Having a problem injecting a morph into V4

dbdigital2dbdigital2 Posts: 270
edited April 2017 in New Users

I purchased a clothing product from another location and it has 3 waist "shaper" morphs to inject into V4.  When I double click on the injection in content library no error is given, but I don't see the morph dials either.   I did look though the various body parts as well.  When I double click the inject it flashes a loading for a split second, then nothing.  The log says they were injected, but I still don't see them.  Any ideas?  All the other morphs I have work fine.  Seems like I am missing something.  Granted it is older, but a poser morph injection (.pz2) made for v4.2 should still work right?

Post edited by dbdigital2 on


  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    "but a poser morph injection (.pz2) made for v4.2 should still work right?"

    Under normal circumstances, yes. It would help if you could provide the name of the product, as that might lend some insight into the issue. It isn't a generic problem, so a generic solution is not likely to work.

    Since the product comes from elsewhere, it probably has an old school readme file. Does that speak to anything specific regarding the use of the morphs?

    Is there anything showing in the log file pertaining to the attempt to inject the morphs?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,933

    Did the product include a \Runtime\Libraries\!DAZ folder?

  • dbdigital2dbdigital2 Posts: 270
    edited April 2017

    Did the product include a \Runtime\Libraries\!DAZ folder?

    Nope.  It has a Runtime\Libaries\Character and that had the figure(pants) then in the Runtime\Pose\ had the MAT's in one folder and the shaper morphs in another.  I did notice that both the MAT's and V4 shaper morphs had a ! at the start of the folder, does that give the same significance?.  The MAT's work fine though.

    Post edited by dbdigital2 on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Does it have a .pmd file?

  • dbdigital2dbdigital2 Posts: 270

    Nope, just .PZ2 files  one for inject and one for remove.

  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,897

    All morphs for Poser content in DS requires a channel in the item for them to be injected into, so the first thing you need to do is find out what channels the PZ2's are trying to use.

    Open the injection PZ2 in a text editor (it's plain ascii so should open in most editors) and search for the word targetGeom, the text on the rest of that line is the channel name, chances are there is more than one targetGeom so check all of them and copy the channel names and post them here, this will give me a better idea of what we are dealing with.

  • dbdigital2dbdigital2 Posts: 270
    Bejaymac said:

    All morphs for Poser content in DS requires a channel in the item for them to be injected into, so the first thing you need to do is find out what channels the PZ2's are trying to use.

    Open the injection PZ2 in a text editor (it's plain ascii so should open in most editors) and search for the word targetGeom, the text on the rest of that line is the channel name, chances are there is more than one targetGeom so check all of them and copy the channel names and post them here, this will give me a better idea of what we are dealing with.

     Okay I checked and I think I found the reason: PMDFileMorphs  If I remember right, they are not compatible with DS.  Unless there is some sort of work around?  There isn't any TargetGeom in this PZ2 file,  Only the Create PMDFileMorphs command, location in the Geometry, then "create FullBodyMorph Shape1 create FullBodyMorph Shape2 create FullBodyMorph Shape 3"

    I had looked at the Gemoetry folder before but I was centered on the obj and didn't notice the PMD (or it didn't dawn on me what they were).  Bad case of tunnel vision I guess. :/

  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,897

    Sadly yes injectable PMD's don't work in DS, at least not for the average user, the morphs can be loaded, but it means creating extra files to do the loading plus hacking the PMD file to find the channel names and which body parts the morphs affect.

  • dbdigital2dbdigital2 Posts: 270
    Bejaymac said:

    Sadly yes injectable PMD's don't work in DS, at least not for the average user, the morphs can be loaded, but it means creating extra files to do the loading plus hacking the PMD file to find the channel names and which body parts the morphs affect.

    Hmm I might give that ago.  I have seen a few PMD products that I would get *IF* I could get them to work.  Thankfully this product is sitll ok without them, but it would be interesting to try.  You wouldn't happen to know of a tutorial on how to do this?

  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,897

    I did a couple a few years back, the one at Hivewire is gone after their forums got hacked, and not sure if there's one still here on this site, don't think either of them covered using a hex editor on the PMD, which is just to identify the channel names and which actors they are on.

    So unless you are a veteran of butchering Poser code then I really wouldn't recommend trying it.

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