Cromer Pier - Re-Issued



  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Yes, looks about right to me as well.

  • WilmapWilmap Posts: 2,917
    edited December 1969

    That's how I remember them.

  • CherokeeCherokee Posts: 292
    edited December 1969

    skipper25 said:
    Not much done, these last few days. I managed to produce a coin-op telescope (below) but fear that I will have to re-do it; I cannot rid myself of the thought that it looks like a WW1 machine-gun!

    Skipper, that's looking good but if your not satisfied with the looks of those, you could try one of these

  • skipper25skipper25 Posts: 0
    edited July 2012

    Mmmmmm. Got hit by a virus yesterday. I guess that I was getting complacent - it is about two years since my last - but this had slipped by my Norton and other protection and clobbered me good. During the worst moments I thought that everything was lost but one recovers and in fact I began to enjoy it in a way; it's a sort of duel with the poor sad sack who wrote the thing. Sure, there was a possibility that the pier might have to be remodelled but it would be even better, right? As Kipling put it,

    "If you can see the things you gave your life to broken
    And stoop and build them up again with worn-out tools..."

    In the event, a few hours work with the Windows installation disk has got everything back almost as it was and my net loss has been a couple of days - oh, and and the telescope. OTOH, the gain has been in confidence and an increased determination to get this thing finished. It was perhaps what I needed. Watch this space......

    Post edited by skipper25 on
  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,399
    edited December 1969

    Sorry to hear about the virus but glad things weren't totally fubared

  • skipper25skipper25 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Robert. In the end it wasn't too bad. I keep thinking about the poor benighted idiot who has to get his kicks out of causing trouble for people he has never met. Man, he's lost! A great big void inside. I'm just immensely glad not to be him.
    "Fubared" - I've not heard that before, but I can guess. LOL.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,974
    edited December 1969

    Glad to hear you got rid of the computer virus. Any idea how you picked it up?

  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,399
    edited December 1969

    skipper25 said:

    "Fubared" - I've not heard that before, but I can guess. LOL.

    American military slang first word not printable here rest = " up beyond all recognition or repair" depending on situation

  • skipper25skipper25 Posts: 0
    edited July 2012

    LOL. I had something like that in mind.
    Simon - it was picked up browsing the internet. I check the news daily and will often follow links on interesting items - on and on, link and link. It was one of those, but I cannot tell which one. The author was British and there were no spelling or grammatical errors, but beyond that, nothing. It was quite well done actually, although once I got over the shock I found it relatively easy to dispose of. But - there - I have been in computing for fifty years.

    Post edited by skipper25 on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    skipper25 said:
    LOL. I had something like that in mind.
    Simon - it was picked up browsing the internet. I check the news daily and will often follow links on interesting items - on and on, link and link. It was one of those, but I cannot tell which one. The author was British and there were no spelling or grammatical errors, but beyond that, nothing. It was quite well done actually, although once I got over the shock I found it relatively easy to dispose of. But - there - I have been in computing for fifty years.

    Skipper you could consider changing your AV. I was fed up with with mine for letting malware through and tried the free version of Avast (on reccomendation) and was so pleased with the results that I cancelled my sub with the AV i had been using (Not Norton but another big name one) and instead purchased Avast. It has saved me from several possible malware links, even if sometimes it does get a bit paranoid. WHne it comes to viruses and malware I would rather have paranoid than have things slip through.
  • skipper25skipper25 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Cho. I'll bear that in mind - and I agree about paranoia. Mind you, with one virus in two years slipping through the defences, I am not losing sleep. These things are simply irritating and time-wasting. (I keep financial details on a second computer that is kept isolated from all others.) It is certain however that malware writers are getting better (worse?) at what they do. This particular virus had a very cute trick up its sleeve - having infected my boot-up procedure, it then prompted an automatic system backup. This meant that when, as my first prophylactic response, I accessed the last saved version of my system, the virus was reloaded. As soon as I saw this, I reverted to an earlier version. Bingo. Cute, but no cigar, as the Americans say.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Yeah back ups can be a life saver. My last virus was one that had been lurking around, and was triggered by a password would you believe. Someone loading a September prize to a major file share site in 2011 and passwording it using numerics for the date, so those fateful numbers 9 and 11. That one was averted by dropping back to a couple of saves previous.

  • skipper25skipper25 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Oh, I believe you. Every virus that has ever been written will continue to exist unless and until it has been eliminated from every computer in the world. Think about it - that means almost NEVER. Every bit of spiteful, dangerous or criminal software will hang around for decades. In the old days we chanted the mantra, "Save often," and lived up to it, saving work every hour or so. That was because progs in those days were very tender and would often crash. (Some still do!) Progs generally have got better, but now we have burkes and their malicious viruses, so the same rule still applies.
    SAVE OFTEN. Hear me, everyone? S.A.V.E....O.F.T.E.N.!!!

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,974
    edited December 1969

    skipper25 said:
    Oh, I believe you. Every virus that has ever been written will continue to exist unless and until it has been eliminated from every computer in the world. Think about it - that means almost NEVER. Every bit of spiteful, dangerous or criminal software will hang around for decades. In the old days we chanted the mantra, "Save often," and lived up to it, saving work every hour or so. That was because progs in those days were very tender and would often crash. (Some still do!) Progs generally have got better, but now we have burkes and their malicious viruses, so the same rule still applies.
    SAVE OFTEN. Hear me, everyone? S.A.V.E....O.F.T.E.N.!!!

    And, speaking as an ex-Systems Programmer ... do backups. No, really ... backup your system - at least from time to time.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    I have most of my stuff on external's, 2 of them identical. All my runtimes and texture folders for my texturing work etc and most of my downloads that are all redy backed up onto CDs and such. Only the apps themselves are on the main PC.

    When I eventually get a new PC I am going to have 2 HDs, and one will just have the OS and that sort of stuff on it, the apps will all go on the 2nd drive.

  • skipper25skipper25 Posts: 0
    edited July 2012

    Thanks guys. Some excellent advice there. Do not forget memory sticks either. I duplicate my own creations on one, with downloads (including apps) on another. (You can't boot from a memory stick however.) It's a belt-and-braces thing and to hell with jibes about paranoia.
    Now - a good night's sleep and then - back to where we left off, trying to get this pier finished!

    Post edited by skipper25 on
  • skipper25skipper25 Posts: 0
    edited July 2012

    That is a MUCH more satisfactory telescope! (Below) The breakwaters have also been done, leaving the entrance building as the final (largish) job - it has to be made more economical and efficient. I note that the sea must be toned down quite considerably, but otherwise everything is in hand. This should not take too long.

    592 x 320 - 42K
    197 x 307 - 13K
    Post edited by skipper25 on
  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,399
    edited December 1969

    This just keeps getting better every time I see it

  • skipper25skipper25 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thank you Robert. That is very kind of you.

  • skipper25skipper25 Posts: 0
    edited July 2012

    A milestone has been passed with the completion of all major modelling. (The saving has been quite substantial.) Yay!! Now we enter into the fiddling stage - adjusting minor points. The sea must be toned down as I have said, while the brass handrails do not look like brass and are too skinny. Things like that. This will keep us busy for a while, then the next major (and final) milestone will be translating the whole thing into Poser. We're getting there - and I am having a ball. :-)

    790 x 620 - 121K
    Post edited by skipper25 on
  • WilmapWilmap Posts: 2,917
    edited December 1969

    That is wonderful Skipper.

    Just looking at your beautiful model transports me back to my youth. It is just as I remember it all those years ago.

    Must have this when it is finished.:-)

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,974
    edited December 1969

    Looking very good. Now, about the sun-kissed Baywatch babes ...? ;)

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Umm, pardon, what.......... this is the UK remember. More like rain-washed than sun-kissed. :roll:

  • Alisa Uh-LisaAlisa Uh-Lisa Posts: 1,308
    edited December 1969

    Looking great! :)

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,974
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Umm, pardon, what.......... this is the UK remember. More like rain-washed than sun-kissed. :roll:

    Well, it was ruddy sunny and hot today! :)

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    OK, that's your summer for this year.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,974
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    OK, that's your summer for this year.

    Oh, I hope so, I hate it hot and humid! :)
  • skipper25skipper25 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    What? What? There's been a summer? I guess I missed it while I was having that cup of tea. Darn!!

  • skipper25skipper25 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    As far as the sea is concerned, after fooling around with it for a couple of days, I realised that I was on a hiding to nothing. (Is that the correct phrase?) That is, there are so many parameters involved that the slightest adjustment resulted in a different mood. Above all perhaps, the greatest difference came about with the choice of render engine and settings. All of this meant that no matter what I did, different users would produce widely different effects. Well, perhaps that is as it should be. All that I can do is offer the tools and a set-up that I consider to be OK.
    Nearly done. I have included the telescope but my original intention to create a whelk and crab stall has gone by the board, as well as deckchair hire, Punch and Judy and so on. This is because I am getting concerned about the overall size of the file. Perhaps I will make these later as a general-purpose seaside add-on download.
    Some time tomorrow we will move into the final stage of translation for Poser, then later to bundling and uploading.

    800 x 503 - 61K
  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,974
    edited December 1969

    "Hiding to nothing" is indeed the right phrase!
    The sea has many moods and small changes can have large outcomes - go with what you've got. If the water is a separate object/plane/prop etc., it is simple for the user to substitute something of their own if your supplied sea does not suit them.

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