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welcome to the 'expired' party, grab urself a snack ;-)
Oh a party... hmm... I do hope it's not a titanic theme. ;-)
Oh that's good :coolcheese:
Well, at least you are showing an account existing in order for it to have expired
*puts out snacks for expired and non-existing subscription people*
*hopes Sunfire's right*
I'm sure everything will be fine.... soon.... :lol:
I'm thinking of getting a pocketfrog :D
OK, instead of trying to help next time, I shall just go "ribbit ribbit"
I have been in the PC club since it started. I now also show as expired. Just great.
Join us for the 'expired' party, I know its not a lot of comfort but we still have PC prices and access to our forum.
I must say, the Expired club is not one that I'd join given a choice. So...where are the snacks at this party? I've got the munchies. :lol:
*waves across the room* Beer and soft drinks on the left and meat and veggie snacks on the right :)
I'll start a new thread, so the party doesn't clutter up this one, got a feeling *a lot* of people may be coming ;)
Moving the party so we don't clutter this important thread up. see you all here - (in the commons in case people have lost there PC forum access.
There's a party and everything? Man, now I'm feeling left out :down: (which is ironic, since technically I was left in)... ;-)
Everyone welcome at the new venue ;-)
Just checked. Got the "dummy" $1 membership earlier today, but my should-run-until-November annual membership is expired. I wouldn't have noticed, but someone seems to have cunningly labelled it "Norwegian Blue" and nailed it to the Subscriptions page. Looks like I'll have to join the club... erm, party.
And when I said Consistent communication, I meant that *everyone* needs to be on the same page. I was never directed to Ann's thread with the instructions. I read in another thread to submit a ticket. I submitted a ticket. Now I am seeing Bug report. Never saw a response to my ticket. Consistency is an issue. It's only after contacting Ann that my issue cleared up.
SO thank you Ann. You are grace under fire.
HOWEVER... 6 days without assigning a Zendesk ticket is excessive... And highly unacceptable from a Customer Service standpoint. 24 hrs should be the standard, barring weekends, 48 hrs on the high side. Daz needs to bring on additional staff to help in this situation.
No Daz, I am not xxx and why can I not find my Platinum Club status. Your website had no issues taking my monthly fee today, though.
I could kiss you, Mr Bowen. You just identified a pattern in this mess.
If the moderator could make a note, I have the same name come up on my account every time I log in. SO instead of just deleting the name, you might want to take not for a pattern.
It looks like I'm joining the rest of you. My PC Membership was good until July 21, 2013, but it now says that it expired & the new date is listed as June 8, 2013! At least it's good to know I'm not alone. Misery loves company as the old saying goes.
I also got a notice that I was unsubscribed to the newsletter & the PC Newsletter is no longer listed in my account.
There has not been a PC newsletter since the new site went up. I can't tell if they intend to make one, or just keep using the General one.
There was at least one PC newsletter. The only newsletter subscription option is "General", but they still have multiple newsletters.
Please don't post (not "name") in the forums, the "name" part. It makes things worse.
Sigh. I'm expired now also. My end date is correct, but status expired, and I can't see the PC forum. But the store shows 1.99 "special" prices -- I'm too afraid to buy anything from a system so messed up.
Me too. Also the notice had a link to "newsletter subscription" ... but the link is not exactly working (requires authentication, which I apparently do not have). I also got the $1 dummy pc annual membership and had my actual membership expired. For some strange reason though the dummy membership account is due to expire a year from now - not even close to the ACTUAL expiration date I've paid for. Apparently now getting almost a year free, so ain't gonna write a ticket about it.
Facepalming over the profound professionalism shown by DAZ.
Well, that's disturbing.
I haven't had any issues with my PC account, since I'm 1) annual, 2) paid up through November of 2013, and 3) apparently lucky.
But that luck may have run out.
I've been checking my PC subscription periodicly with all the issues, and I could have sworn that it said Active... until this morning.
So, where's the line for "expired but behaving like normal" PC accounts?
It's not so much a line as a grumbling mob. :lol: Mine is like yours. Monthly (although it's actually annual), good until May 2013, but expired. Yet I can see all the prices correctly (I think) and I have access to the Members Only forum. Whacked!
Is that DAZ 'soon'?
(Sorry, I could not stop myself from typing this post...bad evil side... back into your cage!)
Well I have to say that they acted very fast with my account. :) I discovered yesterday by chance that my PC Sub had 'expired', despite the real expiry date being Sept 2013 and sent off a support request. Don't know whether that request had been looked at, but when I checked my email this morning there were two from Daz - one saying I'd cancelled my newsletter sub (which seems to happen as a consequence of either the erroneous expiration or the new subscription being created by Daz) and one advising me of the $1 GC, and Annual sub renewal order, which was mentioned by the admin as would be the solution Daz employed. I am now subscribed for one year from yesterday and though this means I have somehow to recover three remaining months, this is eminently better than being 'expired'. ;)
I can only thank them for being so prompt in my case and I'm sure they are trying to get around all those who have been erroneously 'expired' as quickly as they can. Also I fancy that the store has been much more stable today and I've managed to make a purchase and download without any probs whatsoever, staying 'myself' throughout (well at least until I logged out...and was taken back to a cached home/shop page) so hopefully things will improve faster from hereon in.
I have been only the monthly subscription for a long time. I show the correct date for my next payment, but also show expired. DAZ, please fix the PC club BEFORE you charge me another month. I've heard they are going to extend people a month, but that does nothing for those of us on the monthly subscription.
Add me to the list that shows an Expired membership even though it's not due to expire until November. I can, however, still view the PC only thread and still show $1.99 for PC items.