Bryce/Studio workflow...

I been so busy with Carrara lately, havent trickled into my old Bryce habits in a while. Didnt realize until recent how I almost NEVER use studio/poser content, Ive been importing meshes for eons, old skool it was never easy the process, so I just "worked around" it. More like avoided altogther, LOL!!!


I am curious to the workflow you guys have/use who utilize content from Daz Studio. How do you get numerous items to a scene? One at a time? is there a certain way, options I need to be aware of?

Any help would be awesome... Would be cool using "normal" stuff once in a while.......


  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895

    Hi Mat,

    I am in no way an expert. Some people use the Bryce Bridge in DAZ Studio. I usually already have my Bryce scene open and then the bridge would open en new scene. I therefore export the items to OBJ and import them in Bryce. I tend not to export/import multiple items at once, unless I want them to be in a fixed relation (position or pose) to each other. Obviously, I import clothing and accessories as part of the person/animal-group. Because I import more or less one-by-one, I can easily place the items where I want them.

    Of course, I only export / import posed items or items fitted to persons or animals, because props can usually be imported to Bryce directly (in several formats).

  • MatCreatorMatCreator Posts: 215

    Aye, that sounds old skool, LOL!!! I tried it way back when it was introduced, always caused a crash or would make corrupt files during save, so i never explored the process.

    So when using the bridge......... Are both programs kept open, and do we start a new scene for each scene item to be bridged over? i get bridging over a textured and clothed figure, but then what do you do to add the bench she will sit on, and then the lightpost, and then the guy thatll be walking toward her...

    Hope that makes sense. I dont understand the full process of utilizing the bridge for more than one scene item..... Will have to explore and hope my system doesnt explode.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    You don't need to create a new scene for each item, you can store them all in a single scene.  When I feel I might want to resend them (for example, changing the pose on a figure to send again) I just create a DAZ Studio scene with whatever I want in it, just as a random collection of objects.  You can send one thing, verify it works, then send another later, either in the same session or in a new session.

    One problem you may have is getting the bridge started.   It works in one direction but errors out in the other (or can), and I always forget which is which (or maybe it even changes depending on install order? or not).  It is also possible for the bridge to work one way, but if you try to send something back, it then opens a second copy of one of the applications instead of using the existing bridge.  Since I don't use it often enough to remember, I usually just pick one of the two applications at random, create a cube, then send it to the other application.  If it fails, back out and run the other application and send it the other way.  Once I have that working as expected, then I load my scene(s) in each application and start working normally.

    Because of the potential for crashes, just get in the habit of saving before using the bridge, or after successfully transferring something before doing serious work, so it really doesn't matter if something goes wrong during the transfer.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    Another thing to consider before using the bridge is reducing/eliminating image-based material sizes, since those hog a lot of memory that is quickly used up in Bryce, which can lead to crashes (thus happening when using the bridge, even though the bridge itself isn't the cause).  Texture Atlas in DAZ Studio can be used (well, sometimes, I'm having an issue with one object currently), or materials can be completely removed and you can use Bryce materials when appropriate, etc. 

  • MatCreatorMatCreator Posts: 215

    Built up the courage and played around a bit, wasnt so bad. I initially opened bryce first, then studio, but when i sent my 1st item over it opened another window for bryce. As I wanted a new scene item, id start a new scene and bridge over. just once, i had to repose a figure, so i deleted it in bryce, went back to studio, character still there, i reposed it and bridged back, no crash =P

    Have to group everything you bring in, and be prepared to see red, LOL but its not too much drama. Wish it could separate material zones into families for selecting purposes, having to tab thru every material is ZZZzzz.....

    But thanks so much, I suppose Im over the fear now =)

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