PC membership emails ...

WillowRavenWillowRaven Posts: 3,787
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Since I know from past experience that support tickets are never answered in any usable time period, I am duplicating my question here, hoping someone from the-powers-that-be sees it and maybe handles it sooner.

I keep getting continued emails saying my PC membership is either expired or about to expire. But when I check my subscription, I see an active, monthly billing status with the next billing date shown. So why am i getting these and if I did take advantage of the renewal sale, would it over-ride my existing monthly billing?


  • adamr001adamr001 Posts: 1,322
    edited December 1969

    Since I know from past experience that support tickets are never answered in any usable time period, I am duplicating my question here, hoping someone from the-powers-that-be sees it and maybe handles it sooner.

    I keep getting continued emails saying my PC membership is either expired or about to expire. But when I check my subscription, I see an active, monthly billing status with the next billing date shown. So why am i getting these and if I did take advantage of the renewal sale, would it over-ride my existing monthly billing?

    The forums can't help with PC Membership issues. Your only true recourse is to file a ticket. If you don't get a reply in three business days (US) then you can escalate to a moderator with the ticket number and we can try and find out what's going on.
  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,781
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, I just got one of those. But I bought my annual renewal just yesterday, go figure.

  • WillowRavenWillowRaven Posts: 3,787
    edited December 1969

    adamr001 said:
    Since I know from past experience that support tickets are never answered in any usable time period, I am duplicating my question here, hoping someone from the-powers-that-be sees it and maybe handles it sooner.

    I keep getting continued emails saying my PC membership is either expired or about to expire. But when I check my subscription, I see an active, monthly billing status with the next billing date shown. So why am i getting these and if I did take advantage of the renewal sale, would it over-ride my existing monthly billing?

    The forums can't help with PC Membership issues. Your only true recourse is to file a ticket. If you don't get a reply in three business days (US) then you can escalate to a moderator with the ticket number and we can try and find out what's going on.

    Three days ... lol ... I'm good to get responses in three months ... lol. And of course they want three days, since I got the email today, and it claims to expire tonight. Making three days too late for a solution.

    Same thing happens on those 'today' only sale that I can never get to work and put in tickets that don't get responded to until long after the sale.

    I want the Daz company I fell in love with two years ago. The one that answered phones and handled problems during the phone call. Not the one I have now that takes weeks, at times months, to respond to support tickets, if ever (yes, I have had tickets that were never answered).

    My miss the Daz I fell in love with. ;(

  • adamr001adamr001 Posts: 1,322
    edited December 1969

    While I understand your frustration and know that sometimes the ticket system may have been "slow" in the past, that is not usually the case, nor is it my personal experience. Unfortunately, I also know, that without a ticket "store and membership issues" are much more difficult to address and I strongly encourage you to pursue that avenue as the most likely to get you the help you're after, quickly.

  • WillowRavenWillowRaven Posts: 3,787
    edited December 1969

    adamr001 said:
    While I understand your frustration and know that sometimes the ticket system may have been "slow" in the past, that is not usually the case, nor is it my personal experience. Unfortunately, I also know, that without a ticket "store and membership issues" are much more difficult to address and I strongly encourage you to pursue that avenue as the most likely to get you the help you're after, quickly.

    Well, as mentioned in my original post, I had copied what i submitted in a support ticket, even though I know I won't get a response in time.

    And as far as delays in tickets being a thing of the past, in wasn't a month ago that I had two tickets, both replied to too late for me to actually deal with the issue. I wouldn't really call a month ago a thing of the past.

    I was just hoping by posting it in the forums that someone who had some kind of access to my question would see it and be able to help. I don't want to spend $30 on a membership for a year and continue my monthly charges of $8 a month because the system does see the duplicate subscriptions. Half the time it doesn't recognize my membership during promotions, at least not in the cart. But it does in my account ad when it comes to charging my card ... lol.

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