Jasmin hair problem

JonathanHJonathanH Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

I set up a genesis toon character and used the Princess Hair for Jasmin on it. It renders all right. I can pose the character, and the hair always follows the character's neck and torso. I'm planning on using the character for a comic/manga so I need the hair to be able to move away from the body (for leaping, laying down, etc.)

There's a skeleton/armature/rig (not sure which term daz uses) for the hair so it seems like there should be a way to pose the hair. I've tried using the morphs that came with it. The head, neck, chest, etc. have bend, twist, side-side morphs. However, whenever I use those morphs, the hair goes crazy. The entire hair mesh gets distorted and it won't even stay on the head. I've tried pinning the head bone's translation and rotation but it doesn't help. I tried the hidden morphs but they don't help either. I'm not sure what else to try. I'm new to daz studio so maybe I'm overlooking something.


  • marblemarble Posts: 7,496
    edited December 1969

    Not sure whether this is the same thing that you are describing but I bought Sabrina hair in the Fast Grab yesterday and used it with a Genesis character. I was disappointed that it appeared to have no movement morphs but when I read the file list, I could see that it should have them.

    I realised that I had allowed it to auto-fit to Genesis (because it was designed for V4, etc.). So I loaded it again and declined the auto-fit, instead fitting it manually and parenting it to the Genesis head. Now I can see all the movement and shaping morphs and it works just fine.

    I can't say that I understand why some clothing or hair will retain movement adjustments even after auto-fit but others will not.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited January 2013

    I understand,, you tried to rotate rigs of hair which fitted to genesis (jusmin):roll:

    bend, side.side,, are not morph, simply Labell name which rotate rigs, so when you check it
    by parameter setting, they show as rotate X, rotate Y, rotate Z.

    but you can not rotate. rigs which fit to genesis. they,are controlled genesis rig which has same name.
    so the hair can follow genesis move or poze. (genesis head rotate , the head rig of the hair rotate as same way,
    then weight map work with bone rotation, the vertices (meshes) move too.

    so that, if you hope to move rigs of hair, you need to off "fit- to".
    you can change it by parameter tab>general>Misc fit to property.
    then parent the hair to genesis head node.
    when you parent hair to genesis, the hair can move free and if genesis head move,
    the hair move as child of head node,so it can follow the movements.

    but on this case, you need to adjust the scale, and shape ^^;

    on the other hand, if the hair has bone which is not same name of genesis rig,
    (eg rig1 rig2 or, mover1 mover 2 etc) . these rigs not fit to genesis, so you can move them free.
    about some hair, they have ghost bones to adjust poze and shape.

    and genesis hair often has morphs for adjustment .so check them first. ^^

    select the hair root node, in scene tab, then open parameter tab.
    then click all. if the hair has morph for adjustment, it must be shown in parameter tab.
    (you need to scroll down) and if you find some morphs, (not rig rotation)
    you can use them.


    my picture, is mitu hair for genesis. now it fit to genesis.
    then the blue bones are, rigs of hari. you can see these bones are "fit to" genesis rig positon.

    And,, this hair has not ghost bones , so I can not move these rigs when fit to genesis.

    but there are many morphs for adjustment. (I love hair which has ghost bones,, )
    in Actor>morhp section. so I can use them ^^

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    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969


    Now auto fit can trnasfer every morph . but there is still big rimitation.

    if these morphs are not assgiend ghost bones,(by ERC) it may work.

    but some morphs (or not morph, sometimes it is jsimply controller to rotate ghost bones)
    can not work without ghost bones and weight-map for the bone

    when you use "Auto fit" to V4 hair, it lost ghost bones and original weight-map.
    it almost copy genesis (template) wieght map and rigs.
    so these ghost bone controller are lost.

    I know you felet You can use V4 items with "auto-fit" and you hope every files of product can work with genesis.
    but it is not ^^;

    I sometimes tell new user "you never so rely on auto-fit , and you better serch items which for genesis,
    not V4, or M4, before you buy them"

    even though there are so good items for V4, ro M4 which seems fit your character genesis,
    the detail and true quality often lost, when you use them with genesis.
    the more the product has detail and many service morph, they may lost when you use auto-fit.

    "Auto fit" is useful if you have the product for V4 or M4 already. you can use it for genesis by auto-fit,
    but I think it never means "V4 products re-born as genesis product with keeping the quality
    by atuo-fit"

  • JonathanHJonathanH Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for both explanations. The Jasmin hair I'm using is only for genesis according to the website (under Compatible 3d Figures it only lists Genesis) so there shouldn't be any conversion problems. I ran into some conversion problems a few weeks ago when I bought some V4 clothing and hair and from now on I only buy stuff that's made for genesis.

    I turned off auto-fit and fit the hair manually and parented it. I looked for pose morphs but I only found a flexion morph. I checked to see if there's any bones that don't match the genesis rig. I selected the options in the scene tab to show everything. The only thing that didn't match the genesis rig was a node called "ik-head" for inverse kinematics. The skeleton is a copy of the genesis skeleton with no extra bones or morphs for posing. I think the hair skeleton mimics the genesis skeleton's motion. It looks like there's no way to pose it without modifying the rig. (It's strange that there's an inverse kinematics node in there when the skeleton seems only to be using a copy constraint and not inverse kinematics.)

    I'm thinking the simpliest way might be to duplicate the whole hair and adjust the bone hierarchy on the copy using the joint editor to make it good for posing. By duplicating it I should be able to retain the vertex groups and weights of the bones. Then I'll attach both hairs to the character and use the visibility option to make the one I'm using for the scene visible. Does this sound like a good plan or is there a better way? The hair uses morphs to shape itself to the character's head correctly. Will changing the bone hierarchy interfere with the shape morphs?

    How do I make a duplicate of the hair? I tried to copy from the menu but the paste option didn't do anything. I'm used some shading presets on the hair that I'd rather not manually copy all of those settings (I'm using the visual style shader.) Is there some way to copy and paste the material settings along with the shader settings between surfaces?

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    ya,,,if there is not morph for pozing , (which can move hair more dinamic,,) , it is not raer case ,,

    though you can apply bone or modify as you like (it is good challenge I think,, :)).
    if I were you, simply make original morphs (not rigged) seems more easy.

    on this case you need not make copy of the hair.
    and need not weight map by your self for the new rigs ^^;

    to adjust new rig for pozing hair parts and set triax weight map seems difficult .
    if you do not set weight map, only the bone move ^^;
    ds can not auto- weight map and adjust weight for new rig. so you need manually colored weight for the rigs^^;

    but how you change rig, I believe the product morphs (generated morph by auto-fit) never corrupted.
    usually morph simply move vertices only. without ERC, it can not affect and be affected , rigs.
    even though your ghost bones move away from the mesh, the morph can work.correctly.

    but if you set wrong weight map, it work with bone, so it may break hair shape.

    > > about copy and paste,

    there is no acutual tool to copy and paste figure. (or obj too) in daz studio (which is not 3d modelor,,)
    so that you need save it as "figure and prop" then modify the new figure.

    after you save it as figure, you can use the hair for gnesis as same as originall.
    so you need not, load two hair,,, and turn invisible one,,etc ^^;

    the new figure is saved with material. and you can use product material preset (for jusmin hair) for the copied and modified figure.too,.
    if you only change rig and weight map, it must work.
    (But you need to keep surface group , and UV map,, usually it work without problem)

    File>save as>support assets>figure or prop.

    when save it as new figure,, ds make two files. One is hair.duf file to load the new Hair
    and set each parameter value,. so you need to tell ds where you want to make the duf files.
    you need to save it under daz content folda. (not in runtime, or data,,,,default seems figure,,)
    I made my folda to save them.

    eg mylibarry> my name>my figure > newjazzminhair.duf

    another file is actuall data of the hair(figure) .
    the data files are auto saved in your ds contents folda
    (my library) >data>vendor Name> product name.>new hair.dsf

    you need to decide "vendor name" and "product name"
    when you save it as figure or prop.

    you may better change Node labell name before save it as new figure.
    in the scene tab, click the root node to select , then click again.on the name. (not need w click)
    you can change labell name . then save it as new figure.
    it make you easy to find, which is copy or originall.
    when you load the hair (you may need modify and save it again and again,, I think^^;)

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