Load UV Set Help!

I'm hoping that someone can help me in creating a new UV set for the Genesis character using DS 4.5 pro and 3ds Max 10. The main issue im having is getting "The UV map selected was invalid" error message. I think the problem stems around gettting the character out of DAZ using the .OBJ with the Max presets then exporting from Max to Daz agan, using .OBJ DAZ Studio presets. No matter what settings I adjust and use nothing seems to be working. Reading other peoples forums alot of people are saying that the presets for both DAZ and Max work perfect together but even exporting and importing a model with no adjustments to the presets results in the scale will being completely off and it being rotated +90 degrees (Example below). If someone can post a step by step guide or a few pointers as to what could be the issue it would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,954
    edited December 1969

    I'm not sure that scale or axes of the geometry would matter for the UVs, but it's worth testing. What preset are you using when exporting the OBJ from DS and when importing back in? Please post screen shots of the options dialogues.

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    First off, check your export settings. There are options to change the various axis when you export and import, which will rotate the figure. There is also a setting for scaling your figure accordingly. This will depend how you have 3DS Max set up, but shouldn't be too hard to figure out for your own needs.

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  • edited December 1969

    Thanks for the replys guys. I've included a sort of step by step of the process that I've been undertaking maybe someone could point out where it is i've been going wrong. I've included screenshots of all the import settings I'm using which as mentioned before are literally selecting 3D studio Max in Daz and Daz Studio in 3D Max with no adjustments to any presets. The last screenshot is one of the UV set error message that i've been getting when trying to load UV set. One thing I have been trying is to adjust the Scale shown in Step 3 from 0.1 to 1.0. Although this then seems to look right when imported back into Daz I am still getting the UV set error so there's obviously something there that isn't right.

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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,954
    edited December 1969

    You are scaling on export from 3DS but not on import, so that throws your scale off by a factor of ten. Don't scale or flip axes in either DS or 3DS and it should work as far as getting the right shape and size go.

    Now, it looks as if you are working with the smoothed Genesis, which would make too many polygons and vertices to match on reimport (as a uv set or as a morph). You need tos et the mesh resolution to base. If I'm misreading the images and you are doing that (polygon count should be about 19,000) then it may be the retriangulate setting in the 3DS import that's throwing things.

  • edited December 1969

    Finally got it sorted, thanks for your help Richard. I originally thought that I was exporting at Base level but obviously not. Didn't realise that Genesis was so low poly. I'm used to working with Michael 3 which at it's base seems to be about 70,000+ polys. You was right about the Retriangulate setting in the Max import but the other thing I noticed was that the object was coming in to Max as an Editable Mesh which as I've noticed in the past gives you more polys then intended. So unticking Retriangulate Polygons and then ticking Import as Editable Poly brings it in with the correct amount of polys. Upon exporting you was again correct about the Scaling issue. Changing the default preset for Scale of 0.1 to 1.0 brings it back to Daz at it's correct size. Another thing about exporting was that the Faces are set to Triangles as default. I did experiment with changing this to Quads but it still didn't work, changing this to Polygons worked. Thanks again for your help.

  • edited December 1969

    Unfortunately I think that I spoke to soon. As a test I exported Genesis into MAX and then back to Daz. It creates a UV set but for some reason it has rearranged the UVs for the different materials. For example the face UV which should be used be 1_SkinFace has now been chopped up across 3_SkinArm and 4_Gums, (I have included screenshots below) however if I import the .OBJ that I've used to create the UV set the UV's seem to be fine. Any suggestions?

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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,954
    edited December 1969

    No idea. Have you tried exporting from DS-Importing to 3DS-exporting from 3DS-import as UV set to DS, without doing anything to the mapping? Or is that what you are doing?

  • edited December 1969

    Yes that exactly what I did. I didn't effect the UV's in anyway. I literally Imported then exported from Max then created a new UV set. But if I import the .OBJ that i've used to create the UV set the UV's look fine. I just wanted to test if it worked.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,954
    edited December 1969

    Well, I don't see any obvious suspects in your settings - sorry.

  • edited December 1969

    I've been working on a few tests trying to to get this to work but everytime I load a New UV set it is still breaking up the UV's. I exported Genesis using my .obj settings and then loaded that as a UV set and that worked fine so the problem is obvious in Max's exported Genesis. One thing I have noticed is when I import into Max the poly count is correct but the vertices count is different. Instead of being 19296 I am actually getting 20684 so when I export Genesis it carrys the vertice count with it. This is when I import Genisis as individual objects head etc but if I import Genesis as a single mesh the poly and vertice count are exact. Only problem there though is when I export and then try to load a UV set I get this box (Image below) after that the UV's are even worse. When working on it in Max is it best to bring it in as a single mesh or seperate? and if the answers seperate how can I import it with the correct amount of vertices? Any suggestions at all would be a great help.

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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,954
    edited December 1969

    The Genesis mesh is welded, which is why the separate parts approach increases vertex count (the vertices along part edges are being doubled up). I don't know Max at all so I'm not sure what you could do there to avoid the issues - do you have any other tool with uv-editing functions you could use as a comparison?

  • edited December 1969

    I reckon I have finally figured out the answer. Thanks for your reply Richard it was handy to know about the reason why I was getting a different polycount with the seperated Genesis import. With that in mind I concentrated on just bringing it in to Max as a single mesh. Turns out the problem was happening upon export. Max optimizes the vertices during export so unticking this and applying all my usual export settings then creating a New UV set from this .obj works great. It's always the way that it's just one tick box that causes problems. Thanks again for all the help Richard it has been really appreciated. :)

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,954
    edited December 1969

    Great, I'm glad you were able to identify the errant setting.

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