactly to the name). Of course in the real work no one will use such huge combos.
Well, there's shaders and shaders. one is the "system", like Iray Ueber Shader. They are indeed free to use.
What is commonly called "shaders" are shader presets, where people manipulate the basic shader settings, add maps to it, and include mathematical functions. Those are the ones sold. Of course, one can argue that the ones that have just slider manipulation don't have a proper right to protection, because anyone can dial them in. But then there are the ones that include maps and stuff, they have a copyright on them, and hence you can't just do with them as you please. As for free stuff, if you are rendering with commercial use in mind, you have to make sure that you have permission to use the thing in a commercial setting, and for commercial renders. A lot of the free stuff doesn't allow that.
As for the combos, the quality there varies; some have huge influence on things like render speed.
So quick question I had. I'm getting ready to sell some LIE Makeup that I created in photoshop and brought into DAZ. I know that sometimes commercial artists will use other people's products when creating renders to showcase LIE makeup, however in the PNG files used to go with the Dson or DSF files, I rendered the example photos using a skin texture that did not belong to me, I posted an example of what the product card would look like on daz. Now the makeup I'm selling belongs to me, and was made by me in photoshop and created the asset in daz however, because I'm selling the product complete with product cards does that mean I cannot use their products in the pictures I render for my own products?
A merchant resource can be used by a PA in their own sellable product, usually slightly altered (with textures) or "as is" (shaders), depending on the license that comes with the merchant resource.
For example, you have modelled a house that you want to sell in DAZ store (or elsewhere) and want wood walls for it. You could either create the texture yourself, or use something like http://www.daz3d.com/wood-collection-merchant-resource-vol2-pbr-textures
But if you'd use http://www.daz3d.com/dg-iray-deco-wood-shaders you'd breach the EULA as the PA did not gave you permission to sell the testure with your own product.
I think I understand. But if I want to buy something in Daz, like the Holiday Hearth environment and use it to make Christmas Cards to sell on something like Etsy, that's okay right?
Yes, anything you render (including something you texture with shaders or textures you buy in the DAZ store) is covered by the EULA. So your postcard sale is fine.
The merchant resources are usually things like textures, or morphs (like the age morphs from Zev0).
Gotcha. Thanks for clearing that up. Wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong.
Anything that is made in 2D is ok to sell. a MR is used by commercial artist
Ahoy again,
Wondered what a "merchant resource " is googled this thread. In the second example not meing a merchant resourse means if I buy it I can use only the whole scene no matter I need only the chair from it? Or it is about the shaders? I can use their product only for mu own pelaseure or if I distribute it freely? What about the morph and expression packages?
Hmmm... maybe I understood. In the second example I have no right to sell only the shaders as "shaders" but if I start to make stuff for sale with it will be ok, no matter the same shaders are "inside" the scene I am selling?
No, you can break up the set and use it in your renders as you please. It's called "kitbashing" and very common.
But you can't resell or distribute for free a set single item or in its entirety. In your example, you can use the morph of Victoria 7 with the skin of Ryan 7, and add some hearts on the texture with Photoshop, and then render the image and sell that, or gift it to your mom. You can not sell or give avay that figure with the skin.
In the example, you could make a cupboard and use the wood shaders for texturing them. You could then sell the cupboard. You cannot sell the shader "as it". Most merchant sets tell pretty clearly how they can be used, and if you have to make modifications to resell. Most don't alllow free giveaway even for modified versions.
Got it, thanks. At least I hope:-)
I never asked what in Daz is called "shaders" because I accepted more or less they are the same shaders which are used in every software, and I didn't suspect they are a subject of trade secrets. Because if it so they are free to use (come with the software) and make pretty standart combos, not only this - there are zillions of people which are proud to share there own combos and some people succeed to make combos of 40-50 shaders for a single item (they are't all "shaders" if we stick exactly to the name). Of course in the real work no one will use such huge combos.
Well, there's shaders and shaders. one is the "system", like Iray Ueber Shader. They are indeed free to use.
What is commonly called "shaders" are shader presets, where people manipulate the basic shader settings, add maps to it, and include mathematical functions. Those are the ones sold. Of course, one can argue that the ones that have just slider manipulation don't have a proper right to protection, because anyone can dial them in. But then there are the ones that include maps and stuff, they have a copyright on them, and hence you can't just do with them as you please. As for free stuff, if you are rendering with commercial use in mind, you have to make sure that you have permission to use the thing in a commercial setting, and for commercial renders. A lot of the free stuff doesn't allow that.
As for the combos, the quality there varies; some have huge influence on things like render speed.
I'm not sure if this is clear in the previous posts:
If you are not a PA you can still use the Merchant Resource as if it were any other product.
So quick question I had. I'm getting ready to sell some LIE Makeup that I created in photoshop and brought into DAZ. I know that sometimes commercial artists will use other people's products when creating renders to showcase LIE makeup, however in the PNG files used to go with the Dson or DSF files, I rendered the example photos using a skin texture that did not belong to me, I posted an example of what the product card would look like on daz. Now the makeup I'm selling belongs to me, and was made by me in photoshop and created the asset in daz however, because I'm selling the product complete with product cards does that mean I cannot use their products in the pictures I render for my own products?