Any Ideas??

TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

Heres a short story my computer died I have a new one I started out with carrara3d then upgraded to carrara 7.2 I have been waiting on tech support since jan. 18 If you have any ideas on what to do please help this is a screen shot of what happens when I try to install either version

1016 x 558 - 268K


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    I'm not sure you can upgrade from 3 Express to 7.2 directly. I had also started with 3 express at the time but then purchased 5 (later 6, 7, 8 Pro) and installed it in a new folder, keeping 3 installed. Meanwhile, I have only 8 Pro installed but don't do much with it. Instead of launching Setup, you can try to run CarraraExpress7. If the installation works, run NativeContent, V4 and M4 HiResShaders, HairCaps and finally DP_Shaders. Sometimes, there are issues with Setup and doing the installation manually may do the trick. Good luck.

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    Thank You !!! It works perfect now...I appreciate the help as always Horo.....Trish

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    Phew... I'm glad Horo could help you because I know knack all about Carrara!

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,608
    edited December 1969

    mmm I noticed you two Bryce heavyweights in the Carrara forum!
    gonna come play with us then? ;-P
    can always use new talented people here

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    Oh Wendy, thanks so much for the invitation. I've barely scratched the surface of Bryce, there is yet so much to discover, to learn and to experiment with. David is a heavyweight, I'm a featherweight. But I may come up with something for Carrara later this year. We've got to keep together, as Bryce and Hexagon, Carrara doesn't get much attention from DAZ 3D, which I find a bit sad.

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited January 2013

    mmm I noticed you two Bryce heavyweights in the Carrara forum!
    gonna come play with us then? ;-P
    can always use new talented people here

    It's kind of you to offer Wendy but I've not yet run out of things I want to try to make Bryce do. I'm still chasing the Holy Grail of SSS and would like to make some realistic snow. You might tell me that it would be easier to achieve this in Carrara - which I can believe - but where would be the fun in that?

    Edit. Huh Horo - crossposting... yes well as you say we need to stick together, I think maybe DAZ 3D are a bit miffed that in spite of lavishing attention on DS the core mechanics of lighting and materials remain decidedly rickety in their own software compared with software they have acquired.

    Post edited by David Brinnen on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    It really IS nice to see you two here. But I wouldn't count Bryce down yet - unless you know something I don't.
    At least I hope that Daz will continue to produce forward motion for Bryce - why not... there's nothing else like it on the market - today or ever!
    And it appears that Bryce rocks!
    Based solely on images I've seen produced from it
    I'm still wanting to get that cool DVD you two have made - and take my first steps toward having fun in that strange place they call Bryce.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    Thank you, Dartanbeck. What I would like to see in Bryce is such an extraordinary tree lab you have in Carrara. And of course, have it as a 64-bit application.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    Horo said:
    Thank you, Dartanbeck. What I would like to see in Bryce is such an extraordinary tree lab you have in Carrara. And of course, have it as a 64-bit application.
    I guess that was the biggie for Carrara as well. Going 64 bit required a LOT of work.
    I feel that the Bryce community is strong and large enough to justify the upbringing.
    For Carrara's plant editor, you simply must have Carrara. Just the way it is ;)
    I have never gotten very far with Bryce. But when I glance through the first set of tutorials in the Bryce 5 manual, I can't get over the power Bryce has within its strange interface. For instance; I want a hole in the ground - I just make a small terrain piece, flip it upside down, and settle it where I need the hole. Outstanding!
    I've never looked into what Bryce can do with things that have been brought in from DS... but that seems to open a whole realm of possibilities worth keeping. If I could build a scene in Bryce and then bring in some characters that I've animated in DS to use within that scene, that's a powerful thing.

    I find myself lucky to have found (and gone gung ho for) Carrara when I did - because I can do all of my environment and animation stuff under one hood... not to mention its awesome modeling, particles, and volumetrics capabilities. But if I didn't have Carrara, or couldn't afford it, Right now I could have all of that power in a more round about way by using the incredible Daz3d Free software offer. For the imaginative, low budget artist, having those three applications negates the need to own Carrara. You would be forsaking the plant editor, nla clip functionality, and many other things that I find to be superior in Carrara, but you'd still have the capabilities to make really awesome illustrations and animations.

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