OT - Have You Ever Had A LOL Dream?

edited June 2012 in The Commons

You know, one of those dreams where you wake yourself up because you're laughing so much.

I've had several over the past few years, and I thought everybody did. But a friend recently told me they'd never, ever had one and that you only have these LOL dreams when you're totally relaxed and happy (which sort of fits the times I've had them). So I'm wondering how many of my fellow DAZ Forum-ites have had these LOL dreams?

Feel free to post a brief summary of any LOL dream you've had if you think it might amuse any of us. Judging by the forums some light relief is definitely required!

Since the poll's been removed, here are the non-poll results so far from the posts in this thread as at 07 June 2012 08:15 PM (DAZ time, I think?):

Yes I've had LOL dreams (2) - vagabondfantasist, Norse Graphics
No I don't have LOL dreams (3) - lordvicore, Vaskania, wendy♥catz
Not sure, can't tell from the post (2) - Richard Haseltine, Miss Bad Wolf

Post edited by NoneOfYourBusiness on


  • edited December 1969

    Here's mine for starters - for several years I couldn't repeat it without falling into fits of hysteria. I've got past that stage now (mostly). Not sure where the dream came from. Not sure if anybody else will find it even vaguely amusing. But here it is anyway...

    We (can't recall who) were chasing these guys (can't recall who) through a ship/steelyard/corridors (can't recall exactly what/where) when the middle guy stopped, turned round, and in a condescending Prince Himperdinck type voice proclaimed:

    "I am Lord ### Of Roth, the sandwich doctor, and I can make myself thin!" (I think that's when I started laughing - I was chuckling as I typed it!)

    So I threw the big kitchen-knife/throwing-knife I happened to be holding at him, and he did, so it missed!

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,591
    edited December 1969

    Poll removed - we aren't sure why polls are enabled, they weren't on the old forums, but it isn't the intent that they should be there.

  • Norse GraphicsNorse Graphics Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    What fantasies? Dirty ones?

    Come on, show some courage and tell us... ;-)

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    edited December 1969

    I've never woken up laughing... I once woke up with my fist through a huge hole I made in the wall next to the bed... really hurt... it was wood lathe and thick, real plaster. You don't want to startle me when I sleep.
    I do have "movie dreams" sometimes with pretty decent plots and one even had its own soundtrack... the cool thing is as far as I've ever been able to figure out, it was unique... a little James Horner-like but I don't think my brain copied it from anywhere... weird because I can't play any instruments.

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    Can't say I've had 'lol' dreams. Mine are usually action/horror or some sensual crap. :lol:

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,141
    edited December 1969

    I had a dream last night that I was at a small college. I felt like everything was wrong. I tried to figure things. I somehow turned into Supergirl and was fighting crime but there was some bad guy near by and he must have some kryptonite on him as I could not do anything except watch the other heroes save the day.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,141
    edited December 1969

    I thought it was funny that I was Supergirl but I could not do anything but watch other super heroes do their stuff.

  • Norse GraphicsNorse Graphics Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    Some times horror, other times floating in outer space.

    Anyway, on the first, I remember I had a dream of being chased after watching 'Alien' the first time. It was a non-LOL dream.

    On LOL-themed dreams, of course! Something about being a cat and singing in "Greatest Talents".

    Post edited by Norse Graphics on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,079
    edited December 1969

    lol! I started a poll the first week of the forum!
    other foums have them too!

    my dreams are boring, scarey or weird but never LOL!

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited June 2012

    Poll removed - we aren't sure why polls are enabled, they weren't on the old forums, but it isn't the intent that they should be there.

    They were enabled on the prior forums as well.
    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • edited June 2012

    Poll removed - we aren't sure why polls are enabled, they weren't on the old forums, but it isn't the intent that they should be there.

    Aw, Richard, you party-pooper...
    ...or did the sandwich doctor force you to take the poll down... ;)

    :) :D <-- smileys don't seem to be working for me today either... ho hum...</p>

    P.S. I'm sure the option to add a poll was there when you started a thread on the old forums, but I never tried it. So I'm not sure if it ever actually worked. Come to think of it all the polls I recall were started by DAZ staff (or maybe mods/admins).

    Post edited by NoneOfYourBusiness on
  • edited June 2012

    Okay, since the original purpose of this thread (i.e. the poll) is gone let's see what it turns into. I'm sure that dreams provide many people with ideas for renders, so maybe we'll end up with a few ideas here instead...

    Non-poll results so far from the posts in this thread:

    Yes I've had LOL dreams (2) - vagabondfantasist, Norse Graphics
    No I don't have LOL dreams (3) - lordvicore, Vaskania, wendy♥catz
    Not sure, can't tell from the post (2) - Richard Haseltine, Miss Bad Wolf
    Btw - for anybody whose interested (and judging only by the people I've spoken to) it seems that only a small minority have LOL dreams.

    Norse Graphics - I never mentioned 'fantasises' - anyway, no flags on the forums!

    lordvicore's 'movie dreams' sound really cool! Given the number of 'creatives' on these forums, does anybody have stories of creative genius at work in their dreams? I do recall waking up once from a dream where I was reading aloud from a really interesting book, and I carried on reading aloud - I had no idea what was coming in the story, but it continued to make perfect sense (I wish I'd written it down - maybe I'd be a best-selling author by now!). A friend had a similar experience, except they realised that they were actually just talking gobbledigook!

    I like Miss Bad Wolf's - wonder where that comes from? The site/store/forum in a shambles, frustration about being able to nothing, Genesis Supersuit... just coincidence... ;)

    Post edited by NoneOfYourBusiness on
  • Cyn ArtCyn Art Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I've had LoL dreams before, but I can't remember completely what they're about now. One had something to do with us as giggling kids (siblings and cousins). Maybe my memory will jog, or my SO's will if I ask him what I've said. lol

    He laughs a lot in his dreams . . . and seems to dance and tap his feet to music a lot also. Usually, he falls back to sleep so fast I don't get a clear answer as to what the complete scene is. I usually just push on him a few times and ask if he's having a bad dream and he wakes enough to say he's laughing, or dancing, or something usually fun. My dreams vary so much that there's quite a variety. Lately, I'm having dreams where I'm young. It's kind of weird . . . because when I look in the mirror after having gotten up - I'm really disappointed! LOLOL

  • Norse GraphicsNorse Graphics Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Maybe your SO is dreaming on doing tapdancing on "Dancing with the stars"... ;-)

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,079
    edited December 1969

    I have vivid very weird tecnicolour full smellovision and taste filled dreams but not ones where I wake up laughing!
    I even find myself in Carrara and studio after using the computer changing my own parameters!
    have nightmares.
    the myth that dying in a dream results in real life death is untrue,
    I have been in car crashes where I then look at my headless body sprawled through the windscreen presumably from my severed head!!!

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Nobody has mentioned Lucid Dreams yet. I have those from time to time. For some odd reason in the middle of ordinary type dreams the ones when I'm just taking a walk or that kind of thing I suddenly know I'm dreaming. Then I can take over the dream and do stuff, I've made myself fly, I've made trees bloom with pretty flowers, changed the sky. Stuff like that. It only last a little bit then I'm just dreaming again.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,591
    edited December 1969

    P.S. I'm sure the option to add a poll was there when you started a thread on the old forums, but I never tried it. So I'm not sure if it ever actually worked. Come to think of it all the polls I recall were started by DAZ staff (or maybe mods/admins).

    Only Art Studio had the ability to create polls on the old site, we put it there thinking it would be useful for render challenges (and we may want it there for that reason with the new forums). Members Only did have polls for a while but they were removed a fair while ago.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,079
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Nobody has mentioned Lucid Dreams yet. I have those from time to time. For some odd reason in the middle of ordinary type dreams the ones when I'm just taking a walk or that kind of thing I suddenly know I'm dreaming. Then I can take over the dream and do stuff, I've made myself fly, I've made trees bloom with pretty flowers, changed the sky. Stuff like that. It only last a little bit then I'm just dreaming again.

    just did not know the term
    have the dreams
    usually head for the fridge where there is ALWAYS a lobster and a pavlova!!!
    usually wake up before I can enjoy myself, fight it but futile!
  • Cyn ArtCyn Art Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    Maybe your SO is dreaming on doing tapdancing on "Dancing with the stars"... ;-)

    LOLOL I guess I'll know once he starts twirling about and hits the floor. In RL, you should see him w/ the music at the store. :lol: - I've decided it may be involuntary. :blank:

    @ wendy♥catz: Ooooo. Spooky. The times I died I woke up instantaneously. Once I had been laying on my arms and they were asleep . . . so when I died on impact, I woke up to being a helpless worm without the use of my limbs! LoL It was really weird.

    I do the color/smell dreams, too. I also get a lot of what seem to be "visits" from my deceased loved ones, including pets. I've had quite a few where I figure out I'm dreaming, but I refuse to wake up because I don't want the visit to end and we've even discussed it in the dream. Once, when I was pleading with my grandmother while we were parting, she told me I shouldn't sleep forever.

    The weirdest dream I ever experienced was when my niece told me her deceased brother was antagonizing her in her dreams (like he usually did in real life . . . and I was their constant mediator when they were here). It was upsetting her so much, that one night when we got off the phone after she was crying, I was standing by the dining room table and got so frustrated that I spoke into the air asking him to stop doing that to her, that she was suffering . . . and I said I wanted him to apologize, like I had said it so many times before. I knew it was an act of futile desperation and of missing him.

    When I drove over to take her to work a couple of days later, she told me that my nephew came to her again in her dreams and apologized, but woke her, saying he wanted her to remember that he had.

    I had never told her of my request so I told her later and asked if I had done wrong, but she said "no" and that she thought she would lose her mind should it have gone on much longer. Poor dear. It may have been coincidental, but it all felt so real at the time.

    Post edited by Cyn Art on
  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 794
    edited June 2012

    I have had one of those laughing "dreams" as well as crying. I say "dreams" because at some point you know you're asleep, but at the same time, you feel yourself actually crying/laughing. I don't remember now what the dreams were about though. What I always find amazing is whenever I am dreaming about the bathroom and when I wake up it is usually because I really need to get to the bathroom (no accidents here though!). That might be tad tmi, but I guess I was just expanding on dreams the subliminal messages it can send us. It always amazes. Now if only I can dream about winning the lottery :roll:

    Post edited by ThatGuy on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    edited June 2012

    Given the number of 'creatives' on these forums, does anybody have stories of creative genius at work in their dreams?

    The "movie dreams" usually are not applicable to stuff I create, except for small bits and pieces, like visuals or action segments... One cool "series" of dreams I had took place in just over a ten or twelve year period... I would have them randomly, but they would pick up where they left off... it would be hard to explain it exactly but the base theme was in that world there were randomly placed time gates (one way, but usually there would be a reverse gate near... not that reverse meant return... just back or forward... 10, 50 or 100 random years)... the gates where usually located in abandoned or little used area and mostly in sealed off doorways (the oddest one was a large electrical cabinet)(edited to add- I forgot about the elevator with multiple gate openings in an alternate 1974). The dream was actually more like a video game and apparently never strayed from the base rules or story guidelines (which does not surprise me, since I hate when they make up rules for a story universe in books and movies and constantly change them)... The dreams all took place in the New York Metro area from 2034 to 1890 (by the way the future is boring and stupid)... The first dream began (real world date was probably in 1983) with me chasing a guy who had tried to stab someone on a subway platform, he ducked into a tunnel at the 59th street station and I quickly lost him, when I came back out, the platform was rush hour crowded... everything was different looking, when I decided to leave the station I realized it was the mid 1960s... I immediately realized I had to get back... with no usable token I had to sneak in and get back into the tunnel...
    The first dozen or so of the dreams where super annoying... I was basically lost and stuck using the subway system to get close to my proper time. Eventually I figured out a system and what opened where (most of those gates where in the actual tunnel maintenance areas)... I also learned the gates only worked for me (if someone was chasing me- only I could pass through the gate... they would just pass into the next room), and later I'd find some nefarious characters who were looking to stop me, could also pass through.
    As the dream progressed over the next couple of years I learned there was a reason I had passed through the first gate to begin with and that I actually had a task to accomplish... it took several years to figure out how to do it, but I was able to achieve the goal and fix everything. The best and most action packed parts of the dream took place in the 1940s during WW2 in the area around the Brooklyn Naval yard, and the hardest part was trying to break a loop from the 1890s to the mid 1920s... I only visited the future once and it was very evident it was "not supposed to be" and my being there was VERY dangerous... For the dream in general, the level of detail was really cool... especially stuff from the past that I would see in the dream and later find out about, see a picture of in a book or read about after ... stuff that made me wonder where I read about it or saw pictures of it to begin with and thus use it in the dream... After I finished the last part of the mission, I stepped back to the correct time and finished the dream... I stood there in the doorway of the old Blackwell hall on Roosevelt island looking back across the river at Manhattan and the UN building... feeling very weird and empty that it was all over.... And I never repeated the dream since. Game over. The weird thing is how real it was... like I could talk about it like it really happened and remember it clearly. One REALLY weird part was I once woke up with a scar that I don't remember having before, that corresponded to an injury in the dream... but I'm full of scars, so that in itself is not so surprising. But yeah... I'm not into time travel stories because I for the most part don't think it is possible... But I have often thought of writing out the dream as a story... I don't think it would be all that bad. At least better than most Si Fi channel movies.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited June 2012

    Jaderail said:
    Nobody has mentioned Lucid Dreams yet. I have those from time to time. For some odd reason in the middle of ordinary type dreams the ones when I'm just taking a walk or that kind of thing I suddenly know I'm dreaming. Then I can take over the dream and do stuff, I've made myself fly, I've made trees bloom with pretty flowers, changed the sky. Stuff like that. It only last a little bit then I'm just dreaming again.

    Lucid Dreaming is also considered an Out of Body Experience. Some people have woken up claiming they were able to look down on themselves sleeping and see these light, hazy 'umbilical cord' type things attaching their ghostly self to their sleeping self, like a giant balloon.

    I've read techniques on ways to invoke it, bit it requires a lot of concentration and extremely quiet surroundings. Apparently you also have to know how to 'jump' back into your body.

    I've also read about people saying they travel to other countries and such, like a cheap way to travel and sight see without ever leaving the house.
    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,079
    edited December 1969

    I have had fake out of body dreams where I realize I am dreaming so go to my bedroom to check out me sleeping.
    I am always wearing the wrong clothes or nightie and sometimes have been in my bedroom in the wrong house, namely my old one that was demolished.
    I do always find my body though and then wake up!
    if I fly (which involves swimming in the air) I always find myself heading for powerlines at some point and wake up scared of being eletrocuted.
    I often turn up to work in my pajamas so take them off and realize I am working naked.
    Also I drive my car from the back seat and find as a result I cannot reach the brake and steering wheel so am heading for a crash.

  • Norse GraphicsNorse Graphics Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    McGyver, that's a pretty cool dream that could be the basis of a real computer-game. With the use of the Source-engine, it should be possible for an indie-game company to make a mod. It's not that far from Portal, but in this instance it's traveling through time, not space.


  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Just wanted to say that I've read the stuff here and think you're all a bit weird.

    One thing I know for certain about dreams is that Caffeine can play a big part in it.

    I used to think it was nonsense, but it's not, it's absolutely true - it just depends on the type. I'd been drinking Coffee forever and it never effected me, but then I tried some weird Brazilian stuff and I tell you what, you can forget about watching "Hostel" or whatever, just go to sleep on this stuff instead. I was subjected to a few weeks of really intense dreams and actually thought there might be something wrong with me - no kidding.

    Then the weird Brazillian coffee ran out and the dreams stopped.

    Sadistic as it might sound, I'll have to buy another jar so that I can use it whenever I fancy a totally screwed-up dream. Can't remember the name of it but I'll know it instantly from the label when I see it again. Will have to remember to buy another jar, a big one this time!

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    edited June 2012

    pumeco said:
    Just wanted to say that I've read the stuff here and think you're all a bit weird.

    Thats very kind of you... thanks!
    I have a PHD in weird, but generally I don't like to brag... I try and let my personality work that out for me when I meet people.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969


  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    edited June 2012

    McGyver, that's a pretty cool dream that could be the basis of a real computer-game. With the use of the Source-engine, it should be possible for an indie-game company to make a mod. It's not that far from Portal, but in this instance it's traveling through time, not space.

    That would be cool, but it would have to be a BIG game, sandbox type with multiple versions of the same city in different time periods... In the dream the "true reason" I was there was a surprise to me (which is weird, since it was my dream... nice that my brain likes keeping secrets though), that surprise was pretty believable (based on the story line) and probably could make a decent plot device.
    When Apple makes the iLink Neural bus relay device they obviously must be working on, I'll see if I can have that dream ported for iOS.
    Post edited by McGyver on
  • Cyn ArtCyn Art Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    Vaskania said:

    Lucid Dreaming is also considered an Out of Body Experience. Some people have woken up claiming they were able to look down on themselves sleeping and see these light, hazy 'umbilical cord' type things attaching their ghostly self to their sleeping self, like a giant balloon.

    I've read techniques on ways to invoke it, bit it requires a lot of concentration and extremely quiet surroundings. Apparently you also have to know how to 'jump' back into your body.

    I've also read about people saying they travel to other countries and such, like a cheap way to travel and sight see without ever leaving the house.

    "I've read techniques on ways to invoke it, bit it requires a lot of concentration and extremely quiet surroundings. Apparently you also have to know how to 'jump' back into your body."

    :ohh: No. Thank you very much. I'm really clumsy. I just know I'd probably trip and fall and break my chord, or hang my ghostly self with it or something. :-S I can just hear my adult daughter yelling at my dead self, now. "Mom! . . . "

    "I've also read about people saying they travel to other countries and such, like a cheap way to travel and sight see without ever leaving the house."

    I do that sometimes. I call it the Travel Channel. ; }
    But I have had several recurring dreams about flying around above some mountain ridges . . . and I fly back and down onto this castle, where I slowly land in this open courtyard. When I found a book of castles around the world, I looked through it to see if mine was any of them. LoL (Wondering if somehow one had impressed my mind so without me knowing it.) I do the descending thing a lot (it's like taking long floating steps downward). It's like walking on air. I'm sure other people do that in their dreams. I'm curious to know how common it is.

    Post edited by Cyn Art on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    edited June 2012

    I once tried controlling my dreams... it never worked and it just made me sleepy. If anything, I had more boring dreams... the guy who wrote the book, who swore by his technique claimed you could actively control your dreams... I don't know if it worked for other people, but it was rather uneventful and in retrospect kinda dumb... then again he had developed his technique because he suffered from night terrors as a child... the problem with me was if I had anything close to a night terror, I'd want to go back try it again... I actually liked nightmares... when I was a kid I never understood why people didn't like them... they were fun, you could fight monsters and if you lost or got killed, you just woke up... I used to hate it when a monster won and I never had the dream again... it was like it got away.

    Post edited by McGyver on
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