Hi, what is the default render dpi on the finished product? Is there a way to set it? I need a 6 x 9 inch at 300 dpi? I can edit it later in photoshop but wondered if there was a way to set a 300 in the render settings.
Fishtales explained how to do it, but I wanted to add that D|S doesn't store DPI (really PPI for a digital image) with the file. Most software and printers will interpret missing DPI/PPI metadata as 72 dots/pixels per inch. You can update the resolution in Photoshop, though for best results be sure to turn off the scale feature. You want the number of pixels to remain the same as you change the resolution. Having done this, your desired DPI/PPI will not now be stored in the file.
At 6 inches by 9 inches the render should be set at 1800 pixels by 2700 pixels to give a print at 300 dpi.
Fishtales explained how to do it, but I wanted to add that D|S doesn't store DPI (really PPI for a digital image) with the file. Most software and printers will interpret missing DPI/PPI metadata as 72 dots/pixels per inch. You can update the resolution in Photoshop, though for best results be sure to turn off the scale feature. You want the number of pixels to remain the same as you change the resolution. Having done this, your desired DPI/PPI will not now be stored in the file.
Edit: now, not not!
Make sure that constrain aspect ration is off then type 300*6 and 300*9 into the size fields in Render Settings.