Cant see the new items for sale...

I was able to see them last night but now no matter how much I refresh or delete cookies I stil don't see anything newer than Raw Oagre when I click new releases. It also shows their prices from a week ago. This happened to me yesterday but after multiple cookie clearing and refreshing I got it to show me actual new releases, but now nothing seems to be working.
Click on page 2 of new releases, then page 1 - and you get the latest. Stupid fix, but it works ;)
Also hitting F5 on your keyboard may help in getting them to show.
ctrl-F5 (cmd-F5 on aMac browser) also usually works, forcing a refresh
Ctrl - F5 works... kinda. Just got a notice this AM about some new female Genesis clothing. Can't make it come to the top and can't find it unless I use the link provided in the mailer! I hope getting the sorting is somewhere near the top of the list. Really not good for the merchants or DAZ's business!
Classy Causal:
Classy Texture Exp:
Casual Afternoon:
Casual Texture Exp:
I´m having the same problem, that new items are not shown (despite clearing my cache/ ctrl-F5). However someone in another thread suggested to click on DAZ Studio in the new releases catagory (Bottom Shop by Compatible 3D software) . This worked for me now the new releases are shown.
Edit: Just played around with the shop now options (in new releases). Suddenly i'm seeing a lot more new products. That did not show up when opening the "new releases" main catagory (despite i'm clearing my cache).
For example, a genesis body morph resource Kit 1
Despite i almost look daily at the new releases.
I have the same problem. I change the number of items displayed on the page and that does it for me.
F5 and CTRL+F5 didn't work for me.
When I arrive to the New Products page, the Sort by Release date is selected by defaul; but the Newest products are never shown.
To solve this issue I had to press the arrow at the right side of this field twice:
first to sort from the older to the newer ↑
second to sort from the newer to the older ↓
Only after that I can see the newest products released to the store on the first page. Hope this can help you until DAZ solves the problem.
I tried everything else suggested to no avail, but this was the one that ended up working!!!
I tried everything else suggested to no avail, but this was the one that ended up working!!!
Only after I clicked on second page and then back to page 1. (After changing the sort order and back.)
So now is: change order on release date. Change again. Click on page 2, click on page 1. At the moment this seems to work.