Can not be installed on PhotoShop CS4!

Leo ChenLeo Chen Posts: 697

Can not be installed on PhotoShop CS4!

But the CC,CS5 and CS6 are not required according to their "product pages".

How come?

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  • EtriganEtrigan Posts: 603
    edited April 2017


    Have you defined the path to PS in Studio? I ran into this when I first got Ron's brushes. There is, in the Settings tab under Applications a place to do this. It is also there for the photoshop bridge. The first error code makes that suggestion. Once PS location is defined, DIM will install to that directory. The other option is to manually install the brushes to your Photoshop directory.

    Post edited by Etrigan on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,885
    edited April 2017
  • Leo ChenLeo Chen Posts: 697
    Etrigan said:


    Have you defined the path to PS in Studio? I ran into this when I first got Ron's brushes. There is, in the Settings tab under Applications a place to do this. It is also there for the photoshop bridge. The first error code makes that suggestion. Once PS location is defined, DIM will install to that directory. The other option is to manually install the brushes to your Photoshop directory.

    Thank you,Etrigan.

    Finally I have found the solution.

    These products are recognized by DIM as products for Photoshop 7,CS3,CS5,CS6.

    So, I had added Photoshop 7,CS3,CS5,CS6 to DIM's Applications tab.
    And I set the paths to the PhotoShop CS4.


    Cararra 1 擷取.PNG
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  • Leo ChenLeo Chen Posts: 697
    barbult said:

    Thank you,barbult.

    I think PAs should correct this problem.


    Brush DIM 20170419.PNG
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