reindexing the content library
I have changed the drive where my content library is. I have adjusted the content library to point to it and it all shows up just fine.
there's just one problem.
when I search, it is still looking at the previous drive location, so that clicking on content items from the search can't load them.
I presume I need to re-index the content library somehow.
any suggestions?
Which pane are you searching in? Which version of DS - 4.9 should be using relative paths.
Content Library
v 4.8
OK, as I said 4.9 uses relative paths in the database so that's a reason to upgrade. In 4.8 you can update base paths - it's in the right-click menu on a mispalced file, and you can set it to update all references using the same base path, but I can't recall the exact steps.
Thanks RIchard
Ok, so here is what I am getting.
I can edit the base path of an individual orphaned content item, but if I select "all files using this base path" it corrects neither the selected file nor all the others.
So it's not working as it should.
I can't edit every single content element with the wrong base path - it would take the rest of time!
any ideas?
It used to work - I have done it in the past. Unfortunately if it's broken now it is probably unlikely to be fixed as 4.9 is the current version. In principle I think it's scriptable - in fact I am pretty sure if you scan the scripting forum there's a thread in which Rob told me how to do it (different context, but I think still relevant).
Try looking at if you are comfortable with scripting.
You could of course report the issue you are having - support may be able to help you even if I am right in thinking that, if it is a bug, it's unlikely to be fixed.
Many thanks Richard. Much appreciated.
this is SO annoying!
What is weird is that the content icons all display fine when I just browse through the folders. It's only when I search that they don't appear.
Richard, if I reindex the database, will I lose all the categorization and tags I have done? (coz I really don't want that!)
You mean Reset the Database and Reimport metadata? Yes, unless you first Export User data (from the Content DB Maintenance dilogue, available through the Content Library pane option menu).
ok, so if I first export uder data, then reset database, then reimport metadata, it will retain my customizations (ie tags and categorizations)?
(in other words, the metadata is not only the content creator's metadata, but also mine)
Yes, that should work - you could also (on Windows) back up C:\Users\You\AppData\Roaming\Daz 3D\cms as insurance (I think that Application Support\Daz 3D\cms on Mac).
Great. Thanks so much Richard
Worked perfectly!