Camille & Other Renders
I really never participated in the discussion forums as I spend most of my time working on my script and creating renders. I often forget about the social aspect of getting my name out there. My name is Vincent Barry, I go by Vincent for short. I am currently working on a script and producing renders by the buttload. What I'm presenting to you is a character I've been working on. Her name is Camille Ann Taggart. She's been my brain child for a while and as this discussion goes on, I'll let you in on some details. While we're at it, I would love to receive criticism (positive, please) and some tidbits on how to animate her properly. I'll also be showing off some other characters that I've been working on. I hope you enjoy!
I'm not sure if double posting is allowed but here's a few more.
Weclome to the Art Studio Vincent! I look forward to seeing how things develop. You can post as much as you want in your own thread here, and as often (or not often) as you like. You will get lots of good feedback, I can't guarantee everyone is going to say hey its perfect every time but any critique you get will most likely be kind and honest. Or blunt and honest but given with the best of intentions. Most of us are very friendly and enjoy interacting.
Do you know how to add you pictures to the body of the post? Not just the attach a file part but to put them in the post itself? Its easier to see and comment if people aren't going back and forth. I think you can add up to five in a single post. Once you have attached the file, you can click on it and it will pull up the render. Copy the url and then come back to your post and click on edit, then click on the little picture of the mountain and paste the url into. Change the largest number that pops up in the two size boxes to 800 (this allows people who have smaller screens or tablets and phones to see them easily and keeps them from distorting at the larger size) then hit enter and it will show up in your post.
And if you already knew all that I apologize. I had no clue when I started that you could do that lol.