A Possible Quick Fix for Genesis Figure/Content Not Showing Up in Daz Studio Pro 4.5

ebrochureebrochure Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

I thought I'd share my experiences with other DAZ Studio users who might have the same problem.

I installed DAZ Studio 4.5 Pro and all associated downloads including the Content Management Service but could not see any Content or Genesis figures in my Smart Content Window.

So I rebooted, un-installed and re-installed everything. Still nothing.

So later after much hair-pulling, I uninstalled and attempted another re-installation but this time I did the following when installing the Genesis Essentials (after installing DAZ Studio first) which proceeds as follows:

I. Select Components: (make sure everything is checked)

II. Path Selection Type: (select option: Choose from a pre-defined list of mapped DAZ Studio directories)

III. Choose Installation Path: (from the drop-down list, choose C:/ Program Data/DAZ/My Daz Library)

IV. Choose "next" until the installation process is completed.

V. Start DAZ Studio 4.5. When the "Import content metadata for the following products" window pops up I selected all the options except "User Data Overrides Product Data" because I had not installed any content (since this was a clean install) . If you have content installed, make your own decision.

VI. A window should appear that says, "Processing metadata files"

Once that completed, I had content AND the Genesis figure (finally)!

Before this, I had NO content.

Hope this info helps someone else!


  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited January 2013

    Faster fix for all Win7 users. In your My Documents folder use the Folder Prefs to set the View to show Hidden Folders. Open the AppData folder and delete the Daz3D folder as part of your uninstall. That holds pointers to all your MetaData and the CMS Database. Unless this is removed from your PC you will need to Re-Import all your Metadata at install before any content will show in the Smart Content Tab. I'm not sure why the OP had nothing showing in the Content Library Tab. For me the AppData folder is a most remove for all updates to the DS program.

    I hope this might help a few users.

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Faster fix for all Win7 users. In your My Documents folder use the Folder Prefs to set the View to show Hidden Folders. Open the AppData folder and delete the Daz3D folder as part of your uninstall. That holds pointers to all your MetaData and the CMS Database. Unless this is removed from your PC you will need to Re-Import all your Metadata at install before any content will show in the Smart Content Tab. I'm not sure why the OP had nothing showing in the Content Library Tab. For me the AppData folder is a most remove for all updates to the DS program.

    I hope this might help a few users.

    Would removing this folder when not installing D/S but trying to get errant metadata to show, help?

  • murgatroyd314murgatroyd314 Posts: 1,505
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Faster fix for all Win7 users. In your My Documents folder use the Folder Prefs to set the View to show Hidden Folders. Open the AppData folder and delete the Daz3D folder as part of your uninstall. That holds pointers to all your MetaData and the CMS Database. Unless this is removed from your PC you will need to Re-Import all your Metadata at install before any content will show in the Smart Content Tab. I'm not sure why the OP had nothing showing in the Content Library Tab. For me the AppData folder is a most remove for all updates to the DS program.

    I hope this might help a few users.

    For Mac users, the corresponding folder is /Library/DAZ 3D/.

  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited January 2013

    I would be careful deleting that whole folder if you still have Studio 3 around because its info is in there too. The appdata I have in Windows 7 is not listed under My Documents with or without 'show hidden folders' selected. It's on the C drive under users/username/appdata/roaming/DAZ3D

    You would select Studio4 in the DAZ3D folder not the DAZ3D folder itself.

    When I installed 4.5 after using 4.0 I didn't have to do that and content still showed in Smart Content. Same with updating 4.5. But I didn't beta test and only used release versions.

    Post edited by Spit on
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    Spit said:
    I would be careful deleting that whole folder if you still have Studio 3 around because its info is in there too. The appdata I have in Windows 7 is not listed under My Documents with or without 'show hidden folders' selected. It's on the C drive under users/username/appdata/roaming/DAZ3D

    You would select Studio4 in the DAZ3D folder not the DAZ3D folder itself.

    When I installed 4.5 after using 4.0 I didn't have to do that and content still showed in Smart Content. Same with updating 4.5. But I didn't beta test and only used release versions.

    I'm with Spit on this one...

    All you need to remove is the Studio4 folder. Hexagon probably has a folder in there, too...if you have it installed.

    A lot of the problems dealing with CMS and such are system settings/protection software and what is/isn't running when you are installing/uninstalling. Some combinations make it difficult to nearly impossible to install and others make it difficult to remove/uninstall. The only sure-fire way I know of to make sure there are no problems...manually stop the service from running before you run the installer to update DS (and make sure it stays stopped after the installer starts...this can be accomplished by manually running its uninstaller first). Windows has always had difficulties with updating/uninstalling running software. Couple that with the way Windows tries to protect software from changes and the interactions of AV/anti-malware software and you can see where this is leading...

    And that's not counting the fact that the Valentina database software, in and of itself, is a rather 'delicate' piece of software that is easily 'upset' (think old movies and 'attacks of the vapors'...). When it runs, it is not too bad, but when it's being picky...finicky...that's probably the best way to describe it.

    Also, when the CMS is misbehaving, there's often more information in its own logs, which are separate from the Studio log. They are in the application folder in a subfolder named vlogs.

  • MKeyesMKeyes Posts: 467
    edited December 1969

    I gave up months ago on trying to have Smart Content anymore. I've tried everything... and nothing has worked. I just can't be bothered to be so frustrated with something that was to be a good thing, an easy access to view and use content with Genesis.

    It's turned out to be more trouble than it's worth. I have now gotten rid of that tab... Smart Content... because it's not all that smart. It doesn't do what it should because it isn't THERE. I have a well cared for running computer, I shouldn't have to crack codes and dig for mystery scripts to get an attribute to work that was made as part of the UPGRADE and improvement process.

    Forget that! Being a headache sufferer, I'm learning not to sweat the small stuff, don't need the stress. I find my content the way I used to find it with Daz Studio 3... no frustration - it's there. And I don't have to be a programmer / script doctor - software master to make that work.

  • cipher_Xcipher_X Posts: 121
    edited December 1969

    The more I read, the more I run from DS4.5. I don't see any benefit to it. Genesis is not cool enough to go through all the headaches associated with the buggy and unreliable software.

    Just for kicks I tried to install a file that was for Genesis to a dummy directory so I could get a good look at the folder/file structure but no matter what options I chose, it would tell me that the install could not proceed because the content needed to be in the same directory as Genesis. When an installer controls your comp so much that you cannot alter the pathway of the install, even though it is offered as part of the installers options, it is definitely a no go in my book. ;-P

  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited January 2013

    cipher_X said:
    The more I read, the more I run from DS4.5. I don't see any benefit to it. Genesis is not cool enough to go through all the headaches associated with the buggy and unreliable software.

    Just for kicks I tried to install a file that was for Genesis to a dummy directory so I could get a good look at the folder/file structure but no matter what options I chose, it would tell me that the install could not proceed because the content needed to be in the same directory as Genesis. When an installer controls your comp so much that you cannot alter the pathway of the install, even though it is offered as part of the installers options, it is definitely a no go in my book. ;-P

    My only beef is with Smart Content but plenty of people use it just fine so now I just pretty much ignore it. Otherwise I have no argument with either Genesis or 4.5. In fact there are so many helpful little touches I find that make life easier that you couldn't pay me to go back. Seriously.

    Want me to tell you what I really think of Genesis? It's da BOMB. It's terrific! It's flexible. It's fun. REALLY fun! And for me who used to install every bit of content to a temporary folder I don't mind installing all Genesis stuff into My Library. I just go with the flow on that score. No problem. I still have other content I install the old way. I still have my separate runtimes. But Genesis owns My Library and I'm fine with that.

    I could go on, and I usually do, but I won't. :coolgrin:

    Post edited by Spit on
  • MKeyesMKeyes Posts: 467
    edited December 1969

    cipher_X said:
    The more I read, the more I run from DS4.5. I don't see any benefit to it. Genesis is not cool enough to go through all the headaches associated with the buggy and unreliable software.

    No gripe about Daz Studio 4.5 Pro or Daz Studio period... simply put - can't get the Smart Content - or the Content Manager to work. IF it had continued to work, I would have continued to enjoy this amazing work of genius IF after some use and time... it didn't just.... disappear.

    Soooo, hopefully - at some point MAYBE the daz studio techs will figure out how to make that wonderful idea... actually WORK on the common everyday computer like my own.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    Mercedesk said:
    Soooo, hopefully - at some point MAYBE the daz studio techs will figure out how to make that wonderful idea... actually WORK on the common everyday computer like my own.

    Sorry. Not going to happen...ever.

    There is something unique about your computer that well over 99% of the rest of us don't have, so unless you are willing to send your computer off to DAZ for them to play with, it's not going to happen.

  • MKeyesMKeyes Posts: 467
    edited January 2013

    mjc1016 said:
    Mercedesk said:
    Soooo, hopefully - at some point MAYBE the daz studio techs will figure out how to make that wonderful idea... actually WORK on the common everyday computer like my own.

    Sorry. Not going to happen...ever.

    There is something unique about your computer that well over 99% of the rest of us don't have, so unless you are willing to send your computer off to DAZ for them to play with, it's not going to happen.

    YOU are soooooo wrong! You see, I have a brand new computer with Windows 7 and top specs on it and everything runs on it smooth. My girlfriend in California has a brand new Alien Ware - top specs - windows 7 and guess what, Smart Content does NOT work on it.

    Need another one? Friend in Boston uses it, loves it, introduced ME to it back in 2005 - and GUESS WHAT??? She's been using Daz since the beta, as well myself... and [ I ] talked friend in Cali into using it. WE - ALL THREE cannot get Smart Content working.

    Need more? I'm in a GROUP... and SEVERAL members ASKED ME... HOW DO I... what? .... guess... yes, GET the Smart Content to work.

    Just me??????????????? Yeah... right....

    Oh oh oh... had to come back and add one more... duh... HUBBY... lives right in the house with me, and on his computer... GUESS WHAT AGAIN????????? I think one guess will get it for you... he cannot get Smart Content to work.

    99%? What a bold and silly thing to say, write, print in public - you've done a study of ALL computer users that have Daz Studio 4.5 on their computers huh? How long did it take you to contact all of these people? Can you please tell me what these 99% are running that WE who are obviously in the 1% should be? You know, in order to get it running - Smart Content that is.

    I'm running Windows 7
    AntiVirus - Avast

    ALL Microsoft/Windows updates - up to date

    What a BOLD claim... 99%.... wow

    Post edited by MKeyes on
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    And you know what...I've been doing this computer stuff for over 20 yrs...and in my experience...guess what the number 1 problem is with software...configuration errors. Windows, purposefully makes it hard for certain types of software to run...and server software is one of those types, so unless you've done things to Windows that would actually make it easier for server software to run, guess what? Windows itself is working against you! The CMS IS a server...

    I'm running DS4.5 on Linux (under WINE) which, IS not something DS is designed to do...but it runs with so many fewer problems than are reported by Windows users, that I wonder how anything can run under Windows. And yes, I am all too familiar with the crap that Windows can pull...there are 3 Win7 machines in this house and I'm constantly messing with them, just to get normal things to run...hell, it nearly took an act of Congress to get the printer installed on the media center machine! So don't pull that "I'm using Windows, so it's the program's fault"...because there's a pretty darn good chance, it's actually Windows that's the problem.

    Just judging by the number of forum members (no, that isn't going to be all that accurate)...but there's nearly 1 million...let's say that 10% of those are running DS4.x....you need over 1000 to get past the 99% claim I made...).

  • richard.walter82@googlemail.com[email protected] Posts: 14
    edited December 1969

    "smart" content and CMS in general is just incredibly bad and I have no idea why they thought Daz needed it but I guess we're stuck with it.

  • MKeyesMKeyes Posts: 467
    edited December 1969

    mjc1016 said:

    I'm running DS4.5 on Linux (under WINE) which, IS not something DS is designed to do...but it runs with so many fewer problems than are reported by Windows users,

    Okay... that alone tells me YOU are not in the 99%... because let's face it. The majority are using Windows 7 and there are still some XP users out there, and the rest are Mac users. FEW are using Linux.

    I never claimed that windows 7 wasn't at fault. But like it or not, it is the majority used. As the majority used, I would hope that this "server" type software would be tested and run to work with the majority used.

    As for all else that you said, it means nothing in that I simply wish to run the Smart Content. I don't want to know or get a degree in OS mechanics, scripts, codes and clashes. I run a system that IS the majority... which is closer to being 99% than Linux. Nothing against Linux or such systems, but I'm not running it so it doesn't matter to me how well it's working for you and the rest under Linux/wine.

    Perhaps and maybe somewhere along the way for D/S 5 or 6 they will have figured out the settings that work for most standard running Windows 7 computers. As I stated at the beginning, I've given up on it and can only hope someone can figure out how regular folks like myself can get this "Server" running and stay that way.

    Thank you for all of your assistance, it made all the difference in getting it going...

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    Mercedesk said:

    Perhaps and maybe somewhere along the way for D/S 5 or 6 they will have figured out the settings that work for most standard running Windows 7 computers. As I stated at the beginning, I've given up on it and can only hope someone can figure out how regular folks like myself can get this "Server" running and stay that way.

    Thank you for all of your assistance, it made all the difference in getting it going...

    The answer is simple...DAZ needs to simply scrap the Valentina Database Server and move over to an MS server/database product...and expect a major price increase to go along with the much higher licensing fees.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449
    edited December 1969

    Mercedesk, your problem with CMS is most likely caused by your antivirus, Avast. CMS is often seen as a possible treat by a lot of antivirus, anti-malware and anti-spyware programs. Even having Windows own firewall security setting set to high can cause problems. I personally hate CMS, it is another poorly thought out and executed noobie friendly gimmick. DAZ either needs to fix it or drop it, and I am one of the '99%' that can get it to work but still hate it.

  • spearcarrierspearcarrier Posts: 686
    edited December 1969

    mjc1016 said:
    Mercedesk said:
    Soooo, hopefully - at some point MAYBE the daz studio techs will figure out how to make that wonderful idea... actually WORK on the common everyday computer like my own.

    Sorry. Not going to happen...ever.

    There is something unique about your computer that well over 99% of the rest of us don't have, so unless you are willing to send your computer off to DAZ for them to play with, it's not going to happen.

    Guess they'd better be prepared to receive my three computers as well. I'm in the same boat with the Stupid Tab....

  • richard.walter82@googlemail.com[email protected] Posts: 14
    edited December 1969

    I'm actually not buying this whole "it's your system/av/whatever" excuse that I see alot. 99% certain it is down to this version of Daz. I still have 4.0 on a seperate partition, which to my knowledge, uses the CMS too. Funny thing is, whenever I use 4.0 there is none of this CMS crap at all, infact I'm not even touching 4.5 at the moment and have reverted back to 4.0... had no problems whatsoever so far, so not believing that it is down to my system sorry.

  • kadosho.dtoidkadosho.dtoid Posts: 2
    edited December 1969

    I think it takes some time getting used to the engine. I am a newbie to this, but sitting down and experimenting helps me learn every time.
    Its a tough call to make when it comes to an easier interface. It does get tricky with those tabs. Curious how much more they'll keep adding to this system.

  • MKeyesMKeyes Posts: 467
    edited December 1969

    Drybonez said:
    I'm actually not buying this whole "it's your system/av/whatever" excuse that I see alot. 99% certain it is down to this version of Daz. I still have 4.0 on a seperate partition, which to my knowledge, uses the CMS too. Funny thing is, whenever I use 4.0 there is none of this CMS crap at all, infact I'm not even touching 4.5 at the moment and have reverted back to 4.0... had no problems whatsoever so far, so not believing that it is down to my system sorry.

    Exactly, I should have gone back to 4.0 - no problem with CMS with that version, it worked perfectly. But this 4.5 - no way! I'm with you.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Drybonez said:
    I'm actually not buying this whole "it's your system/av/whatever" excuse that I see alot. 99% certain it is down to this version of Daz. I still have 4.0 on a seperate partition, which to my knowledge, uses the CMS too. Funny thing is, whenever I use 4.0 there is none of this CMS crap at all, infact I'm not even touching 4.5 at the moment and have reverted back to 4.0... had no problems whatsoever so far, so not believing that it is down to my system sorry.

    Well that might be part of the problem. We've been told that it's not possible to have both editions on the same computer. A handful of people have some workaround which involves external harddrives if I recall correctly. The CMS for 4.0 and 4.5 is different. Both editions of that will not work correctly on 1 computer.

  • MKeyesMKeyes Posts: 467
    edited December 1969

    Drybonez said:
    I'm actually not buying this whole "it's your system/av/whatever" excuse that I see alot. 99% certain it is down to this version of Daz. I still have 4.0 ....... at the moment and have reverted back to 4.0... had no problems whatsoever so far, so not believing that it is down to my system sorry.

    Which version of 4.0 do you have in? I'm tempted to go back to that... however, IF I do, does that mean that any images I made with 4.5 won't open or work?

  • achimsachims Posts: 77
    edited December 1969

    It seems, as if
    insisting that DS 4.5.x, the CMS, Genesis and Smart Content are "bad", useless, stupid, unstable, etc. etc. "in General"
    doesn't help much, right?

    There are people, having trouble to get everything running, and there are others.
    There are people not seeing the benefit of Smart Content, and there are others.
    There are people willing/having the time to invest to get it running, and there are others.
    (Well, i'm one of these "others"! ;) )

    I have DS with Genesis and CMS running on:

    Win XP (32-Bit) on my Laptop (1Ghz Centrino, 1Gig Ram, Ati Mobility GFX)
    All works fine. Well, of course rendering is no fun on this oldie. ;)

    Win 7 (32 Bit) (2,5 Ghz Dual Core, 2 Gig Ram, GForce GFX)
    All works fine.

    Both System have Avira I-Net Security Suit 2013 Running.
    At first Start Avira asked if DS and CMS may communicate via certain ports.
    After agreeing, Smart Content works as it should!

    Win 8 Pro (64-Bit) (8 Core 3,6, 8 Gig Ram, GFroce GFX) All works SUPER fine. ;)
    This machine has Kaspersky Pure 2.0 running, no problem with DS communicating via Port
    So, all works fine, too.

    Maybe i'm blessed?
    Maybe it's just Luck?

    I don't know.

    I just can say: DS 4.5, CMS and Smart Content are running as intended on 3 different PC's without any trouble.
    And i'm no Prgogrammer, Script-Guru or anything like that!!!!

    I love Smart Content.
    With DB Editor i already made some of the "old" Gen 4 Clothes and it's textures showing up in Smart Content.
    It's not too diffiucult. ;)

    But that's what non-swimmers always hear from swimmers, right? ;)

    I have no clue why it's not running on some of your systems.
    And i respect people who don't need / see any benefit in CMS/Smart Content.

    I just wanted to show ... there are different pov's and all are "right", right?

    Generalizing is ... rarely a helfpful state of mind

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